Descrição do Produto: Multivitamínico Integral para Adultos | Multivitaminas para Homens
Descubra o poder da nutrição natural com o nosso Multivitamínico Integral para Adultos, uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada para atender às necessidades diárias de homens e mulheres. Este multivitamínico é feito a partir de frutas e vegetais reais, proporcionando uma experiência de suplementação totalmente vegana e livre de preocupações. Com uma combinação sofisticada de ingredientes à base de plantas e alimentos, você pode ter a certeza de que está recebendo 100% da sua nutrição diária em uma cápsula prática e eficaz.
Nosso produto é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), garantindo que você consuma apenas ingredientes naturais e de alta qualidade. Além de ser fácil de incorporar à sua rotina, este multivitamínico é essencial para quem busca um suporte completo à saúde. Ele não apenas promove a saúde óssea e cardiovascular, mas também fortalece o sistema imunológico e aumenta os níveis de energia, ajudando você a enfrentar o dia com vigor e disposição.
A qualidade é nossa prioridade. Todos os produtos Herbtonics são fabricados em instalações registradas pela FDA e passam por rigorosos testes em laboratórios independentes para garantir que atendam aos nossos altos padrões de qualidade. Com o nosso Multivitamínico Integral, você pode ter a confiança de que está fazendo uma escolha saudável e consciente para o seu bem-estar.
– Nutrição Completa: Atende 100% das necessidades diárias de vitaminas e minerais.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Feito com frutas e vegetais reais, garantindo uma suplementação saudável.
– Aumento de Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, ajudando a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, promovendo uma saúde robusta.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações registradas e testado por laboratórios independentes.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Multivitamínico Integral para Adultos diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também maximiza os benefícios do produto. Mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga sempre as orientações do rótulo para garantir uma suplementação segura e eficaz.
Liz B –
I did a lot of research on this product before purchasing and it has exceeded expectations. I read through any negative reviews and after nearing the end of my first bottle, I can say with confidence that I have nothing but good things to say about the product.
First I should say that I always eat 2 capsules on a full stomach (immediately after a meal), along with a full glass of water 2 times a day, some days only once (with breakfast). I believe that those who complained of increased heart rate, chest pains or other symptoms were not following those 3 basic rules. Full stomach, with a full glass of water and take 2 at a time. Also, those who said anything about the smell of their individual bottle, mine were fine. Almost no smell at all and definitely not bad at all. That usually comes from improper storage and is rarely the fault of the manufacturer themselves. This company appears to have good support and through other reviews, appear to offer replacement bottles to anyone who complained. That is a requirement for any company I purchase from, especially with vitamins.
That being said, some of the good things about this supplement. I did a lot of research before making this purchase because I wanted to find something that I would consistently purchase over the next couple of year. I believe I have found that product here.
– Whole food vitamin – check
– No garbage additives or fillers – check
– Lower on the iron, even though I wish it was a bit lower. As a male, I dont need additional iron in my diet. Its for men and women, so they split the difference and put in a middle of the road quantity of iron based on others I reviewed.
– Regarding the quantities of each vitamin and the blends offered, it is right in line with their competitors
– The price is great, making this the most “bang-for-your-buck” Multivitamin out there in my opinion after reviewing at least a hundred of other competitors and reading a ton of articles.
All that being said, I have nothing by great things to say about this product and will continue to buy it as long as the price stays competitively low.
Lou –
I’ve researched food based multivitamins for days and decided to give whole food multivitamin a try. I’ve been taking it for days and It’s given me more energy than usual. It’s easy to swallow and it doesn’t make me feel nauseous as some name brand multivitamins did before. I also like the fact that I can take it with my husband. The vitamins are made with real vegetables and fruits, FDA approved and made in the USA. Love it!
Jeff –
My diet isn’t the best but it’s just okay. A lot of days I don’t get any fruits or vegetables so that seems to make me feel not so great eventually later in the week. But these multivitamins seem to keep feeling okay and energetic, I just want to be feeling okay not tired and sick, under the weather and all that and these give me the nutrients to achieve that. But remember this is just a supplement, it’s not magic, it will only help you get some of those nutrients you’re missing and know you need, when you aren’t able to eat lots of different healthy foods like me. Eating healthy is expensive and lately I’ve just been eating mainly a bowl of oatmeal and fiber cereal and intermittent fasting to cut weight and this helps keep me strong. But I also gotta make sure I’m getting 6-8 hours sleep and drinking water or I’m still going to be under the weather, no supplement will make up for lack of sleep and the damage it causes your body if you don’t sleep and we need to drink lots of water.
The pills are easy to swallow, they’re plastic capsules which is good, you don’t have to struggle with trying to swallow tough pills. No flavor to them, another plus. I don’t taste anything when I swallow them so no need to worry about anything bitter and it doesn’t change the color of your urine like other vitamins. Only cons are that you have to take four of them a day and the inside of the bottle smells kind of like vinegar but you do get a 30 day supply so that’s good. And best of all these are whole foods vitamins so I have the peace of mind knowing I’m consuming something made with all natural products, whole foods are the way to go to be as healthy as you can, stay away from artificial ingredients and foods.
Satisfied with these but I would definitely like to continue taking them and on a more consistent basis to see what the results are. Definitely recommend.
Lou –
My experience with this product has been great. Over the past year I have healed myself of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I rely on the highest quality organic supplements to support this robust healing I’ve been doing. People who have these conditions know that doctors will at best tell you you may never heal and at worst completely dismiss your symptoms as “in your head,” or as hypochondrium. After taking high-quality organic supplements for the better part of a decade and being a healer myself, I can easily tell a quality product from anything less. I feel amazing when I take this, and especially I appreciate that the green tea extract does give me a good boost of energy to start my day, but leaves no crash or any sign of jitters of adverse caffiene effects. Additionally, the breadth of nutritious ingredients used is among the best products of this type I have ever consumed. I switched to your product because the organic whole food multi-vitamins I’d previously used kept getting bought out and watered down. Specifically, KAL and Mykind Organics are now under very large labels with multinational companies that have proved not to be trustworthy with the kind of ingredients they use and their shady business practices. Thank you for being a small and dedicated team that is turning out legitimately great products, we need more people like you in the world!