MP MOZZPAK Sacos de Vômito Descartáveis – 35 Unidades – Sacos de Vômito de 1000ml
Os sacos de vômito descartáveis MP MOZZPAK são a solução ideal para quem enfrenta o desconforto do enjoo, vômito ou náuseas, especialmente durante viagens. Com uma capacidade generosa de 1000ml, cada pacote contém 35 unidades, garantindo que você esteja sempre preparado para situações inesperadas. Desenvolvidos com tecnologia de grau médico, esses sacos são à prova de vazamentos, proporcionando segurança e tranquilidade em momentos críticos. Seu design portátil permite que sejam facilmente armazenados em carros, mochilas ou bolsas, tornando-os um item indispensável para taxistas, motoristas e viajantes.
1. Conveniência e Facilidade de Uso: A abertura ampla dos sacos permite um encaixe perfeito, minimizando o risco de derramamentos e facilitando o uso em situações de emergência.
2. Indispensável para Viagens: Ideal para quem sofre de enjoo em viagens, esses sacos podem ser armazenados em diversos locais, garantindo acesso rápido quando necessário.
3. Qualidade Premium: O sistema de fechamento eficiente elimina odores e garante que o conteúdo permaneça seguro, mesmo em casos de vômito intenso.
4. Design Resistente e Durável: Fabricados com materiais de alta resistência, os sacos são confiáveis e seguros, evitando quebras ou vazamentos.
5. Qualidade de Grau Médico: Cada saco é projetado para suportar vômitos intensos, oferecendo a segurança necessária em situações críticas.
Para utilizar os sacos de vômito MP MOZZPAK, comece abrindo a sacola e posicionando-a adequadamente na boca, assegurando que a abertura esteja bem encaixada para evitar qualquer derramamento. Após o uso, embrulhe a sacola de forma segura e descarte-a em um local apropriado. É recomendável manter sempre uma unidade em locais de fácil acesso, como no carro ou na mochila, para garantir que você esteja preparado para emergências. A qualidade médica dos materiais utilizados assegura que os sacos sejam seguros e eficazes, proporcionando uma experiência tranquila mesmo nas situações mais desconfortáveis.
Alan & Danielle –
Seriously, a great vomit bag. From kids getting car sick, yearly sicknesses, and anything in between, these bags have saved us so much! From time to car cleaning, carpet cleaning, you name it!
We keep a couple spread out through cars and homes just in case. This is one of the items that is better to have it and not need it, than need it and not having it! Good quality, with no bag leaks, or breaks, and no flaws seen yet.
This has been our second purchase and we definitely will continue to buy these. Save the stress, and craziness for something else, and help your kiddos feel better without the worry, of kids feeling ashamed of being sick or anything negative. Most important of all having to clean up vomit from the worst of places i.e. car seats, back of cars, bedrooms, etc.
Throwing up is never a great experience but these little bags work great in a pinch!
Ranjeeth D. –
Bought this for my stem cell transplant journey. I often felt nauseated. When I was in the hospital, I was given these bags so I ordered the same once I was discharged. These are convenient for travel and easy and safe to dispose. No leakage. I used to carry plastic grocery bags before I came across this.
HKellyB –
I can’t imagine how this product could be rated poorly. They’re made using quality products that enables the item to get the job done easily. I only learned about these bags recently, as my Dad was undergoing chemo. It’s much easier to leave a few bags in multiple places so you’re never without. It definitely beats carrying around a trashcan or a flimsy bag (we definitely can’t count on grocery bags because 9.7 times out of 10, there will be a hole in the bottom of the bag) or worse, not making it to the bathroom in time which results in someone having to clean vomit from the floors, furniture, or vehicle. The mouth shape of the bags is nice because it’d be near impossible to miss if you’re using these for their intended purposes. The bags seem to hold up well and I’ve not experienced any of them leaking, thankfully. This company provides directions on how to tie the bag up properly, but I just haven’t quite figured that out to my satisfaction. That’s probably the only thing about these bags that I have trouble with and honestly, that’s a bit absurd for me to mention, but I did it anyway. The first time I purchased bags like these, I was dealing with a child that was suffering with a stomach bug. I couldn’t wait on bags to be delivered so I purchased a box from my local pharmacy. They were priced much higher than these and the quality was equal to these. I hope I’m never without these bags in the future. I will make sure I order more before I run out. I always keep a few bags in the car, in every bedroom, the living room, bathrooms, and in my purse (plus any other room that I forgot to mention). These bags are great!!!
Ann Anderson –
These bags are so handy when you need them. If you aren’t feeling good and have that queasy stomach these are so much easier to use than trying to make it to the bathroom. If you use one just close it and discard it. Much more sanitary that trying to clean up a mess.
Yuririn –
They work great. My children got sick and regular plastic bags weren’t working well but these worked perfect! It was easy to use for adult and children both. I am getting more and keep at different places! These are definitely must item if you don’t want to make a mess. The only complaint is the bag doesn’t close well.
Tait Doeringer –
Love these to have stashed in the car for unexpected car sickness. Easy to use and then just throw away. It doesnt leak and it is very thick. I like the size of them and they are good quality for the price
James T. Westbrook –
After the onset of vertigo, I became prone to sudden vomiting when it got really bad. I decided to purchase some emesis bags, and I ordered these. They are decently sized when expanded, with one usually being enough for a minor episode. There are plenty there, so I keep a few in reach around the house at all times in the event I need one very quickly. Great product, good price.
ahtx –
these were a lifesaver on a long-haul flight. Very easy to use and very durable with no leaks. Absolutely must if you have motion sickness infinitely better than the paper bags provided by the airline.