Descrição do Produto: MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) Pó Puro (1000 Gramas – 2,2 lb)
O MSM (Metilsulfonilmetano) em pó puro é um suplemento de alta qualidade, conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e de suporte à saúde das articulações. Com 1000 gramas de pura eficácia, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar a mobilidade, reduzir dores articulares e promover a recuperação muscular. O MSM é um composto natural que contém enxofre, essencial para a formação de colágeno e queratina, contribuindo para a saúde da pele, cabelo e unhas. Sua formulação em pó permite uma fácil dosagem e mistura em bebidas ou alimentos, tornando-se uma adição prática à rotina diária. Este suplemento é livre de aditivos e conservantes, garantindo um produto puro e eficaz.
1. Alívio da Dor Articular: O MSM ajuda a reduzir a dor e a inflamação nas articulações, proporcionando maior conforto e mobilidade.
2. Suporte à Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a produção de colágeno, melhorando a elasticidade e a aparência da pele.
3. Recuperação Muscular Acelerada: Auxilia na recuperação após exercícios físicos intensos, reduzindo a rigidez muscular.
4. Ação Antioxidante: O MSM possui propriedades antioxidantes que ajudam a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A forma em pó permite que o produto seja facilmente incorporado em shakes, sucos ou alimentos, facilitando a adesão ao suplemento.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 10 a 20 gramas) de MSM em pó por dia. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos ou shakes de proteína. É aconselhável iniciar com uma dose menor e aumentar gradualmente, conforme a tolerância. Para maximizar os benefícios, o uso contínuo é recomendado, e é sempre importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições médicas pré-existentes ou estiver tomando medicamentos.
z5python –
After a major motorcycle accident in which my right ankle was destroyed I suffered excruciating pain. Medics only offered Pana type painkillers. After about 5 years I found MSM. It does not improve the joint, but it certainly makes the pain manageable. I can now dance again. There seems to be only one side effect (loose bowels) but this can be easily controlled by striking a balance with dosage. Here in New Zealand theis product is known as “The Motorcyclists best friend”
The product also helps control Arthritis joint pain. It does not affect the disease in any way…just kills the pain.
DMatthews –
I would suggest using MSM in capsules not caplets since the powder form dissolves better and caplets tend to have more fillers than powder capsules. So that’s my tip on that in case you buy elsewhere. I tried both and powder capsules is what works the best. I sometimes place it under my tongue for more rapid results when my allergies want to shift to anaphalactic mode, but now since I’ve been on MSM fro about 8 months I’ve noticed I haven’t gotten a flare up. And please don’t think MSM sulfur is the same as sulpha which is in soaps, shampoos, over the counter meds, etc. Some people have taken glucosomine and I can tell you it didn’t work the same for my mom who has fibromyalgia and arthritis. I can tell you she no longer has fibromyalgia and her imflammation has gone away. Give it about a month and you should see the results. I noticed it within a week as well as my mother n law (bad knees). I sware by this stuff and my co-workers are now on it as well as my family members and none of them have had any issues with it. Since this is a detox like laminine I would go the cheaper route since sulfur has been around since bible time and it’s super cheap. It must be a reason why they refer to sulfur in the bible as brimstone. I just know everything happens for a reason and I wouldn’t discredit something if I’ve never taken it (like Laminine; I’m afraid to take that) but I can assure you that MSM has a lot of rave reviews and I have stories from all my co-workers and it’s about 30 of us. We’ve all noticed relief from PMS pain and bloating/water retention, allergies(by neutralizing foreign proteins), constipation, body aches/back pain, arthritis, clearer mind (have gotten closer to my Lord Jesus Christ, over the counter allergy meds had me in bondage; please find an alternative for your kids because I was always in a bad mood when I was on zyrtec and benadryl/ brain fog/tired all the time). Energy level increased, I can stay on the computer at work without my eyes turning red anymore, no longer need eye drops in the morning, no longer wearing my glasses at night since the blurriness has gone away, my husband noticed the same results; his vision didn’t come back all the way but it’s gotten a whole lot better.
I prayed for something like this for a long time and I’m 32 years old(exposed to second hand smoke from the age 8-20). I kid you not, and all this would have never happened if my mother wouldn’t have gotten sick about 2 years ago during the time I got baptized. Tell me that’s a coincidence. I don’t think so. That’s when I knew that everything happens for a reason and the timing was perfect because now so many people are benefiting from it. My sister is telling her husband about it because he takes insulin shots everyday and this is suppose to help regulate your insulin. We’ll see how that goes. But it’s pretty interesting how the MSM helps our body absorbs the nutrients we take in and it flushes the toxins out at the same time. There’s a lot of researchers that have written books on this and it’s very interesting how it works. Also, expereincing the changes and seeing my co-workers happy is the reason why I can’t stop talking about it and to top it off it’s water soluble. You can ask me questions if you like since I accept emails when customers comment, so ask away. 🙂 I’m just here to help.
I failed to mention if it doesn’t mix well it’s because it has fillers so you’re being duped. I bought the brand from vitamin world and it didn’t mix well and I bought this 2 lb bag of msm from amazon and it worked even faster for my allergies. Both worked but the pure msm worked faster because I was taking the exact dosage I needed. If msm sinks to the bottom of your glass of water and mixes to the point it dissolves then that product has no fillers it’s just msm. If it floats, then that means you have fillers.
Dejuir Haynes –
I am going to continue ordering this stuff.. eventhough I dodn’t like the taste too much. I find that I like how it makes me feel. I like what it does for my body. Not exactly sure if it’s been detoxing me but I do notice that my hair has been softer and grows better and my skin smoother (although I don’t think it gives me as much as a a glow as Vitamin C does). Taking MSM makes me sleep like a baby and it gives me really vivid dreams.. Which was kind of weird but i’m used to it now. I notice most of all that it is making me lose weight because I find that the more I take, the more I’m not hungry. The stuff actually makes me not hungry. It’s been easier for me to reduce my portions and cut back on my eating habits.
Richard Sedenquist –
Great product…noticed a difference right away!!!
D. Dorn –
I decided to try MSM due to a 20 plus year battle with fibromyalgia. I began using it in May 2012. At that time I had been having difficulty with my feet and walking at times along with the other fibro pains, but my feet were particularly bothersome. After several weeks I noticed that they were no longer bothering me like before. Yay! About 13 months later, I forgot about my feet and decided to stop taking MSM. That lasted for about 3 months and I decided I was doing better on it than off of it. I have been back on for about 2 months now, and although I hate the taste, in the long run it is a small price to pay for better mobility and better quality of life. I am not “great”, but I am definitely improved over not taking it all. I take 3 measured teaspoons daily. I have actually tried up to 5 a day, but did not see any noticeable improvement, so decided 3 was a working dose for me.
Tiana Rose🌹 –
I’m a first time buyer of MSM. I wasn’t sure which brand I should buy because I’ve read reviews where the powder wasn’t pure. Once I received my package of MSM I added a little amount of powder in a glass of water and it was clear(pure)! I’m so happy this company didn’t trick me and gave me a high quality product. I’ll be ordering from them again once my powder is finished. I would recommend ordering your MSM through this company if you want a pure product. I order this MSM on a friday and received it the following monday! It tastes a bit funny, so I’ll be adding it to juice instead of water. I’m excited to see how it will affect my asthma in the coming weeks. I’m so glad this was my first choice when ordering MSM! 🙂
Elizabeth Di Framcesca –
THANKS, I am about due to reorder soon and would like to also buy other products from them. This is a very good MSM I highly recommend to anyone. I bought a bag for my daughter last time and recommend this company and product to everyone I know. For pain, breathing, as a cell enhancer to help push in oxygen which allows for proper nutrition to go where it needs to go this is the stuff to use ! Easy, effective and this bag lasts a long time. I personally use a TSP 2 x PER DAY. and with superfoods, spirulina, and magnesium, your ready for a good day and night sleep.
I am looking forward to re-orders and buying other products from them. All I hope for is shipping prices to improve