Descrição do Produto: Premium Monolaurin – 600mg, 100 Cápsulas
Descubra o poder do Premium Monolaurin, uma fórmula avançada que oferece 600mg de Monolaurina pura derivada do Ácido Laurico em cada cápsula. Com uma dosagem recomendada de 1.200mg ao consumir duas cápsulas, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral. Reconhecido por sua excelência, nosso produto é resultado de um rigoroso processo de fabricação, que garantiu à nossa empresa prêmios como “Empresa do Ano”, “Melhor Fabricante de Produtos Naturais” e “Fabricante de Nutrição em Saúde e Bem-Estar do Ano”.
Nossas cápsulas de Monolaurin são feitas com ingredientes 100% puros, veganos, não-OGM e sem glúten, assegurando que você receba apenas o que há de melhor para o seu corpo. Com um rótulo limpo, não utilizamos estearato de magnésio, dióxido de silício ou sílica, e não adicionamos conservantes, sabores ou cores artificiais. Cada frasco é formulado, misturado e engarrafado nos EUA, seguindo as diretrizes de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP) e passando por rigorosos testes de laboratório para garantir qualidade e segurança.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O Monolaurin é conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
– Suporte à Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a manutenção de um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Apoio à Saúde da Pele: Pode auxiliar na manutenção de uma pele saudável e na prevenção de problemas cutâneos.
– Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Ideal para quem busca um suplemento livre de aditivos e ingredientes artificiais.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Premium Monolaurin diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção e eficácia do produto. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
steppanyaki –
I seriously suspect Monolaurin helped me fend off COVID-19. My boyfriend gotten really ill towards the end of January/beginning of February when there were just rumors circulating of the virus making its way to NYC. First his colleagues one by one started falling ill. Then he became sick. He had all the reported symptoms of the virus (dry cough, fever, chills, and trouble breathing). So I started loading him up on Monolaurin and began taking it myself. He got better within 5 days and I never got sick. Monolaurin is my secret weapon against this virus and I’ve started getting my family on it.
I’ve never heard of monolaurin until a friend recommended it to me and gave me a bottle to try. And holy ****, I totally see what’s all the hubbub now! I’ve been proselytizing it’s benefits to my friends and family ever since.
This is where I’ve really noticed it’s effects. I typically catch a cold 2-3 times a year. It’s a very predictable pattern where I’ll sense a sore throat / sinus infection emerging on day one, day two I start coughing, sinus gets congested, then a full blown cold that lasts for a little over a week. This has always been the pattern and it was never possible for me to nip it in the bud. Even when I take NyQuil or other supplements, I always end up having to ride out the entire duration of the cold.
But monolaurin finally broke the cycle for me. Two weeks ago, I was started feeling the effects of a sinus infection. I took one monolaurin and went to bed. The next morning, I still had a sinus infection, but it didn’t progress into a stuffy nose and cough like it usually does. This lasted only about two days where it was just a small sinus infection and no cold progression at ALL. It felt like my body had quarantined the symptoms to my sinus infection and completely halted the progression of my cold. After two days, I was completely recovered.
This seriously is like a miracle supplement! I highly recommend it.
Kotek90 –
I have been using this because someone close to me used it for HPV, their next test came back Negative for HPV after they used this for several months. Also, I use this and my pap smears come out healthy! I have recently experienced BV Bacterial Vaginosis for the first time in my life, and I was going to the doctor and put on antibiotics And it wasn’t going away, finally the last antibiotic worked I think, but because I used other things with it, I had this problem for 2 months and I took this while I was on the antibiotic and right after for 2 weeks, I used boric acid (2 weeks), probiotics both oral and suppositories (probiotic suppositories not while on boric acid). But I know this product contributed so much help because it is lactic acid which kills bad bacteria and even HSV like other comments claim. My last BV lab test has come back Negative! This gives you help o your immune system to fight back and balance things out. I highly recommend this to anyone with feminine problems… or just to keep healthy, and help your digestive system. Buy this! It really works!!!! I don’t really ever review, but I recommend this a 100% love this. Thank you for this amazing product!
Update: I still continue to use this in 2022 and will continue to use this, it’s an amazing product that keeps my immune system healthy and things balanced , I’m very happy with this and recommend it highly.
Amazon Customer –
Torn on this product. I found it had an offensive vinegar smell. I contacted the company and they characterized it as a sour smell similar to yogurt. They said it had to do with the supplier they used. They sent me out a new bottle with a new batch number. It does smell less, but when opening the capsule to sprinkle into my smoothie, it was very caked and clumpy. It wasn’t powdery.
UPDATE 10/1/18: After posting my review above, I received another email from the company. I have attached the relevant part of their reply below. I have continued to use their product and feel it is helping with my EBV related issues. After I remove the contents from the capsule, I crumple it in my hand and then add it to my smoothie, so it is working out fine. With their explanation below, I no longer question the quality of their product.
“Regarding the smell, we’re happy the new bottle we provided was less strong in odor. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do to reduce the smell further, but we’re the only company who sources their raw ingredients 100% in the USA, and provides odor and moisture absorbing desiccant packs in all of our bottles. It’s honestly the highest quality product we can produce.
Regarding the clumping, this is a result of two factors: 1) Monolaurin is a medium-chain fatty acid and by nature is quite sticky, 2) because we use organic rice powder as the excipient and compress the formula to ensure minimum 600mg per capsule, the product will clump. If we were to use a synthetic anticaking agent such as magnesium stearate or silica, the product would not clump as much but these are not natural, they slow the absorption of the product, and can cause stomach irritation in many people. Our competitors use synthetic anticaking agents because they are cheaper, but we refuse to put these in our formulas for quality and health reasons.”
SammieLou –
Trialed this brand as it’s a cheaper option from my usual brand Ecological which usually settles issues quite quickly. Thought with this one being more natural it would be similar. Didn’t do absolutely anything for me – so ordered the Ecological and within a day of using already feel it working.
Obviously this brand works well for some but just not right for me and will have to stick to the more expensive brand in future.
Amazon Customer –
Have change brands from Egological. Take monolaurin purely to prevent colds and flu and prefer these as they’re more natural. Will update in due course.
Aaron Yavelberg –
Recently I decided I was going to start trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Along with eating better and trying to get more sleep, I also started taking Monolaurin. Its only been a couple of months but I do feel healthier. Its hard to know for sure which of my new healthy activities is making me feel healthier but I am going to give Monolaurin some of the credit here since the couple of days I forgot to take it I did feel less on my game.
Treec –
This product definitely helps in reducing any itching, as well as pain relief. It doesn’t have a taste and is a med size capsule. It is very effective and worth it! I will definitely repurchase!