Descrição do Produto: MoonDance Soaps Diaper Lotion Potion Cleansing Spray, 4 Oz Tea Tree
A Loção de Limpeza MoonDance Soaps Diaper Lotion Potion é um tratamento seguro e eficaz para assaduras de fraldas. Mantenha as assaduras longe com nosso suave lavagem natural e hidratante. Use com suas próprias toalhinhas de fralda caseiras, fraldas de pano ou simplesmente borrife diretamente no bumbum do bebê para ajudar a prevenir assaduras de fralda para o seu bebê.
Nada além de ingredientes naturais (livre de álcool): A segurança do seu bebê é a sua prioridade, por isso não há parabenos, ftalatos ou fragrâncias sintéticas em nosso spray de fralda. Nosso alívio para assaduras de fralda nutre e cura a pele sensível do seu bebê.
Amacia e acalma: Óleo de jojoba puro, hidratante e calmante para a pele, infundido com ervas que curam a pele. Combinamos este óleo infundido com as propriedades de limpeza e acalmação dos óleos de lavanda e tea tree. Nossa Loção de Limpeza para Fraldas ajuda a restaurar e manter o equilíbrio de pH da pele do seu bebê.
Solução sem bagunça: Cremes e pomadas são bagunçados e difíceis de remover da pele, roupas e lençóis. Nosso spray solúvel em água é facilmente lavável e não deixa resíduos. Borrife uma camada leve de loção para manter você, suas roupas e a pele do seu bebê limpos e frescos. Um pouco vai longe!
Fabricado nos EUA com amor: Fabricado por uma empresa familiar nos EUA, com os melhores ingredientes, significa que sabemos exatamente o que vai em seu spray de fralda. Nós o manipulamos com amor e cuidado até que esteja pronto para uma nova casa – a sua!
- Tratamento eficaz para assaduras de fralda: A fórmula natural suaviza e acalma a pele sensível do bebê, ajudando a manter a área da fralda saudável.
- Ingredientes naturais e livres de produtos químicos nocivos: Produto seguro, livre de parabenos, ftalatos e fragrâncias sintéticas, feito apenas com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade.
- Fácil de usar e sem bagunça: Spray solúvel em água que é fácil de aplicar e não deixa resíduos, ideal para o dia a dia.
- Hidrata e acalma a pele do bebê: Enriquecida com óleo de jojoba e ervas que ajudam a restaurar o equilíbrio de pH da pele, prevenindo o ressecamento e a irritação.
- Fabricado nos EUA com amor: Produto de uma empresa familiar que prioriza a qualidade e segurança, garantindo confiança na escolha do consumidor.
Agite bem antes de usar. Borrife uma camada leve da loção diretamente na área da fralda do bebê. Não é necessário enxaguar. Utilize a loção a cada troca de fralda para ajudar a prevenir assaduras. Em caso de irritação persistente, consulte um médico.
Chris Justice StL –
My 9 month old daughter gets rashes easily, so I needed something to keep her balanced out, and fresh. This fits the bill. I was hoping for it to be a little more lavendery, so I added a few extra drops. I would not do this unless you know it is a legit essential oil, with no extra garbage in it, which mine is. My pharmacy sells only the best natural and homeopathic stuff.
Any parent with a baby with sensitive skin, knows how this goes. You have to find the perfect combination. The right diaper, the right wipe, the right protective balm, etc, to fit your baby’s skin. This with a combination of water wipes, has been key to our routine. No more bumps or redness. Even if she sits in a potty diaper too long when she is down for a nap, she stays balanced out. Container is nice. The other spray product I tried was so flimsy it arrived leaking, so that was the end of that.
Roni Loehr –
OMG!! My daughters love this stuff. We started using this 3 years ago with the first grand baby and now we’re at 4+. They ask for it every time they run out. It works so good the redness/rash is gone so quickly!!
Rebecca Bron –
The smell is soft and light but the product is very easy to use and clean.
Amazon Customer –
When my girls complain about irritation/redness, this was the best stuff EVER to use on them and still do. My oldest girl is 9 and on the rare occasion she will use it. My youngest being 4 and we still use it. Worth every penny.
Ariel –
This spray is very helpful as a cleanser. I am not sure it works great for diaper rashes but I use it all the time when I’m having trouble getting my baby’s bottom clean and it really helps. Plus it smells so light and refreshing!
LAtoParis –
This was recommend to me by a friend and fellow mom. I’d never heard of it. At 13 months old, my daughter developed a bad diaper rash for the 1st time in her life. Her pediatrician recommended OTC creams, then a steroid cream when the OTC plan didn’t work. The rx steroid cream also did nothing. Next, our Dr. prescribed Nystatin cream, for a fungal infection. This cream did help the rash significantly, but never cleared it up completely. We used this cream for 2 months and a total of 4 tunes. Still, it didn’t clear.
So, at the recommendation of my friend, I ordered this spray and started using it in conjunction with the Nystatin. Within a few days, the rash was almost gone. I started to wonder if it was the spray and not the rx that was working, so I stopped the Nystatin and started using this exclusively. For the first time in over 2 months, the diaper rash completely cleared and hasn’t come back! I use this at every diaper change now.
Besides the fact that this spray cleared up an awful rash, I also LOVE how easy it is to use…no more squeezing thick cream out of a tube or digging it out of a jar, no more spreading it around with your fingers, making a mess on your own hands that you have to clean up (which is challenging with a squirming baby.)
I keep a bottle of this in the nursery, in my room, in the diaper bag, and in our car. I’ll never be without it. I can’t recommend this spray enough!
LadyDjinn –
This is called a lotion spray but that is very misleading! This is the consistency of water. It may have some oils in it, but it is water. You shake it up before applying and spray. It doesn’t clean like it says. Not effectively. I don’t think it helps with rash prevention at all. I’m not very impressed. If you want something that works, look into “La petit crème.” Now THAT stuff is amazing!!
Christina Copeland –
I was skeptical at first, but the part fit perfectly and brought back my stove eye.