Descrição do Produto: Chosei-Kyu-Ibuki Moxa (caixa com 100)
A Chosei-Kyu-Ibuki Moxa é uma solução premium para a terapia de moxabustão, oferecendo uma experiência de alta qualidade e eficácia. Cada caixa contém 100 cilindros de moxa, projetados para proporcionar um aquecimento uniforme e suave, ideal para práticas de medicina tradicional chinesa e terapias complementares.
- Stick on moxa
- Regular
- Queima de forma uniforme e suave
- Alta qualidade de moxa
- 100 cilindros por caixa
Os cilindros de moxa são feitos de ervas selecionadas, garantindo uma queima consistente e controlada, que maximiza os benefícios terapêuticos. A moxabustão é uma técnica que utiliza o calor da moxa para estimular pontos específicos do corpo, promovendo a circulação sanguínea e aliviando dores musculares e articulares. A Chosei-Kyu-Ibuki Moxa é ideal para profissionais de saúde e terapeutas que buscam um produto confiável e eficaz para suas práticas.
1. Queima Controlada: A moxa queima de forma uniforme, garantindo uma aplicação segura e eficaz.
2. Alta Qualidade: Produzida com ervas de alta qualidade, proporcionando resultados superiores em comparação com produtos inferiores.
3. Praticidade: Os cilindros são fáceis de usar, permitindo que tanto profissionais quanto iniciantes realizem a moxabustão com facilidade.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizada em diversas áreas do corpo, adaptando-se às necessidades individuais de cada cliente.
5. Alívio de Sintomas: Eficaz no alívio de dores, tensão muscular e problemas de circulação, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para utilizar a Chosei-Kyu-Ibuki Moxa, comece escolhendo o ponto de acupuntura ou área do corpo que deseja tratar. Acenda a extremidade do cilindro de moxa até que comece a emitir uma fumaça suave. Mantenha o cilindro a uma distância segura da pele, geralmente entre 2 a 5 cm, para evitar queimaduras. Aqueça a área desejada por cerca de 10 a 15 minutos, ou até sentir um calor confortável. Após o uso, certifique-se de apagar completamente o cilindro e armazená-lo em um local seguro. A moxabustão pode ser realizada em sessões regulares para melhores resultados.
It provides a good safe burn, and I have only needed the protective tabs for the delicate skin on the back of my knee. I have bursitis in my hip, and am waiting to get a knee replacement. I find it easier to light the stick, blow it out, and then stick it on. (That eliminates the contortions that might be needed in order to apply to skin.) Some people complain about the smell, but to me it is like incense.
Tiffany Short –
this is the best product – easy to use and works well on the acupuncture points where i need to use this. once i felt a cold coming on and i used this on the lung point on the wrist and i was better in no time. this is so much easier to use than direct moxa and is a very nice quality. i use this product regularly.
Anyone who says the heat only lasts for a minute and recommends using a heating pad instead does not understand the purpose of moxa or how it works. Moxa produces infrared heat. This heat signals your body to start healing itself in the area where it is placed. A heating pad just masks the pain for a short amount of time but does not provided any long term healing benefit. You are supposed to stick it on, light it, let it burn through and then light another and do this 3 times. It will take several cycles like this for permanent effect. I have severe plantars fasciitis I was told required surgery. Using moxa and acupuncture I have avoided surgery. In between visits to acupuncturist, I use this moxa on myself and it has been a lifesaver.
LC, San Francisco –
i thought it was the “smokeless” version, but it’s definitely smoky and a little strong – although the smell is not as strong as a huge moxa stick. the adhesive holds well and provides comfort when i can’t make it to acupuncture.
Adina N. –
They are very small, so I was initially skeptical. However, after the first application on the tip of my finger I felt relief. I sustained a tip of the nerve injury on one of my left-hand fingers, and as a professional violinist I had to take time off. There was no question of touching the strings with that pain. I was doing acupuncture already, and less than 48 hours of applications, the finger was healed. This is the real thing.
I like using this type of Moxa at home, it seems a bit expensive, but I do value the health benefits. These are very easy to use and good quality.
They burn in way less than a minute- tiny and they stick well was hoping for a slower burn- waited 15 minutes then did another set- if you want a longer burn don’t get these find something else- but if you want something quick and easy this will work- light scent no issues
Sunny –
This is my first time trying moxa on my own. The product was very easy to use and the heat level was perfect. I also loved the smell. I googled and placed on pressure points to help me sleep better and help with eyes strains. It was such a calming experience. I will make this my nightly routine!