Mommy’s Bliss Constipation Ease Prebiotics é um produto inovador que oferece alívio suave e eficaz para a constipação ocasional em bebês e crianças. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este suplemento contém prebióticos que promovem a saúde digestiva, ajudando a regular o sistema intestinal de forma natural. A combinação de ingredientes como suco de ameixa, dente-de-leão orgânico e erva-doce orgânica proporciona um suporte essencial para o bem-estar do seu pequeno, sem a necessidade de laxantes químicos agressivos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Ingredientes Suaves: Alivie naturalmente e suavemente a constipação ocasional do bebê e da criança sem o uso de laxantes químicos agressivos. Feito com suco de ameixa, dente-de-leão orgânico e erva-doce orgânica para ajudar na constipação, regularidade e saúde digestiva*
- Suporte para Movimentos Intestinais Regulares e Digestão: Ajude o delicado estômago do seu pequeno com uma digestão saudável. Nosso Baby Constipation Ease ajuda a aliviar a constipação ocasional e promove movimentos intestinais regulares*
- Fácil de Administrar: Acompanha uma seringa anti-vazamento, facilitando a administração para bebês e crianças a partir de 6 meses de idade
- Não-OGM, Livre dos 8 Principais Alérgenos, Sem Corantes e Sabores Artificiais: Acreditamos que o mais simples é melhor. Isso significa que em tudo o que fazemos, incluímos apenas o que você ou seu filho precisam e nunca algo que não precisam
- Desenvolvido por uma Mãe para Tranquilidade das Mães: A Mommy’s Bliss foi fundada por Roshan Kaderali, uma mãe e enfermeira pediátrica, parteira e doula, com a missão de ajudar mães em todo o mundo a se conectarem com seus bebês, criando produtos confiáveis que incorporam ingredientes sábios
- Alívio natural e suave da constipação ocasional, promovendo o conforto do bebê.
- Fórmula rica em prebióticos que favorece a saúde digestiva e a regularidade intestinal.
- Fácil administração com seringa anti-vazamento, ideal para pais e cuidadores.
- Composição livre de ingredientes artificiais e alérgenos, garantindo segurança e pureza.
- Desenvolvido por uma mãe experiente, proporcionando confiança e tranquilidade para os pais.
Agite bem antes de usar. Para bebês com idade entre 6 meses e 1 ano, administre 1 colher de chá (5 ml) uma vez ao dia. Para crianças com idade entre 1 e 3 anos, administre 2 colheres de chá (10 ml) uma vez ao dia. O produto pode ser administrado diretamente na boca ou misturado com alimentos ou líquidos. É recomendável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar em caso de dúvidas ou se o problema persistir.
LeTyndra Pineda –
It worked after the second dose.
Carine –
Didn’t really work for my baby
G –
Works quickly and easy on the tummy
Joann anderson –
Good value. Works great!
Belle –
I just started potty training my daughter. I knew that poop shouldn’t be expected within the first 1-2 days, but upon the ending of day 3 I started getting concerned. That’s when I did an overnight delivery and this bottle arrived early the next morning. I wasn’t sure how quickly this would work so I gave it to her at a time when my husband would also be home so that someone was always nearby if she needed help to the potty.
I gave this to my daughter a little after 2PM and by 6PM she had not only self-initiated using the potty, but she had a successful bowel movement; then two more an hour later. Thankfully it wasn’t a mess, they were fully formed and easy to dunp from her little potty into the big toilet.
I’m glad this was effective and didn’t result in a disaster/mess when she was finally able to do a bm on her own.
Due to other reviews I wasn’t sure what to expect. I would recommend going through your child’s diet first to see if anything is causing the constipation, allergies, etc. I had tried coconut milk first, followed by fiber and yogurt and nothing was helping. Finally resorted to this and had success. I hope I won’t actually need it again since my daughter has always been regular and was likely experiencing potty anxiety and how new this process is.
I was concerned the flavor would be off-putting, so I gave her–her water and told her to drink it just in case. Surprisingly, she didn’t need it. She has a bubble gum flavored medicine for upset stomach that she finds gross, so I was certain she’d hate this for the fennel and prune juice but was okay. Just be armed with something to cover up to the taste if you do have a toddler or older child who may find this bad tasting.
Overall this did what I needed it to do. Worked within a reasonable time, was gentle and effective.
Fiona –
My 9 month old has a poop issue since she was several weeks. When she was fully on breast milk, she was fine; however, when she had formula and the poop got thicker, it was hard for her to push the poop out and eventually she stopped trying. She could stay 7 days without pooping and we eventually gave her liquid glycerin suppository, which was harsh experience for her. After starting solids, the poop issue came back and she seemed to suffer a lot, so we stopped her solids for a while and used liquid glycerin suppository again. It has become a vicious cycle until I found this product. It works less than 24 hours and after 2 doses. It seems to soften and loosen the poop so that it becomes easier for my baby to pass the poop out. I didn’t see my child suffer from intestine discomfort or pain. She just has an usual bowel movement and blow out an entire diaper.
Destinee Eisenstein-O’Hara –
Other than the smell, it seems to work great! I only do half of the recommended dose and it seems to help my daughter out immediately.
Michael Ford –
Amazing product! Our baby was having trouble and we gave a bit of this in her purees and she went a few hours later!🙌🏼❤️