Mega Liquid Multivitamins: A Revolução em Suplementação Nutricional
Descubra o poder da saúde em um único frasco com o Mega Liquid Multivitamins, uma fórmula premium que combina vitaminas, minerais, aminoácidos e cúrcuma, projetada para atender às necessidades de adultos, homens, mulheres, adolescentes e crianças. Com 135 ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade, este multivitamínico líquido é a solução ideal para quem busca uma alternativa saborosa e eficaz às tradicionais pílulas difíceis de engolir.
Agora com cúrcuma, um superalimento reconhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e antioxidantes, o Mega Liquid Multivitamins se destaca por sua alta potência e absorção rápida. A fórmula é livre de adoçantes artificiais, sabores ou cores artificiais, cafeína, glúten e açúcar adicionado, garantindo que você receba apenas o melhor da natureza.
Se você é um atleta profissional, um médico, um nutricionista ou apenas alguém que deseja melhorar sua saúde, este produto é a escolha perfeita. Com uma entrega líquida completa, o Mega Liquid Multivitamins permite uma absorção de até 98% em apenas 3 minutos após a ingestão, garantindo que você realmente obtenha o que paga e sinta a diferença em seu bem-estar. A base de aloe vera torna a fórmula suave para o estômago e benéfica para cabelo, pele e unhas.
Formulado para atender a todas as idades, desde adolescentes até idosos, o Mega Liquid Multivitamins é seguro e gentil o suficiente para crianças e até mesmo bebês a partir de 1 ano. Com apenas uma onça por dia, você e sua família podem desfrutar de um sabor delicioso que até as crianças adoram. A fórmula contém todas as vitaminas essenciais, incluindo complexo B, B12, C, D3 e E, além de 72 minerais traços, aminoácidos, L-arginina, antioxidantes e misturas exclusivas com açaí, mangostão, resveratrol e D-ribose para energia.
– Absorção Rápida: Até 98% de absorção em 3 minutos, garantindo eficácia imediata.
– Fórmula Completa: Contém todas as vitaminas essenciais e 72 minerais traços, promovendo saúde integral.
– Sabor Agradável: Uma alternativa deliciosa às pílulas, ideal para toda a família, incluindo crianças.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de GMOs, soja, glúten e laticínios, adequado para diversas dietas.
– Compromisso Social: A cada compra, você ajuda uma criança necessitada através da nossa organização sem fins lucrativos, Passion 4 K.I.D.S.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma onça (30 ml) do Mega Liquid Multivitamins diariamente. Agite bem antes de usar e consuma diretamente ou misturado a um suco ou smoothie de sua preferência. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Este produto é seguro para uso contínuo e pode ser incorporado facilmente à sua rotina diária de saúde.
Quinnman –
I particularly like this product for all the obvious reasons with the high quality vitamins and minerals. I’m sold on it being easy to take compared to big pills. It’s tasty, too. I mix it in my OJ every morning. It must be a couple years now.
djd –
This taste great ..
desertfoxusa –
If you struggle with pills this is a good alternative, taste is decent and it has most vitamins you are looking for.
Mel M –
I received my new bottle of 135 Passion 4 Life liquid vitamin and minerals formula and see the label has changed. Upon reviewing the ingredient label, I see some ingredients have been omitted like Reservatol, 72 trace minerals & D-Ribose. Also, there are reduced amounts of Calcium & Magnesium. New ingredients are now in the formula like Boron (trace mineral) & Molybdenum (which is apparently a trace mineral that helps break down proteins, alcohol, drugs, and toxins).
I’m missing the reason they changed the formula but didn’t advertise as such. They say the formula is the same and just the label is different.
I’ve been taking this vitamin for a long time and purchased it expressly for the Reservatrol. Resveratrol is a natural compound found in certain plants, including grapes, blueberries, and peanuts. It is a type of antioxidant that has gained attention for its potential health benefits including anti-cancer properties, lowing cholesterol, heart health, reducing inflammation, anti-aging… It’s a good one, for all.
I’m very disappointed. This product is non returnable so I wanted you all to know there is a difference from the 135 formula that we all love so much.
Come on Passion 4 Life, your product is costly but worth it for the original formulation. Now if I want to keep using this, which I’m not sure I will, I’ll have to buy Reservatrol separately and that’s another supplement to take which adds time and cost to my daily vitamin regimen. Did you think we wouldn’t notice the change? Well, I did. And I’m deeply disappointed.
UPDATE – 12/27/24 –
I messaged the company regarding the above issues and was pleased to receive a prompt reply back from their CEO. Here is her response
“Hi Mel,
Here is a followup.
D ribose and Resveratrol are now required to be listed as part of our Proprietary Fruits & Greens Blend
We still have 72 trace minerals, however the FDA requires new verbiage so they are now listed under Deep Sea & Prehistoric Ionic Trace Minerals with Fulvic Acid Complex
Calcium & Magnesium are also included now in the Deep Sea & Prehistoric Ionic Trace Minerals, however we wanted a larger amount of those in particular which is why you also see them listed separately. The amounts are reduced on the individual Calcium & Magnesium lines because they are part of both sections now.
It is the same great product as always, so don’t be concerned. We would never sacrifice quality for profits so not to worry. Every once in a while new changes come down which require we make certain label changes and some individual ingredients become part of a different section, etc.
Thanks for being a valued customer.
Linda Van Kessler
Co-Founder & CEO”
This made sense to me and sounded sincere, so I will continue using their product. I will see if there is any noticeable difference, but it’s unlikely to be able to measure since I take other supplements and medication as well. I want to believe this company is honest, so I will trust this message until I hear otherwise.
I was grateful to receive this message from the co-founder & CEO in a timely manner, and for the information it provided. I hope this helps others.
susan –
I have been taking a multivitamin like everyone else for a long time (pill form). I see my urine is always bright yellow about an hour afterwards which means is working right?
I was starting to feel sluggish as I am just entering menopause, my nails were crappy hair crappy mind crappy basically all crappy.
I started to research some different vitamins and ran across this liquid vitamin. I asked Dr Google about liquid vs pill form and he said your body absorbs liquid better and faster. So I said lets try.
I can honestly say I notice a big difference from the liquid vitamins. I feel more normal, not that I have a super amount of energy but I just feel balanced. I for sure notice when I miss a morning. I feel more sleepy. I have been on 2 months prior to this review and 2 weeks ago went for my yearly exam and my bloodwork was perfect. Now lets get down to the taste, it is obviously not delicious but it is not gag worthy either. I normally add my serving to a little water and it taste similar to orange tang. I also take liquid glucosamine and sometimes mix them together with water and taste like a strong juice. I actually enjoy the mix. If you dont like taking pills or feel pills just dont work for you I would try this for an entire month, then stop taking it and see how you feel. Also the liquid glucosamine is the bomb for arthritis pain. It is made by Nature’s Way® Joint Movement Glucosamine Extra Strength, Sams Club has it for less then I can find. Happy Health everyone!
Hannah –
I was skeptical to try this, and I am terrible at taking liquid medicine because of taste. I started taking this, I mix it was cranberry juice and it actually tastes pretty good. I definitely can tell it works, my energy level has increased. Will definitely keep buying this. (: