Descrição do Produto: Mr. Pen – Shaker Bottle para Misturas de Proteína, 28 oz
A Mr. Pen apresenta sua Shaker Bottle para Misturas de Proteína, com capacidade de 28 oz, ideal para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na preparação de shakes e suplementos. Este copo misturador é equipado com uma bola de arame que garante uma mistura homogênea, eliminando grumos e proporcionando uma textura suave em suas bebidas. Com um design ergonômico e tampa à prova de vazamentos, a Shaker Bottle é perfeita para ser levada à academia, ao trabalho ou em viagens. Fabricada em material resistente e livre de BPA, a garrafa é segura para o uso diário e fácil de limpar. Seu tamanho compacto permite que caiba na maioria dos suportes de copos de carro, tornando-a uma companheira ideal para o seu estilo de vida ativo.
1. Mistura Eficiente: A bola de arame interna garante que seus shakes sejam misturados de forma rápida e eficaz, sem grumos.
2. Portabilidade: Com capacidade de 28 oz, é perfeita para levar em qualquer lugar, seja na academia ou no trabalho.
3. Material Seguro: Fabricada em plástico livre de BPA, assegurando que suas bebidas estejam livres de substâncias nocivas.
4. Design Prático: A tampa à prova de vazamentos evita acidentes e mantém sua bolsa ou mochila limpa.
5. Fácil Limpeza: Pode ser lavada na máquina de lavar louças, facilitando a rotina do dia a dia.
Para utilizar a Shaker Bottle Mr. Pen, adicione a quantidade desejada de proteína em pó ou suplemento na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente água ou leite até a marca de 28 oz. Insira a bola de arame e feche bem a tampa. Agite vigorosamente por 30 segundos a 1 minuto, até que a mistura esteja completamente homogênea. Após o uso, recomenda-se lavar a garrafa com água morna e detergente neutro ou colocá-la na máquina de lavar louças para uma limpeza mais prática.
Swaggy –
Pretty good shaker bottle, no leaks, came with no damage, and easy to clean. I’d definitely recommend!
Courtney B –
I bought this bottle for work, I needed something that wont cost much and wont leak. This bottle is just that. No it wont keep your drink hot or cold but if you need a cheap shaker this is the one. I use this for my protean shakes or instant coffee. Between shaking my drinks or my cup falling over, I have not had a single leak.
RK –
I really like this shaker. No leakages, I even dropped it the day I got it.. but not broken. Made of good plastic and value for money. Can be easily carried in bags without worrying of spills. Easy to clean and nice design. A little tighter to open but that’s for the protection of leakages. Overall, I really like it.
Daniel A –
Well the shakers performance is very good! The ball it comes with does a great job in mixing up my whey. There’s no leakage from the cup either. It’s made of a good thick plastic that’s really durable and doesn’t feel like it’ll break easily. The bottle is black (obviously) and had a nice coat of shiny polish that glosses over it when you get it. It’s a bit hard to clean the shaker ball by hand, but it’s no problem if you just throw it in the dishwasher.
Barnabas Kripnar –
I read other product reviews, mostly saying that the cup smelled weird and it leaked while you shook it. So, I knew I was throwing caution into the wind when I purchased it. After it arrived, I opened it and understood what past reviewers said about the smell. It did have a plasticy kind of smell. But, like everything you buy that you’re going to eat or drink from, you should wash it first before you use it. After I washed it, the smell was gone. There was never an odd taste, either.
Now, as for the leaking… I made sure the top was screwed on tight and I used a finger to hold down the cap while I shook it and I never experienced any leaking. I’ve used it a few times now and not had any leaks. I question if other reviewers have made sure the top was screwed down tightly or if they just got a defective cup but, I didn’t have that problem.
In closing, it’s a well-made product. Other companies charge double, triple or more for a shaker cup of this caliber. Not only is this cost-effective, but it’s a great product, as well. I might order a second one as a backup.
Chris Bertasson –
Bottle is solid quality, like the measurements on the sides.
Lal Muana –
I use this to mix my fiber powder and it works really good. Mixed really well and easy to clean
tlk5259 –
Bought this for protein coffee. Leaks around rim. Guess I’ll keep.
Update: Great customer service. Issued prompt refund.
Hellen B. –
Works nicely. The metal ball helps mix the protein shake. Doesn’t leak and looks good.
Amy Leigh –
I very much like the size of this bottle. I do wish the little window was actually see through (I ordered the black bottle and thought the window would at least be clear…it is not). And while there no chemical smell to the bottle itself, the lid has one and I I’ve soaked and scrubbed and almost boiled it and can’t seem to get rid of it.