Descrição do Produto: MT. CAPRA SINCE 1928 Caprotein | Concentrado de Proteína de Caseína, Proteína de Leite de Cabra Fermentado de Cabras Alimentadas com Pasto, Extremamente Fácil de Digerir – 1 Libra
O MT. CAPRA SINCE 1928 Caprotein é um concentrado de proteína de caseína de alta qualidade, derivado do leite de cabra fermentado, proveniente de cabras alimentadas com pasto. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma fonte de proteína altamente digestível e nutritiva. Com um perfil de aminoácidos completo, o Caprotein é especialmente formulado para promover a recuperação muscular, apoiar a saúde digestiva e fornecer energia sustentada ao longo do dia. A fermentação do leite de cabra não apenas melhora a digestibilidade, mas também enriquece o produto com probióticos benéficos, tornando-o uma escolha superior para atletas, pessoas ativas e qualquer um que deseje aumentar sua ingestão de proteínas de forma saudável. Com 1 libra de produto, você terá uma excelente adição à sua rotina alimentar, seja em shakes, smoothies ou receitas.
1. Fácil Digestão: A proteína de leite de cabra fermentado é mais fácil de digerir do que a proteína de leite de vaca, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
2. Perfil Completo de Aminoácidos: Fornece todos os aminoácidos essenciais necessários para a recuperação e crescimento muscular.
3. Suporte à Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos presentes ajudam a equilibrar a flora intestinal e melhoram a saúde digestiva.
4. Energia Sustentada: Ideal para quem busca uma fonte de energia duradoura, perfeita para antes ou após o treino.
5. Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, como shakes, bolos e sopas, aumentando a ingestão de proteínas sem complicações.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 20-40g) de Caprotein em 200-300ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido antes ou após o treino, ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, adicione frutas, cacau em pó ou outros ingredientes de sua escolha. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Lala –
This product tastes like chalk, and its texture feels sandy. It gave me a terrible stomachache.
glory sasser –
I’m a happy customer of Mt. Capra products, and what I appreciate most besides the quality and taste is the packaging! There’s no wasted space inside the container, so what you see on the outside is a good measure of what you get on the inside! Finding a quality “fermented” protein powder fits my families needs just perfectly!
How products work –
Love this stuff.
I have nothing but good things to say about it.
First it isn’t sweetened like other protein powders.
I mix it in almond milk, all I do is put this powder in with almond milk, and some lecithin powder , kelp nutritional yeast powder
and camu camu.. mixes easily in just a shaker cup.. blender cup…
am not hungry at all a great breakfast
This is not a large size, but it goes a long way.. most people use too much protein powder anyway.
Just use a tablespoon into almond milk.. is really all you need. don’t overdo your protein powders.. could actually not be
that good for you if you use too much..
a little in am and pm is better then more all at once..
The taste of this is not like I thought, some reviews didn’t like it.
I don’t get that.. I drink it alone with just water mixed and it is fine.
but I usually mix it with almond milk..
don’t be worried about the taste.. or smell etc. it doesn’t smell like a goat or any of that..
SaberRouge117 –
We love this stuff! No weird additives, no soy, and it’s delicious. My family puts it in smoothies, sprinkles it on ice cream, my son just mixes it into his milk–anything! I’m just happy it’s available without having to go through the company we used to buy it from. A great way to add some protein to your diet (if you’re not into steak, that is!) 🙂
Hugo –
I really wanted to love this product – it comes from my state (Washington), it’s derived from goat milk, contains both whey and casein. There’s no sugar or other garbage.
However, it mixes horrible – when you drink it, you can taste granules of the powder on your tongue. The powder does not seem to dissolve completely, and even if you cover the taste/flavor with other ingredients, the powder sits like fine-sand. Most of it is often on the bottom of my mixer, and I need to wash it down with with water.
There’s also certain level of rancidity/sourness that exists after I mix it; it really tastes chalky with texture of a fine chalk powder or sand (yeah, I ate both as a kid, so I know :P)
With that being said, I have not tried any other goat protein, so maybe it is the best goat protein out there; instead, I prefer to buy one of certified organic grass-fed cow whole milk protein that’s available on – there are two major ones, I’ve tried the one from Source Organic Whey.
That stuff mixes like a charm, you get complete liquid and there’s no rancid/sour taste at all – but it does come from a cow rather than a goat.
I have not noticed anything else about the quality – it seems fine; which is a plus, because it could have made me sick.
In other words – three stars, because I feel it’s just OK. If you like smooth protein shakes – skip this one.
Rockin –
I’m sensitive to whey, the product does not upset my stomach.
Jan –
I soon realized the paper topper was just partly sealed, spillage leaked thru. Wasn’t crazy about taste. Don’t know from product or partly unsealed wrapped caused a stale taste. Unuseable.
DonnaM –
I liked that the taste was pleasant when mixed with blueberries. It was very easy digested no bloating.