Mucinex 12 Horas é um produto inovador que se destaca no alívio da congestão no peito causada pelo excesso de muco. Com 68 comprimidos de liberação prolongada, cada um contendo 600 mg de Guaifenesina, este expectorante é amplamente recomendado por médicos e é considerado o número 1 entre os expectorantes de venda livre. Sua fórmula de liberação estendida proporciona alívio eficaz por até 12 horas, permitindo que você respire mais facilmente e retome suas atividades diárias sem interrupções.
Os comprimidos Mucinex são clinicamente comprovados para oferecer um alívio poderoso. Com uma estrutura de duas camadas, eles garantem que o medicamento comece a agir rapidamente, enquanto a liberação prolongada assegura que os sintomas sejam controlados ao longo do dia. A Guaifenesina, o ingrediente ativo, atua como um expectorante, ajudando a tornar a tosse mais produtiva e facilitando a eliminação do muco acumulado. Isso é especialmente útil em casos de resfriados, infecções respiratórias ou exposição a irritantes.
Com Mucinex, você não precisa se preocupar em tomar o medicamento a cada poucas horas. Um único comprimido é suficiente para proporcionar alívio duradouro, permitindo que você se concentre no que realmente importa. É importante seguir as instruções de uso, tomando um comprimido a cada 12 horas com um copo de água, e consultar um médico se houver condições especiais, como gravidez ou amamentação.
- Alívio poderoso para a congestão no peito, permitindo uma respiração mais fácil.
- Fórmula de liberação estendida de 12 horas, reduzindo a necessidade de doses frequentes.
- Reduz a congestão causada pelo acúmulo de muco, tornando a tosse mais produtiva.
- Comprimidos de duas camadas que garantem ação imediata e duradoura.
- Recomendado pelos médicos como o expectorante de venda livre mais confiável, oferecendo segurança e eficácia.
Para alívio da congestão no peito, recomenda-se tomar um comprimido de Mucinex 12 Hour Extended Release a cada 12 horas, acompanhado de um copo de água. É fundamental não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou se tiver alguma condição médica pré-existente. Siga sempre as orientações para garantir a eficácia do tratamento e a sua segurança.
DL –
Yes it did help with chest congestion, but literally nothing else. I just assumed any Mucinex would also help with my other symptoms and it did not. I couldn’t take it because I needed something that helped with all my cold symptoms and not just the chest congestion. My fault, but a bit misleading based on it being labeled as Mucinex
tom hardges –
Price was great
James Campbell –
Came when I needed them. Sometimes it is hard to find them where I live. They were very well packaged.
Amazon Customer –
I like the price and smaller size of the pills.
Bella’s mom –
I have been using Mucinex for years. It is the best mucus relief product out there, in my opinion. However, Mucinex is expensive. I’ve tried others and may have just found one that works almost as well for less than 1/3rd of the Mucinex price. It’s a Walgreen’s brand mucus relief pill. I’m currently testing its efficacy against this product.
Lisa Gruber –
This is a good product that does exactly what it says it will. My husband has COPD and he takes this every day because it keeps mucus from forming in his lungs – we are never without it
Cynthia O’ Keeffe –
Mom was diagnosed with Influenza Type A in late November 2022.
I’m a retired RN and was away for 1 weekend; when I returned, mom was very ill. Dusted off my stethoscope and listened to her lungs. Rattles and lots of moisture!
Called her Dr. immediately & took mom into the ER. After many tests and several hours she was diagnosed.
I started her on Mucinex 1 tablet every 12 hours, pushed fluids (hot drinks) and freshened up her bed. Gave her Tylenol for aches. She slept a lot & I watched over her 24/7 for 6 weeks. With her Cardiologist and Primary doctors I reviewed all her meds plus the OTC I wanted to give her.
With their approval I increased the Mucinex to 2 tablets every 12 hours.
I fed mom a high protein/ easy to digest menu with fruits and vegetables. I also gave her Vitamin D and Vitamin K daily (always cleared with the doctors).
It has taken mom until now, mid February 2023 to regain SOME of her strength.
With a prescribed nebulizer, I gave respiratory therapy 3 X a day here at home. (She was too weak to use an inhaler.)
I monitored mom’s oxygen saturation at home and made her perform breathing exercises 3 X a day, too.
So much of what mom needed was home-made food and quiet rest. She was never hospitalized, thank God.
It took about 3-4 weeks for mom’s lungs to clear. Mucinex really helped thin her secretions so she could cough them up & OUT! I am so grateful I had an arsenal of good support from her docs, a quiet environment at her home, and coffee to keep me up during those long days watching her & cooking.
We also used Mucinex nasal spray for her stuffy nose, which helped her very much.
I keep Mucinex handy for times when I know a chest cold can happen. I bought the 68 tablet boxes here on Amazon because the local drug stores charged far more — when they had it.
I was unsure mom could recover during the first weeks of her illness. I made a schedule of medications so I could ensure she received her meds, treatments, and meals at reasonable times. Anybody can do this for your elders or young adults to help them recover. Rest is just as important as the medications.
chinagirl –
I suffer from sinus congestion and/or Eustachian tube dysfunction and I have found that Mucinex helps thin this congestion which enables it to drain easier.
I used to take decongestants for these problems in the past but I have found that Mucinex works a lot better and it is better for my health as well since it doesn’t effect the blood vessels like Sudafed does.
It is very pricey but it keeps me from getting sinus infections and it helps me breathe easier with my asthma by keeping my brochi clear of mucus as well.