O MTE® – Pó Wellness para Foco e Produtividade é um suplemento alimentar inovador, projetado para aqueles que buscam maximizar sua capacidade de concentração e desempenho cognitivo. Com uma fórmula especializada, este produto não apenas melhora a clareza mental, mas também aumenta a energia e reduz o estresse, tornando-se um aliado indispensável para o dia a dia.
FOCO – O MTE® é formulado para suportar uma atenção aprimorada, permitindo que você mantenha o foco em suas tarefas diárias. Seus ingredientes cuidadosamente selecionados garantem que sua mente permaneça alerta e concentrada, mesmo nas atividades mais desafiadoras.
ENERGIA – Ao contrário de bebidas energéticas e café, o MTE® oferece uma energia estável e duradoura, sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados, como nervosismo ou a queda de energia. Com a inclusão de nootrópicos, este suplemento proporciona um impulso mental que se mantém ao longo do dia.
PRODUTIVIDADE – O MTE® não só melhora a resposta a desafios cognitivos, mas também apoia a função executiva, ajudando a prevenir a fadiga mental. Sua fórmula avançada garante que você mantenha a mente afiada e produtiva, mesmo em dias mais longos.
RECUPERAÇÃO – Além de seus benefícios cognitivos, o MTE® também promove a saúde intestinal e o gerenciamento do estresse. Com a adição de prebióticos e adaptógenos, este suplemento auxilia na recuperação durante o sono, contribuindo para um ciclo de descanso mais reparador.
SABORES NATURAIS – O MTE® é oferecido em um sabor delicioso de abacaxi e manga, sem adição de açúcar ou sucralose. Com ingredientes naturais, proporciona uma experiência saborosa e saudável, tornando o consumo do suplemento um prazer.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Melhora a capacidade de concentração
- Aumenta a energia mental
- Aprimora o desempenho cognitivo
- Suporta a função executiva
- Promove uma melhor recuperação durante o sono
O MTE® – Pó Wellness para Foco e Produtividade oferece uma série de vantagens que podem transformar sua rotina. Entre os principais benefícios estão: a melhoria significativa na capacidade de concentração, que permite que você se mantenha focado em tarefas complexas; o aumento da energia mental, que evita a fadiga e o cansaço; o aprimoramento do desempenho cognitivo, essencial para quem precisa tomar decisões rápidas; o suporte à função executiva, que ajuda na organização e planejamento; e a promoção de uma melhor recuperação durante o sono, garantindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o MTE® – Wellness Powder for Focus, Productivity, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá do pó em um copo de água ou suco. O ideal é consumir uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades que exijam maior concentração. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia do produto e evitar possíveis desconfortos.
Chelsea A. Callahan –
I tried this for the first time two days ago. Every Thursday, the neighbor guys play music at my house, and I go hang out with girls at one of their homes. So I tried the MTE drink around 430 ish that afternoon, and it was the only thing different about my eating and drinking habits that day. I probably should have had a little extra something in my stomach around that time in the afternoon, but that’s uncommon for me.
By 6, I was at the neighbor’s house having maybe half of an alcoholic beverage. By 730, I started feeling nauseous and sipped on my water for a while. I actually went back to my house for a minute between 730 and 830 because I thought I was going to throw up, and I grabbed some tums while I was there. Sometime between 830 and 930 the abdominal pain started, and I genuinely can’t think of anything to compare it to – I’ve never had full abdomen cramping pain like this before. My neighbor had made pasta, but there was no way I was going to try and keep food down at that point. I left shortly after because it felt like there were knives in my stomach.
I felt better after lying down for a while, and I put at least a glass of chocolate milk down for some calories later that night. Nothing ever came out of me (without being too graphic), and I’m honestly not sure if that’s good or bad. I’m assuming that rules out food poisoning, so that’s good.
***I’m sure it’s obvious, but I don’t know if this was the culprit, but it’s the only new thing I introduced to my system, and I have never felt like that before. I’m also too afraid to try these again because I’d really like to avoid that feeling. Other than the possibility of illness, the powder dissolved well, and I thought the flavor was pretty decent with tropical vibes.
Chris B. –
This drink mix is alright. It mostly dissolves when mixed, it tastes kinda dry and bitter, and I’m not sure it really helped with energy, focus, mood, or recovery. It also seems rather expensive for what you get.
The drink mix comes in convenient sticks that make up a single serving each and have a notch for making tearing them open easy. This is nice for on the go as you can just add this to a bottle of water, shake it up, and be good to go.
When mixed with cold water in a shaker bottle, the powder mixes reasonably well at first, but does settle and needs some time and more shaking to dissolve more. I was never able to get it to completely dissolve with the end result being some darker flakes that kept settling to the bottom. Given a light swirl or shake before taking a drink resolves this for the most part.
The flavor is just alright and might be off putting for some. To me, it seems like a light citrus flavor, maybe a mild tropical note, some earthy tones, and a bitterness with a dry finish. It generally tastes like some sort of exotic fruit, but nothing I would call great (and after noticing it is supposed to taste like mango pineapple, I guess I can get some of those flavors in there, but not a lot).
After drinking this, I didn’t really feel energized at all and I can’t say I felt my focus had improved. For mood, maybe I feel more relaxed or calm and if anything more like I want to take a nap (not tired, just like I would rest up if I sat still too long).
So I think this drink mix is not bad, but I’m not sure it’s something that does much for me. I’m sure the ingredients are beneficial, but I’m not sure they are to an extent that my day is going to be drastically changed. YMMV.
The Clever Echo –
I like how it’s advertised as not having a lot of garbage in it! The ingredients list is impressive, but I didn’t really see any gains from it. Not mental or physical or spiritual even haha. I didn’t really enjoy the flavor much either. It’s not awful I’ll say that and if I had the pick-me-up I was looking for then def worth it at the price! Sadly it just wasn’t all that for me. That’s my opinion anyways..
CB –
I have tried seemingly every energy supplement/formula. To date this is my favorite- its what I describe a smooth energy that does not come on chaotic, it last hours and just feels good. Just rite. And, I love the packets as apposed to plastic bottles. Note- Its not super sweet, don’t expect it to taste like a insulin spiking sugar drink.
Chris B. –
This product has some great ingredients and I was excited to try it. I tossed it into a water bottle with ice and shook it very well. That being said with every drink I had to swallow pretty quickly because while not offensive, I do not love the flavor. This is not unusual with a product of this sort though, I have tried a number of natural supplements which have unique flavors due to healthy ingredients. I did not experience any ill effects from this supplement, although, as my stomach can be sensitive, I did consume food with this. This did not impact my sleep later in the evening at all, and even helped to bring about a sense of calm when consumed in the afternoon. Overall a great product with no garbage ingredients, however the price is a bit much and that may make this product unattainable for some.
Christopher Jordan –
I have been a long time user of MTE, and recently ordered the newer mango pineapple flavor individual packets after using the original flavor for so long. It is absolutely delicious, and my focus and energy throughout the day with MTE is much better, compared to my prior years of drinking coffee. My energy is much longer lasting, and I am able to focus better, which has led to significant productivity improvements and less afternoon fatigue. I am so glad I bought the new flavor too, as it is delicious and makes a great drink over ice to start my day! Great job to MTE!
Jeannie Bean –
This product has been a game changer for me. I take it daily and it makes a huge difference in my energy level, focus and mood. I’m also getting better sleep! The newest flavor, Mango Pineapple is SO yummy. Not sure what I’d do without this daily wellness stack and I hope I never have to find out!