O produto MRM – CLA 1250mg é um suplemento de alta potência que contém 80% de CLA, fornecendo 1000mg de CLA por cápsula. Ele vem em um frasco com 90 cápsulas e possui benefícios como auxiliar na perda de peso, aumentar a queima de gordura e promover a saúde cardiovascular.
Obtenha o melhor dos alimentos de origem animal, sem os malefícios. O MRM – CLA 1250mg – High Potency contém 80% de CLA, o que equivale a 1000mg de CLA por cápsula gelatinosa. Com 90 cápsulas por embalagem, este produto é uma excelente opção para otimizar os benefícios dos ácidos graxos saudáveis encontrados principalmente em carnes e laticínios, sem a necessidade de consumir grandes quantidades calóricas desses alimentos.
O CLA é um ácido graxo livre naturalmente presente em carnes e produtos lácteos, e ao adicionar as cápsulas de CLA de alta potência da MRM a uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares, você estará dando um impulso extra para alcançar seus objetivos corporais.
Além disso, as cápsulas de CLA da MRM são a forma mais econômica e eficiente de obter a quantidade necessária de CLA. Elas contêm CLA derivado do óleo de semente de cártamo, fornecendo ao seu corpo o que ele precisa sem a necessidade de consumir grandes quantidades. O CLA pode ajudar a reduzir o acúmulo de gordura corporal e melhorar a função imunológica.
Se você consome laticínios regularmente, saiba que a quantidade média de CLA obtida através desses alimentos está longe de ser suficiente. Aumentar a concentração de CLA pode aumentar o valor nutricional e os benefícios dos laticínios.
Além disso, o MRM – CLA 1250mg – High Potency não contém leite, ovo, amendoim, nozes, peixe, frutos do mar, soja, trigo, glúten ou levedura, tornando-o uma opção segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Obtenha os benefícios dos ácidos graxos saudáveis encontrados em carnes e laticínios sem consumir grandes quantidades calóricas desses alimentos.
- Ajude a alcançar seus objetivos corporais ao adicionar as cápsulas de CLA de alta potência da MRM a uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares.
- Economize dinheiro e obtenha a quantidade necessária de CLA com as cápsulas de CLA da MRM, que contêm CLA derivado do óleo de semente de cártamo.
- Aumente o valor nutricional e os benefícios dos laticínios ao aumentar a concentração de CLA em sua dieta.
- Desfrute de um produto seguro para pessoas com restrições alimentares, pois o MRM – CLA 1250mg – High Potency não contém ingredientes como leite, ovo, amendoim, nozes, peixe, frutos do mar, soja, trigo, glúten ou levedura.
1. Auxilia na perda de peso, promovendo a queima de gordura de forma eficaz.
2. Melhora a saúde cardiovascular, contribuindo para um coração mais saudável.
3. Proporciona uma forma prática e econômica de obter CLA sem o consumo excessivo de calorias.
4. Aumenta o valor nutricional da dieta, especialmente para quem consome laticínios.
5. É uma opção segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula gelatinosa de MRM – CLA 1250mg – High Potency por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que este produto é adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
率直な感想マン –
Hello World –
Studies show that CLA does help to rid your body of fatty tissue. I decided to take this product for that purpose. I am 24 years old, male, I workout about three times a week, and eat about 1900 calories average a day. I had this annoying belly fat so you could never see my abs. Well I take three capsules in the morning everyday with my vitamin. I have lost most of that belly fat. It is slow as it has been two months, but without changing my workout routine or my eating habits I do have to say this is a great product. I am only writing this review because I am ordering 2 more bottles.
Also MRM, is a great brand. They do not add extras to their products. While other companies will add color, and other weird stuff MRM never does. They are also the very cost effective, with most their products.
LDHfan –
A. Kabir –
This is my third brand and third bottle of CLA’s. The two other brands had 300mg to 500mg of CLA’s mixed in with other DHA’s and EPA’s per 1000mg. With MRM, you get 1250mg of CLA’s, per capsule, and no other fillers.
Based on my research, you need to take 3.4 grams to 6 grams a day, for at least 6 weeks, to see any results. On the other brands, that meant taking 6-7 capsules to hit the 3.4 grams of CLA’s required. With this brand, I manage to get there with 3 capsules, but I take 4 a day (in two servings). For the price, you’re getting a much higher potency per unit, than other brands found on the Amazon market place.
As for the results? Since I’m taking many other supplements, including krill oil, fish oil, BCAA’s, and whey protein…along with a heavy lifts program and daily LISS cardio, it’s hard to say that I’m losing fat with the CLA’s, only. I haven’t lost any weight, but I am losing a noticeable amount of body fat. This is just one more component of my daily arsenal to target fat loss. If you believe the research, then this is the brand to go with.
Taneesha Harris –
To give you a background on myself im in my early 30, an ex athlete and gained some extra pounds in the wrong places like my mid section. I eat pretty good, but the mid area hardly changes. . when i started using it i instantly saw a change in my mid section i think it was about two weeks when i looked at my stomach and was like wow! this stuff is working!!! I didnt measure myself (i should have to get the exact inches i lost) BUT i saw a big difference.. looked like 4 inches!!! this was very amazing to me knowing how this is my fat storage area.. the following week i purchased the green coffee bean extract so i can take it with the CLA and the green coffee bean helped even more.. I did not loose pounds in numbers but most of my clothes are fitting very loose and others i have to take them in …my best friend is taking the same stuff and he literally melted away loosing way way more inches than me.. i will say about 10 inches in one month. loosing about 15 pounds.
julia mark –
Okay, so it MAYYY be placebo effect since Im known to be a sucker for health products, but I swear I took one and felt more alert and clear minded.
However, one less star for the size of these things. When people are saying they ARENT horsepills or not as bad as the reviews say, they are LYING. i am a professional vitamin taker, i take like 20 a day, and i have seen nothing like the size of these things.
Luckily, they aere gel, and if u arent super sensitive to tastes, you can just bite it and extract the liquid. Its not that bad, if i had to give u what it tastes like, it tastes exactly like if you gave safflower a taste lol. Some type of plant flavor, almost like it would taste if you ate some part of a sunflower lol. thats what it rerminded me of anyways. totally palatable.
i will update this after three weeks to let u know if ive lost any weight, but im on day three and i do not think the alert feeling is placebo effect. i think these do have somewhat of an instant more alert, clear minded effect, witihout feeling like a diet pill, obviously.
if u are teetering on whether to get these or not, id go with a yes. at the very least you feela little more focused and clear minded without prescription drugs, and at the very most you lose some weight too! im hoping for both and will definitely update in a few weeks!
てつ –
liz –
I started taking CLA a month ago and switched to this brand. The capsules are large but easy to swallow. The price is right compared to other CLA products. I like this brand better then the brand I was taking, no upset stomach or burping, that often happens when I take any type of oil suppliments. I take one with each meal, brkfst, lunch, and dinner. I also watch my diet and exercise 5-6 days a week. I started Ketoberry (see my other review) with the CLA. So far, (90 days) I’ve lost about 5 inches off my waist and about 20 lbs, since starting both. I feel like the CLA keeps me full and has been essential to what I believe is my loss of inches and muscle gain. I would recommend to anyone who is willing to put in the work at the gym and wants a suppliment to help reshape their body. I have dieted and exercised before but I have never had visible belly reduction like I have since taking CLA, I 100% believe it helps reduce fat and I’ll be taking it the rest of my life most likely.
あ –