Descrição do Produto: MT. CAPRA SINCE 1928 CapraCleanse
O CapraCleanse da MT. CAPRA é uma fórmula de limpeza completa, desenvolvida com uma combinação única de botânicos, óleos essenciais, enzimas, probióticos, fibras e minerais alcalinizantes provenientes do leite de cabra predigerido. Este produto foi cuidadosamente formulado para promover uma limpeza segura e suave do trato gastrointestinal, especialmente do cólon. A sua composição rica em fibras, que inclui pó de casca de psyllium, linhaça e prebióticos como inulina e arabinogalactina, não apenas auxilia na limpeza do intestino, mas também nutre as boas bactérias presentes na flora intestinal.
O CapraCleanse é gentil o suficiente para ser utilizado diariamente, apoiando a eliminação saudável e contribuindo para o bem-estar geral. A fórmula contém quatro misturas-chave: a Mistura de Fibras, a Mistura de Cólon, a Mistura Mineral e a Mistura Botânica, cada uma desempenhando um papel vital na promoção da saúde digestiva. Além disso, ingredientes como malva e ulmeiro escorregadio ajudam a acalmar os intestinos, enquanto o funcho e o feno-grego combatem a formação de gases e o inchaço, proporcionando um alívio eficaz e natural.
– Limpeza Eficaz: Promove uma limpeza profunda do cólon, eliminando toxinas acumuladas.
– Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a saúde intestinal ao nutrir as boas bactérias com prebióticos.
– Uso Diário: Fórmula suave que pode ser incorporada à rotina diária sem desconforto.
– Alívio de Sintomas: Combate gases e inchaço, proporcionando conforto digestivo.
– Misturas Naturais: Composição baseada em ingredientes naturais, sem aditivos químicos.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o CapraCleanse, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa do produto misturada em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com uma quantidade adequada de água ao longo do dia para maximizar a eficácia da limpeza e evitar qualquer desconforto intestinal. Para resultados otimizados, utilize o CapraCleanse como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável.
James –
Using this along with switching my diet to avoid food sensitivities, I am happy with my digestion, regularity, and weight progress for the first time in 4 years. Highly recommend that everyone at least try it once. If you don’t think it makes a difference for you, then don’t get another. But it could be something that really helps you achieve your health goals.
Jared Picune –
I love to take CapraCleanse every few months. Its a supplement that I can tell works. I notice a difference after a few days of use.
Avid Readers –
This is a great supplement if you don’t eat as well as you should – either in the long haul or in the short haul.
I go camping from time to time, and eat whatever my fellow campers eat. If it is not the highest quality food (for instance, donuts for breakfast, dutch oven desserts, etc), I get some minor constipation – and this clears it up. Also… if having something too spicy, or too greasy, or having alcohol that doesn’t agree with my system – same effect – makes a noticeable difference in eliminating any constipation.
Note there is a lot of fiber in CapraCleanse, you want to be careful to not overload on fiber. There are some downsides to it. Most of us probably don’t get enough fiber – and that’s a reason to use. Yet… if I were eating “right” and sufficient fiber – I wouldn’t see a need to take these.
MLeo –
I wish I could say I noticed a difference after taking this, but I didn’t. I didn’t notice much of a change. No unusual side effects to it, so that’s a bonus. I’m glad to hear others have had a better experience. Not everything works for everyone.
Game Changer –
Over the last 4 years I have suffered from cronic heart burn, I have tried everything from perscription pills to baking soda. I decided to get some of these just to “cleanse” my sytem and I have been taking them daily for the last 2 months. I have been completely heart burn free and very regular. I recomend these for anyone looking for a healthy cleanse as well as a remedy for heart burn.
Amy –
I am just finishing this bottle and I was impressed that it was a very gentle cleanse. The capsules are large but they do not taste bad or anything. I would order this again.
Sherrill Ingram –
This has been a very helpful supplement for my diet. It is very effective taking it every day. I am glad I can get it on Amazon.
Jill Margetts –
I’ve used it several times per Ben Greenfield’s recommendation as a liver cleanse. After one week of using it as directed, my sugar cravings decrease and my mind and focus is sharper. I don’t know the exact scientific mechanism for how it works — and maybe it does “detox” the system by helping you stool more and removing toxins from the body. Regardless, it works for me and I love it.