Descrição do Produto: New Chapter Men’s Multivitamin Advanced Formula
A New Chapter apresenta sua fórmula avançada de multivitaminas para homens, uma solução completa para a nutrição bem equilibrada. Este multivitamínico é especialmente fermentado com probióticos benéficos e ingredientes de origem integral, garantindo que você receba todos os nutrientes essenciais sem adição de açúcares. A fórmula contém níveis elevados de nutrientes essenciais, incluindo a Vitamina D3, que é fundamental para o suporte ósseo e cardíaco, além de Vitamina C, Vitamina A e Zinco, que promovem a saúde do sistema imunológico. As vitaminas do complexo B, incluindo Biotina, são incorporadas para fornecer suporte energético, ajudando a manter sua vitalidade ao longo do dia.
Os multivitamínicos da New Chapter são facilmente digeríveis, permitindo que sejam consumidos a qualquer momento, mesmo com o estômago vazio, sem causar desconforto. A mistura limpa de ervas é composta por 23 vitaminas e minerais, habilmente combinados com botânicos superalimentares, como Gengibre, Cúrcuma orgânica e Saw Palmetto, que oferecem benefícios adicionais à saúde masculina. Todos os ingredientes são provenientes de vegetais e ervas orgânicos certificados, verificados pelo Non-GMO Project, 100% vegetarianos, certificados kosher e livres de glúten pela NSF, sem sabores ou cores artificiais.
– Suporte Completo: Oferece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais para a saúde geral dos homens.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo com ingredientes como Vitamina C e Zinco.
– Energia Sustentada: As vitaminas do complexo B ajudam a manter os níveis de energia durante todo o dia.
– Fácil Digestão: Pode ser tomado a qualquer hora, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Composição livre de aditivos artificiais, garantindo um produto limpo e saudável.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Este multivitamínico pode ser tomado a qualquer momento do dia, mesmo em jejum, devido à sua formulação suave. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma rotina regular de consumo e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
Paul T. –
This is, in my opinion, the greatest multivitamin for a man under 40 to take. I’ve tried lots of vitamins out there to try and make my body healthier and to compensate for a very bad diet. In my studies to be healthier, I learned (and should have already known this) that I just need to start eating better and stop supplementing all the time! No matter how much you supplement, your body needs good nutrition in the form of food and not a chemically altered, chemically separated, chemically isolated or lab grown nutrient. The body needs food, organic if possible. That’s where these vitamins come in, they ARE food. They don’t replace food, they supplement it.
I started like most of you, taking Flintstone vitamins when I was a youngster. That moved into centrum and then centrum performance, then to some others that a pharmacist at a Rite Aid said were the best in the world (which they were not). As I got older and wiser and fatter, I wanted to do something about how crappy I had begun to feel. I learned that centrum was basically tabulated garbage. I started to take New Chapter Every Man (2 per day) and noticed a difference in my wellbeing. I didn’t get energy or gain any supernatural abilities, but after 6 months of use, I could tell when I skipped a day.
Thinking these were for chumps, I tried Xtend-Life Total Balance Men’s Premium (great by the way, but way too pricy) and because they cost so much, switched to Life Extension Mix. I tried the tablet version first, then the capsuled version. The Life Extension Mix were good, but I seemed to have that “too much of something” in my pee color, if you know what I’m talking about. After a little while longer, I started to have pain in my lower left back. I stopped taking all my supplements and the pain would go away (I drink more water that most folks and even increasing the amount of water I would drink wouldn’t dilute the color of the urine one bit). After taking my supplements one at a time, I isolated the cause of the pain (and the neon pee), or trigger of it – the Life Extension Mix was causing my problem, so they had to go.
After going to the doctor (not because of the pain, but just as part of a regular check-up, though we did talk about it) I found out that too many vitamins, and ones with too high of a dosage can hurt us pretty bad. From kidney stones to really messing up your liver! So, the doc told me that based on my blood tests, I was not deficient in any “essential” vitamin and had a fairly good check-up. By this time, I had already given up LEM and started to make “green” smoothies… they are GREAT!
As I said, I had recently started “green” smoothies, and one of them is to blend my breakfast with some Green Vibrance + a little Rainbow Vibrance + a little Field of Greens all from Vibrant Health (they can all be had here on, but shop around, sometimes the version, or, release of what you get on amazon isn’t the latest one. So be sure to ask the seller before you buy when it comes to Vibrant Health items on along with some other fruits and veggies that I either buy or grow in my own garden. That alone has most of the vitamins and minerals I need on a daily bases and in the best form possible – FOOD. So I’ve given up on the super-dosage of Life Extension Mix (you’ve gotta take anywhere from 9 to 14 of those suckers a day depending on if you choose tablets or capsules) and have returned to New Chapter for Men to round out my diet.
I don’t have the brightly colored urine anymore (which can be caused from too many vitamins passing through your system) and I feel much better than when I was on the LEM. I’ve recommended these to my dad, brother, sisters, sister-in-law, wife, mother and father-in-law and everybody else I talk to about this stuff and they all love these vitamins (clearly, the ones for their gender/age group is what they take!). I also recommend them to you.
Guess the best part is they are food based (do some research on that though, it’ll be worth your while) and come from a great company that makes their own stuff… also check out Berry Green and their brand of Fish Oil… they don’t disappoint either. This contains Soy product, so if your sensitive to that, you might want to avoid it.
Bottom line; if you’re looking to round out an otherwise healthy diet, or a moderately not-so-healthy diet, choose New Chapter Men and you won’t be disappointed. However, if you’re trying to compensate for a “snickers satisfies, I never even look at vegetables or fruits” kind of diet, you still won’t go wrong with these vitamins, but they won’t save you from the health-wreck your headed for. Nothing will. I’m just glad I realized that before it was too late for me!
Happy Shopping, May you find and keep good health and most of all, Stay Classy Shoppers!
Diane M –
Best multivitamin for men. IMHO.
TrailPrime –
I’ve been taking these pills for quite some time and was delighted when I saw the excellent price that Amazon offered especially with the subscription plan. I was buying the same bottle locally for around $50 every month. I heard it said once that there’s no such thing as a good quality cheap multivitamin supplement. That aside, this is a brilliant multivitamin supplement tailored for men that you don’t need to take with food.
I took this faithfully for a month (and obviously now beyond) thinking that I just need to help supplement any dietary lackings and was delighted when after that month I noticed how much better I felt. I felt more energetic, my mood was enhanced, even my lebito was more alive. I feel that it’s necessary to say that I am in good shape and in my upper 20’s. I don’t slack when it comes to taking care of myself, I just wanted to do more. I didn’t feel I lacked in any of these area’s that were improved, but they improved nonetheless, and I can feel the difference if I stop the multivitamins for more than a couple of weeks. I’ve tried many different types of multivitamins in the past and these come in far first place. I highly recommend them.
Paul T. –
I’ve been using this multivitamin for years and i have to say, it’s one of the best formulated on the market. I’ve tried finding alternatives to see if the “grass is greener on the other side”, however i keep coming back to this brand.
I will say, my recent reorder has given me pause. As you can see in the provided photo, the pill on the left (yellow-looking) was from the recent bottle i got. The pill on the right (black-blue looking) has been the consistency i’ve received from New Chapter for years. This makes me think they’ve changed the formulation of the pill but i’m not sure what they’ve changed. I’ll continue to buy until it becomes clear, however i hope they aren’t sacrificing the quality of this amazing product!
mark a ritzman –
This is a high quality product.
Sha/Sha –
very Good Multivitamin and I felt it working around 2 weeks after i purchased it. i had more energy and felt less sluggish. it comes with everything i could want in a MV.
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking these for a long time (3 years plus) and I like them (prior to these I took Life Force and liked those too).
I don’t know if it’s the placebo effect or if they are indeed better than synthetic multivitamins, but I feel they are better absorbed by the body. I can only point to the color of my morning urine to support that theory (not neon like you get with synthetics), but that is some something I suppose.
Speaking of theory, I like these vitamins because they are derived from natural food sources (as opposed to synthetics). When given the choice I’ll almost always choose natural over synthetics for just about anything (except polyester of course – that always rocks!).
Also as advertised, these do not give you a stomach ache if you take them un an empty stomach (again, natural vs. synthetic).
All that said, I can’t give this product 5 stars due to cost (which is why I give it 4 stars instead of 5).
A high quality synthetic like Life Force comes out to 12 cents/ capsule, whereas these are 36 cents/ capsule.
Whether the cost justifies the reward, that’s up to you.
Ambiguouosity –
Like the higher dosages. Like the absorption claim as well. Looking forward optimistically.