Descrição do Produto: Multivitaminas para Crianças | Multivitamina Sem Açúcar | Vitaminas Líquidas para Crianças | Suplemento de Suporte Imunológico | Saúde Cognitiva
As Multivitaminas para Crianças da Vitaminer Shop são a solução ideal para garantir que os pequenos recebam todos os nutrientes essenciais para um crescimento saudável e equilibrado. Formuladas especialmente para atender às necessidades nutricionais das crianças, essas vitaminas líquidas são isentas de açúcar, tornando-as uma opção saudável e saborosa. Com uma combinação poderosa de vitaminas e minerais, este suplemento não apenas apoia o sistema imunológico, mas também promove a saúde cognitiva, ajudando as crianças a se manterem ativas e concentradas durante suas atividades diárias. A fórmula líquida facilita a ingestão, permitindo que as crianças absorvam os nutrientes de forma rápida e eficaz, sem o desconforto de comprimidos.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Saúde Cognitiva: Contribui para o desenvolvimento das funções cognitivas, como memória e concentração.
3. Sem Açúcar: Ideal para crianças, evitando o consumo excessivo de açúcar e promovendo hábitos saudáveis.
4. Fácil de Ingerir: A forma líquida torna a administração simples e agradável, mesmo para os mais exigentes.
5. Nutrientes Essenciais: Contém uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais que são fundamentais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável.
Recomenda-se que as crianças comecem a tomar 5 ml (uma colher de chá) diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. Agite bem antes de usar e armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um pediatra antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver sob medicação.
danielle wallace –
My children nor I cared for the taste. The flavor is very sour and bitter. The sourness is so extreme that it leaves a strange feeling on your tongue, like when you are sucking on a very sour candy. Even if you do manage to get it down, the tingling and drying of your tongue following is just as bad as the taste. This supplement is worthless if your not able to get it down your throat. I didn’t give it a 1 star because the packaging is convenient considering you can take it on the go.
Lindsey –
This item was available as a large bottle, now packets. Problem is she is 4 and dose is only 7.5 and the packet is 14, so you always need 2 syringes to ensure proper dose. But the vitamins seem to be the best flavor my daughter likes.
M garcia gutierrez –
A must have for my son with autism , the taste it’s better compared to other ones and I try a lot , the quality it’s beyond my expectations, it’s not that expensive , have safe ingredients .
alaina –
The taste is awful and kids hate it.
Alanis Family –
I’ve used and trusted Mary Ruths products for the past 7 years. This liposomal liquid mutivitamin is an awesome supplement for kids & teens. I specially like this product because it contains all the vitamins necessary plus a Vitamin B12 complex in a Methylcobalamin form ( able to be absorb faster nutients) this is my top priority while investimg in supplements, high quality liquid vitamins to support overall well being.
The flavor is really good kind of sweet & sour.
My daughter enjoys taking straight from the package. The travel packs are an easy way to drink, taking it on the go and travel. I am always looking forward to the latest Mary Ruth products. My next supplement on my list is the liquid probiotic.
Alanis Family –
The flavored isn’t that great and doesn’t mix well with even water.
The most disappointing thing was there is no iron or other minerals.
We thought this was a multivitamin and multimineral supplement for our granddaughter, but we were wrong.
*UPDATE* Seller got in contact with me right from the start. I was soo impressed by their immediate response and dedication to please their customers that I’m updating their review and added a star and this update.
They were so helpful and saddened that I was unhappy with their product. And they did their best to help me resolve the issues. So I am very happy with their support that I will try other products from them. KUDDOs to them.
Tania –
I’ve had bad experiences with vitamins. With an autistic child its hard to get them to take any medicine, she won’t take this straight but I’ve put it chocolate milk a little extra chocolate helps and Dananimals yogurt drink and she hasn’t handed back! I use 1/2 packet a day she’s only 5. Sometimes I put slightly less so there’s no figuring out. See I’m having a big prob with her getting nutrients I feel better now.
IamKraZ –
My son is a very picky eater but I can always sneak this in on him and he doesn’t mind