O Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water Original é um produto especialmente formulado para proporcionar alívio suave e eficaz para gases e cólicas em bebês. Com mais de 20 anos de confiança entre mães, este remédio natural é uma solução prática para o desconforto estomacal que muitos bebês enfrentam. Sua fórmula é composta por ingredientes naturais, como erva-doce orgânica e gengibre, que atuam de forma gentil para aliviar a irritabilidade e o desconforto causado por cólicas, gases e soluços.
A administração do Gripe Water é facilitada por uma seringa anti-vazamento, permitindo que os pais ofereçam o produto diretamente na boca do bebê sem complicações. A fórmula é segura para bebês a partir de 2 semanas de idade e não contém álcool, parabenos, corantes ou sabores artificiais, garantindo que apenas o que é necessário seja oferecido ao seu filho. Desenvolvido por Roshan Kaderali, uma mãe e profissional de saúde, o Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water reflete um compromisso com a saúde e o bem-estar dos pequenos, proporcionando tranquilidade às mães.
– Alivia o desconforto estomacal do bebê causado por cólicas e gases.
– Ingredientes suaves e eficazes, feitos com erva-doce orgânica e gengibre.
– Fácil de administrar com a seringa anti-vazamento.
– Livre de álcool, parabenos, alérgenos, corantes e sabores artificiais.
– Desenvolvido por uma mãe e profissional de saúde especializada em cuidados infantis.
Agite bem antes de usar. Utilize a seringa fornecida para administrar 2,5 ml de Gripe Water diretamente na boca do bebê. Este produto pode ser administrado até 6 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar em bebês menores de 2 semanas de idade. Armazene em local fresco e seco para garantir a eficácia do produto.
Junaid Muhammad –
Flavour is not a baby’s ideal. It’s too tangy/lemoney for a baby. Woodwards is the winner.
Elizabeth –
As a new dad this product has saved me I’m not seasoned in being a dad so when the Gas drops weren’t cutting it I heard about gripe water and thought I’d give it a try let me tell you my baby girl got the most sleep after two days of crying just the instant relief had me sold right away.
Angela Bishop –
Bought as a gift for a new mom. We loved this when we had babies.
EveryGirlEver –
I got a lot of advice from other parents about which baby things were “must haves”. This always topped the list so in the last week of pregnancy I bought a bottle of this to have around just in case. Cut to 4 weeks later and my baby is wailing and contorting himself in the midst of an episode of pain thanks to an, at the time, undiagnosed milk protein allergy. In desperation we tore the container open and gave our poor exhausted son a dose of this gripe water, mostly to just feel like we were doing something, anything, to help him. It was so effective at neutralizing his gas and/or distracting him (whatever it does) that he immediately stopped thrashing and fell asleep because he had exhausted himself so much. I mean immediately. It brought such relief to him and he relaxed so thoroughly and quickly that I started frantically asking my husband if he was still breathing. He was, of course, still breathing. I had just never seen my baby that relaxed. Yeah, it’s one of my more embarrassing first time mom freak outs.
We’ve been using Mommy’s Bliss gripe water as necessary since then and it always makes my son noticeably more comfortable. My only word of caution is for some reason, maybe the sweetness, or the slight viscosity to it, our son chokes on it pretty severely (it’s like it’s sticky and gets caught in his windpipe) if we try to give it to him straight. I’d suggest you mix it with a half oz of breast milk or formula (whatever liquids your child takes) to dilute it a bit. I stockpile this stuff now. I would rather run out of diapers than run out of this gripe water.
Burgesx5.2010 –
I have been using Mommy’s Bliss Gripe Water for about 4 months now. We use this product religiously! I have a 6 month old and whether she is fussing because of gas, a sour stomach, teething or pretty much anything else, this will take care of it! My husband and I actually call it “Magic Medicine” because it really is magical for how well it works! Within seconds she has instant relief. We have tried other gripe waters, but she did not take to them, she LOVES this and has no problem taking it. For older children there is an apple flavor if desired. I only wish I would have known about this with my first born!
Instant relief from numerous issues
Comes in a 2-pack and is cheaper than buying it in the store
Infants – adults can use the product
It’s just AMAZING
I only have one complaint about this product, but found a solution for it. The liquid is a bit greasy/oily and can leave a stain on fabric if it spills. Inside the box is an eye dropper for administration. I found this especially difficult to give my baby the gripe water. She would just make a mess and choke on the liquid. For her age, she was needing more than one dropper full and it was getting to be quite annoying.
I found a very simple solution to this problem and absolutely LOVE IT it is the MUNCHKIN MEDICATOR. These two products together are my saving grace! I hope this helps!
Ltg747 –
Let me start by saying I am not a fan of “medicines”. I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve given my 3 year old Tylenol. Even through teething. I prefer to find more natural alternatives. That being said, this stuff is what miracles are made of.
My second child is a bit gassy sometimes, as infants tend to be a lot between 1-4 months. This stuff is amazing and allows everyone to get some sleep. Whenever she seems colicky or is having a crying fit for more than 20 minutes or so, I go for the gripe water as long as I’ve tried changing her diaper, feeding, pacifier and it’s none of those things. She slurps it up easily, unlike other gripe waters that smell and taste terrible. This one has a very mild flavor (yes, I tasted it). I don’t have to wrestle with her to get her to take it. Within minutes, if not seconds, she’s calm and feeling better, and usually lets out a huge burp which is the culprit causing her crying fit. She then settles into a nice long restful sleep. We all win. This is why I say it really is Mommy’s bliss.
Sometimes I think it helps produce a bowel movement as well. She will usually poop within 1/2 hour after taking it and it’s usually larger than most other times, which I’m sure helps her tummy as well.
I highly recommend this product. The ingredients are very safe in my opinion, and I don’t feel weird or scared giving this to her once a day for a couple of days if I have to. It’s made up mostly of fennel and ginger extracts, so it’s not really a “medicine”. I feel much better about giving this to her than a simethicone medicine which I probably would not give her.
Kili –
This SAVED US! Our baby was gassy and after using this multiple times a day for a few days, she became a whole new baby! Best product I could recommend. We use it for hiccups, gas, fussiness, and uncomfortable. Works in MINUTES
Daniel O. –
We used this product with our first baby….and now with our second baby, Mommy Bliss is a MUST. It really helps get the gas bubbles out of baby’s tummy. It is a natural product (many contain alcohol and other nasty chemicals). I ONLY use this brand of gripe water.
Frances W. Stewart –
I don’t really know how this works but when my daughter’s new baby would cry this “water” helped her calm down. It works. Plus she loved the taste!!!
belgica alvarado –
Muy bueno lo use con mis gemelos lloraban mucho y apenas le empecé a dar esta medicina estan mas alegre duermen mejor y estan mas felices y no lloran 👍👍👍 lo recomiendo 👍