Moon Juice – SuperYou – Frasco (60 Cápsulas)
Descubra o poder transformador do Moon Juice – SuperYou, um suplemento inovador que combina adaptógenos potentes para ajudar a gerenciar o estresse diário e melhorar sua energia, humor e foco. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, SuperYou é a defesa diária que você precisa para enfrentar os desafios da vida moderna. Cada cápsula contém uma mistura clínica de ingredientes que atuam em sinergia para aliviar as manifestações emocionais, mentais, hormonais e físicas do estresse cotidiano.
A fórmula de SuperYou é composta por uma combinação poderosa de adaptógenos: 250mg de Ashwagandha, 150mg de Rhodiola, 450mg de Shatavari e 150mg de Amla. A Ashwagandha é conhecida por regular os níveis de cortisol, ajudando a reduzir a irritabilidade e promovendo uma sensação de calma. A Rhodiola, por sua vez, é um aliado no combate à fadiga, aumentando a alerta e a resistência mental. O Shatavari contribui para o equilíbrio hormonal, enquanto a Amla protege a pele contra os estressores oxidativos, promovendo uma aparência saudável e vibrante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas veganas todas as manhãs, com ou sem alimentos. Todos os ingredientes são 100% rastreáveis, não adulterados e provenientes de fontes sustentáveis, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto de alta qualidade. A embalagem pode variar, mas a eficácia permanece constante.
– Gerenciamento do Estresse Diário: Reduz os efeitos do estresse, melhorando a energia e o foco.
– Mistura de Força Clínica: Combate a fadiga física, mental e emocional, elevando o humor.
– Regulação Hormonal: Promove o equilíbrio hormonal, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
– Proteção Oxidativa: Amla ajuda a proteger a pele e o corpo contra danos oxidativos.
– Ingredientes Sustentáveis: Composição 100% rastreável e de fontes sustentáveis, garantindo qualidade e responsabilidade ambiental.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Moon Juice – SuperYou, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas veganas diariamente pela manhã. As cápsulas podem ser consumidas com ou sem alimentos, conforme sua preferência. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para observar os efeitos positivos no gerenciamento do estresse e na melhoria do humor e da energia ao longo do dia.
HC –
I have noticed such a big difference since taking these pills. I don’t go from zero to 100 ever!!! I call them my happy pills. Get some!
Caryll –
Idk if my life is just less stressful at the moment or if these really work. I’ve been taking them for a few weeks now and I feel more at ease. I also take the magnesium at night. I’ll definitely continue to take these although they are expensive
Rosemary –
I’ve tried to cheap out and go with other brands citing the same ingredients – total fail every time. This is the holy grail and I’ve purchased it too many times to count. It’s expensive- but it works and I immediately notice if I don’t take it. I’ve lost weight, feel a million times better generally and my skin is in check. Stress level feels decreased without any external changes. Side note: started taking years ago pre-baby / I wish I started taking it sooner after breastfeeding, def would have been a game changer early on
ReiDei –
I ordered this product with speculation on whether it would actual work; the reviews sold me. I started taking the recommended dosage the day I received it and three weeks later (today) I total feel the effects, as I was bombarded at work with several “must do now” tasks. I’m calm, clarity has increased, the average daily annoyances do not seem to bother me as much – or at least they don’t last if they do. I feel amazing. I’m productive and am okay with letting go of things I can’t control. Also, I don’t overly crave sweets; don’t get me wrong I still indulge but now one brownie from a co-worker suffices without the need to overeat. I have lost 7lbs and a lot has to do with feeling good after work and wanting to hit the gym (plus the eating less bit.) I have to say that I strongly recommend this product. The price is steep… hopefully it will drop a bit because it might be hard to maintain on limited budget… but if you can you should try it if your life is stressful and you suffer from anxiety.
susan vandenberg –
This is an amazing product which started to work almost immediately on my “20 something” granddaughter who lives with us. She’s in her second year of college and was feeling very stressed out this semester, and this product has been a life-saver! Noticeably calmer in less than an hour. Very natural stress relief as stated. She has tried other products before without any success, but this one is doing the trick. And she looks forward to taking it. It’s really a miracle!
Bert –
At first I really liked this and I found that it improved my mood. However after a week of daily use I found that it caused my emotions to feel overwhelming. I am not a very emotional person and yet I found me self crying over simple things and feeling very emotional about things I would normally be indifferent about. So user be weary especially if you have sad feelings. This kinda enhances some of these feelings without effecting my state of mind.
I have chosen to use this maybe once or twice a week rather then daily. And this helps to reduce some of these emotional overloads I get.
I will say that for someone who doesn’t show their emotions this was an interesting experience to have feelings about so many things was an eye opener and made me view some of my personal relationships in a different and better way.
A. Meer –
A really good formula for women’s bodies managing stress. It works well. But let’s face it, Moon Juice is expensive. However, their herbs are good quality and their Chinese medicine formulations are on point. If you’ve ever bought herbs from your acupuncturist or herbalist, you already know that they are not cheap. As Amanda Chantal Bacon’s brand gets bigger and bigger, I can only hope they will manage to have the same level of integrity.
Amazon Customer –
Taking this for stress related issues