Descrição do Produto: Nature’s Way Alive! Adult Premium Multivitamin Gummy
Os gomas multivitamínicas Nature’s Way Alive! Premium Adult são uma maneira deliciosa e prática de garantir que você esteja recebendo os nutrientes essenciais para o seu bem-estar diário. Formuladas com um complexo completo de vitaminas do grupo B, essas gomas não apenas apoiam o metabolismo energético, mas também promovem a saúde dos olhos, do coração, do sistema imunológico e dos ossos. Com uma combinação de 14 vitaminas e minerais, incluindo vitamina A, vitamina C, vitamina D3, vitamina E, vitamina B6, B12, biotina e zinco, cada goma é uma explosão de sabor e saúde.
Feitas com pectina à base de plantas, as gomas são uma alternativa livre de gelatina, tornando-as adequadas para vegetarianos e pessoas com restrições alimentares. Além disso, são isentas de glúten, laticínios, trigo, amendoim e ovos, garantindo que mais pessoas possam desfrutar dos benefícios que oferecem. Com mais de 50 anos de experiência, a Nature’s Way acredita que a natureza é a solução definitiva para muitos problemas de saúde, e suas vitaminas e suplementos são formulados para ajudar você a encontrar o caminho para o bem-estar.
– Suporte ao Metabolismo Energético: As vitaminas do complexo B ajudam a converter os alimentos em energia, proporcionando um impulso vital para o seu dia a dia.
– Saúde dos Olhos: Com a presença de vitamina A, as gomas contribuem para a manutenção da saúde ocular, essencial para a visão clara e saudável.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de vitaminas e minerais, como a vitamina C e o zinco, ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Saúde do Coração: Nutrientes como a vitamina E são conhecidos por promover a saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a manter o coração forte.
– Saúde Óssea: Com a inclusão de vitamina D3 e outros minerais, essas gomas ajudam a manter os ossos saudáveis e fortes, essenciais para a mobilidade e qualidade de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que adultos e crianças a partir de 9 anos mastiguem 3 gomas diariamente. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada para garantir a absorção adequada dos nutrientes. As gomas podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora do dia, tornando-se uma adição prática à sua rotina de saúde. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
RoMa –
I don’t want to be too descriptive, but I’ve always had a sensitive stomach. I’m very careful about what I eat because I am somewhat vomit-prone. I’ve always avoided taking hard pill vitamins, as I have in the past gotten very sick from the lingering metalic taste. Anyway, last week, I noticed Alive Multi-Vitamin Gummies at my local Whole Foods. I was intrigued enough to get the Practitioner/sales associated to help me. She told me a lot of people with my condition buy this ~ that my condition is very common. So, I’ve been on it for a week, and I’m o.k. I take the 3 gummies a day; I might’ve taken 6 as well, but I haven’t had any nausea or the need to throw up. I wouldn’t say it’s really really yummy, but it is somewhat pleasant with a very slight vitamin aftertaste, which goes away quickly if you eat or drink something afterwards.
So…if I can take this…so can you! I like these because it’s Gelatin free! I don’t know if it’s enough vitamin for an adult, but I think taking little vitamin is better than none. I’ve spent a ton of money on them high dose dog bone vitamins in the past, but never could stomach to take them. A total wast of my money; I either gave them away or let them sit there to expire. This I know I can handle and stick to ~ and what’s better…I can get a better deal on these vitamins on Amazon.
Taste good, easy to chew and dissolve. Good value. My boyfriend didn’t want t take another pill everyday, so I thought he might take vitamins if they were chew-able. He loves them and looks forward to taking them everyday. They taste like candy. The dose is 3 per day, so 90 gummies will only last 30 days. We tried a few other brands, but they were harder to chew and didn’t taste as good. The men’s, women’s and adult’s seem to have a slightly differ taste, we like the adult ones the best.
J. Williams –
These are tasty enough that I have started being faithful about my daily multivitamin. I actually enjoy taking them! Do not expect actual candy. There is a mineral smell that may be familiar to anyone who has tried multivitamin wafers (gross) or multivitamin powdered drink supplements. However, I find that once you pop it in your mouth, it’s largely overtaken by the fruit flavor, which is pleasant. Being made with pectin rather than gelatin, it is not the same texture as, say, a gummy bear, but it is not disgusting! I was pleasantly surprised.
You are supposed to take three of these per day. What attracted me was the fact that they are vegetarian. I can put up with a vitamin smell and pectin texture; I’m just glad these don’t contain gelatin.
I used to get ravenously hungry at night even if I was well fed during the day, but when I’ve been taking these that doesn’t happen. It makes me wonder if I was just craving nutrients I was lacking before. Taking a pill multivitamin on an empty stomach (or sometimes even a full one) makes me nauseous, but these never make me sick.
My morning vitamin routine has moved from an unpleasant or neutral ritual to a decently tasty experience that I look forward to. These are supplements that are stuffed with fruits, vegetables and vitamins! It’s a wonder they were able to make these as tasty as they are. I’d rather not have it packed with any extra sugar. I can eat them much more easily than I can gag down a horse pill. Definitely the best multivitamin I’ve ever tried. When these run out I’ll be ordering more.
Mary Rutman –
I have a sweet tooth, but these are unpleasantly sweet, like overpoweringly sweet, like if you take a spoon of syrup and forget to pour it on a pancake or waffle and instead pour it directly in your mouth, sweet….
So, why am I giving it 4 starts? Well, I’ll tell you.
1. Consistency: These are the perfect consistency, not too chewy, doesn’t stick in my teeth, and goes down easy. Never had a problem.
2. Look: I LOVE how these are shaped like actual red cherries, or purple grapes, or orange slices, without their being any fake colors in them like so many other gummy vitamins have.
3. No bad preservatives, lots of vitamins these days have potassium sorbate and other preservatives that I don’t think we should have to take while trying to take something that’s good for us (same concept as putting color dyes in our vitamins)
4. They have the vitamins I want in them and I like the “other” ingredients, which are listed on the bottle as: Evaporated Cane Juice, Organic Tapioca Syrup…(Now, you are starting to get why it’s so sweet, huh?), Pectin, Citric Acid, Colors from Natural sources ( maqui berry, black carrot, beta carotene), Natural Flavors (cherry, grape, orange) Sodium citrate (which is fine), Fractioned Coconut oil (non hydrogenated), Beeswax.
So, if you can handle the sweetness, then this is an excellent vitamin. I think my elderly mother could and would actually enjoy the taste more than I do so I will be ordering it for her as well.
Thinking about the other chewable and gummy vitamins from excellent name brands I have had in the past, this may be one of the better tasting ones, because you have to decide, do you prefer super sweet or super chalky? Yeah, I would go for these too.
Amazon Customer –
My whole family loves this and it tastes good.