Descrição do Produto: Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women
O Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women, conhecido como Vitamin Code Women’s Multi, é um suplemento vitamínico projetado especialmente para atender às necessidades únicas das mulheres ativas durante seus anos reprodutivos. Com 120 cápsulas, este multivitamínico fornece 100% da Dose Diária Recomendada (DV) de 17 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, incluindo vitaminas A, C, D, K e complexo B. Além disso, contém Glutationa, Boro, Vanádio e CoQ10, que são fundamentais para a saúde geral e bem-estar.
Este multivitamínico não é apenas uma combinação de vitaminas; ele é enriquecido com probióticos e alimentos integrais. Com 23 frutas e vegetais crus, cultivados organicamente, ele oferece antioxidantes, vitaminas e cofatores nutricionais que suportam a saúde das mamas, do coração e do sistema reprodutivo, além de proporcionar energia ao longo do dia. A fórmula abrangente inclui Ferro, Zinco, Selênio, vitaminas A, C, D3, E, K2, e vitaminas do complexo B, como Folato (não ácido fólico sintético), B12, B6, Biotina e Niacina, além de um complexo de suporte antioxidante e imunológico.
Os probióticos presentes, como L. bulgaricus e L. plantarum, juntamente com enzimas digestivas como Lipase, Protease, Bromelain, Lactase e Papain, promovem uma digestão saudável. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 cápsulas diariamente ou a abertura das cápsulas para misturar o conteúdo com água ou suco.
Além disso, o Garden of Life Multivitamin for Women é um suplemento limpo, certificado por terceiros como Não-OGM, sem glúten e Kosher. É também RAW, o que significa que não contém calor excessivo, aglutinantes sintéticos, enchimentos, sabores artificiais, adoçantes, cores ou aditivos comumente usados em comprimidos.
– Suporte Nutricional Completo: Atende às necessidades específicas das mulheres em idade reprodutiva, garantindo a ingestão adequada de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
– Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos e enzimas digestivas ajudam a melhorar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
– Energia Sustentada: A combinação de vitaminas e antioxidantes proporciona energia ao longo do dia, ideal para mulheres ativas.
– Fórmula Limpa e Natural: Sem aditivos artificiais, glúten ou ingredientes geneticamente modificados, promovendo uma escolha saudável.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O complexo antioxidante e de suporte imunológico ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 cápsulas diariamente. As cápsulas podem ser ingeridas inteiras com água ou suco, ou podem ser abertas para misturar o conteúdo em uma bebida de sua escolha. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Cheryll –
This product is terrific. The energy support it provides is impressive, keeps me going all day. The included probiotics were a pleasant surprise. The antioxidant support is also evident. I’ve been feeling healthier and more energetic. The all day lasting clean energy is a big win. I genuinely appreciate this product!
OA –
I started taking these vitamins after some routine blood work found that I was Iron and Vitamin D deficient. I absolutely hate taking vitamins and even shudder when I think of the Flinstone Kid’s Days when my parents would hand us our vitamins after dinner. I hate the taste of vitamins and I get the dreaded ‘vitamin burps’ after I take vitamins that makes it even worse. I knew I had to start taking vitamins so I went to Amazon to look at brands and this came up, after reading the reviews I was pretty much sold and ordered the Women’s Multi and an additional Vitamin D for supplementing. My doctor recommended extra Vitamin D for a certain period of time hence the addition.
After starting these I started to feel so much better within a couple days. I had more energy and was less fatigued (that’s what low Iron will do to you) and I just felt “brighter.” I did get the ‘vitamin burps’ but instead of gross, synthetic tasting vitamins it kind of tasted like I had a piece of fruit earlier and the few burps I got ceased after 10 minutes instead of the hours-long bitter taste in the back of my throat with regular vitamins.
Are these pills kind of big? Yes. Is it kind of a drag to take 4 per day? Yes. But guess what? These vitamins are worth it and it’s not hard to add this routine to your life. Buy a AM/PM Pocket Pill Box and you can fit your vitamins for the day plus some more in here. Take two after breakfast and then two after dinner. You’re done! That’s what I did and I haven’t forgotten to take the Vitamins since buying them.
I’ve been taking them since mid-Feb 2014 so I’m hoping some other perks will kick in soon like quicker hair growth, thicker hair etc but I haven’t seen any of that yet. Also, just as a tip, I started my vitamin regimen by doing only 2 vitamins per day for the first week. I read a review or a Q&A that said Iron could cause bloating and it’s good to ease into it. I had no issues when I started the vitamins and no issues once I went to 4 pills per day. I would definitely recommend these to my friends and I plan on buying them again.
*3/25/15 Update*
So after a year of taking these vitamins I highly recommend them and here’s why: I have not fallen ill since starting these; by ‘falling ill’ I mean sick enough that I need to call off of work or I’m too sick to get out of bed. You know, the flu, serious sinus infection, colds, etc. There have been a couple instances where I felt a little sick but nothing that I couldn’t work through or handle and it’s because of this product. How do I know? Here’s how I know: I started to run low on these vitamins during a bad month where money was tight and I didn’t want to spend $40. I told myself I would buy them when I got paid and I ran out with two weeks to wait. During the first week of not taking them I began to get sick. Out of nowhere and it was that familiar feeling of aches, pains, fatigue, stuffiness, the whole nine. I knew it was because I wasn’t taking my vitamins so I ordered them with Prime and I couldn’t shove them in my mouth fast enough when they arrived. I didn’t immediately feel better or anything but paired with my Olive Leaf I was able to stop whatever I had from getting worse. I haven’t gone without them since and it is now on the list of must-haves regardless if money is tight or not.
Pip –
I absolutely love these vitamins. I have been taking them for a few years, and they are the first vitamins I’ve taken where I can tell a difference when I start them… AND when I stop them. I feel better on them and I feel worse without them.
These vitamins are raw and contain food based nutrients. The primary vitamins are created via a fermentation process which creates highly bioactive vitamins, coenzymes, and probiotics. They also include a nice blend of superfoods and digestive enzymes to balance it out.
Unlike with other synthetic vitamins, there are zero adverse reactions. No stomach upset or headaches. Just a an energized feeling of wellness.
Please be aware that you should take 4 a day. I take 2 in the morning and 2 in the evening. That may seem like a lot, but remember that these are whole food vitamins. It’s easier to cram a ton of synthetic vitamins into a smaller one a day pill when you don’t care about quality. Garden of Life is an industry leader and well respected in the natural health world.
Also, it’s important to note that there is very little calcium and magnesium in this vitamin. I love their algae based calcium, but I’m currently on a budget that won’t allow it. But there are a number of natural calcium supplements that will do the job.
I highly recommend this to ANYONE, but I particularly recommend it to anyone suffering from a chronic illness, cancer, or a general sense of being unwell. I had my mother start these, along with a number of other supplements, when she was diagnosed with Follicular Lymphoma. Her lymph masses shrunk by more than half after her first treatment, much to her doctors surprise. By the end of treatment, they had returned to normal size. It’s been a year and they haven’t grown back. While it is likely only a matter of time, her response to treatment was excellent and Im certain these vitamins and the other organic/raw/whole foods supplements made a difference. Her doctor did not expect her to respond so well!
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reply to this review, tweet me, or shoot me an email! Links can be found in my Amazon profile. Thanks! I wish you happiness and health! 🙂
Jewel Gracey –
This is a really great purchase because I value health and wellness. It’s a gluten-free product that supports heart health and provides an energy boost. I love that it’s non-GMO certified, meaning it’s made with whole food ingredients. Plus, it supports reproductive health – super important for women. And the probiotics? Great for digestion. Overall, an excellent choice for a multivitamin. It’s a worthwhile investment for health-conscious individuals like me.