Descrição do Produto: MRM – Natural Whey – Premium Whey Protein 5 lbs
A MRM – Natural Whey – Premium Whey Protein 5 lbs é a escolha ideal para atletas de elite e praticantes recreativos que buscam uma proteína de alta qualidade, 100% derivada do soro de leite de vacas alimentadas com pasto. Este produto foi desenvolvido para apoiar o crescimento muscular magro, proporcionando uma fonte de proteína pura e eficaz. Com uma formulação que prioriza a digestibilidade, a MRM adicionou enzimas digestivas e uma mistura probiótica MICROBAC, composta por 16 cepas diferentes, garantindo que o corpo absorva os nutrientes de forma otimizada, ajudando a alcançar suas metas de fitness.
Além de promover o crescimento muscular, a MRM – Natural Whey também se destaca no suporte à recuperação muscular. Com 7,7g de BCAA+G por porção, este suplemento é perfeito para quem busca se recuperar rapidamente após os treinos intensos. A adição de leite fermentado (kefir) não só enriquece a fórmula com nutrientes adicionais, mas também promove a saúde intestinal, tornando esta proteína uma alternativa completa e equilibrada em comparação com outras opções disponíveis no mercado.
Para um uso prático e eficiente, recomenda-se adicionar 1 medida (scoop) a 3-4 oz de água ou sua bebida favorita, agitando ou misturando bem. Essa simplicidade na preparação torna a MRM – Natural Whey uma escolha conveniente para o dia a dia, seja antes ou após os treinos.
– Crescimento Muscular: Ideal para atletas que desejam aumentar a massa muscular magra.
– Alta Digestibilidade: Com enzimas digestivas e probióticos, facilita a absorção e minimiza desconfortos digestivos.
– Recuperação Eficiente: A presença de BCAA+G ajuda na recuperação muscular, reduzindo a fadiga pós-treino.
– Saúde Intestinal: O kefir enriquece a fórmula, promovendo um microbioma saudável e melhorando a digestão.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, se adapta à rotina de qualquer atleta ou entusiasta do fitness.
Para obter os melhores resultados, adicione 1 scoop da MRM – Natural Whey a 3-4 oz de água ou à sua bebida preferida. Misture bem utilizando um shaker ou liquidificador até que a mistura esteja homogênea. Para maximizar os benefícios, consuma imediatamente após o treino ou como um lanche nutritivo ao longo do dia. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme suas necessidades nutricionais e objetivos de fitness.
Luna Lovegood –
This protein was recommended to me years ago by a trainer and nutritionist. I am still using it. The flavor isn’t strong but chocolate enough to add something different rather than vanilla all the time. I mix it with oatmeal or use it in smoothies. I sometimes warm up milk and create a faux hot chocolate (add the protein after you warm the milk and don’t make the milk too hot or the protein clumps). It is not very sweet compared to others, so if you like sweet protein you might want to add some sweetener.
sean –
MRM is a good company and this is a quality protein. It mixes without clumping, gives me no stomach issues and the price is competitive. I wish they sold an unflavored version because the stevia sweet tastes weird.
flip digler –
This is by far my favorite and best tasting, best mixing protein I have tried, and I have tried a lot!! Keep in mind it is natural, no artificial crap, so your not going to get that intense chocolate flavor your used to. It might take a few shakes before you taste how good it really is, because your used to the artificial stuff that has the sweet chocolate flavor. I will take this MRM any day over the other brands. The vanilla is just as good, I use the choco for my bedtime shake. 8oz of water, depending on my protein intake for the day, 1-2 scoops, a few ice cubes in my blender bottle and shake for 20sec or shakes, then I let it sit for a bit in the fridge to let the foam settle. I will also throw some PB2 powder inside for some peanut butter cup shake, or pour it over some rice crisp cereal. Ummm ummm mmmmmmmmm! Good stuff
M.E. –
Happy with this product.
JB –
I’ve been using this whey protein for years. Clean ingredients and easy to blend/non-grainy.
WaterIonizersDirectUSA –
I learned long ago from a good friend who is a chemist. The collagen is the glue that holds us together. None of us stay Young forever. Your organs need this especially your heart… Forget about your good looks take it for your organs. Love it in my morning coffee and you don’t even taste it.
Jr. Boy –
It’s the best whey & subtle (not fake) vanilla flavor I have tried. Amazing texture, mixability, and no stomach discomfort. I love all the probiotics and can taste/smell subtle kefir culture that enhances this blend over others. Finally a perfect natural whey! Thank you MRM
William –
The first time I ever purchased MRM’s Whey French Vanilla was in December of 2014. The first few purchases were great. The taste was fantastic, I had no complaints. At that Time I would’ve easily rated it 5 stars. However, since mid-late 2015, the flavor consistency has been dropping significantly, enough to be noticed. My most recent purchase (July 2016) has me shocked. I’ve gone through 1/3 of the 5 pound product simply attempting to finish it but I cannot drink this any longer. It tastes plain awful. None of my MRM products have been undrinkable until this recent purchase. I may have just gotten a really bad product this time around but that doesn’t change the fact that the quality has been consistently dropping for a while now. I personally will not be purchasing from MRM any longer and I’ll be tossing out the remaining 2/3 of my 5 pound French Vanilla Whey. I’ve been a customer of MRM productsfor a while and don’t want to bash on them, I just want to warn future customers of the possibility of inconsistency in the flavor.