Descrição do Produto:
O Molde de Gelo para Rosto, Rolo de Gelo para Rosto, Rolo de Gelo Facial e Ocular, Tratamento Facial Reutilizável para Tonificar a Pele é feito de material de silicone 100% seguro para alimentos de alta qualidade. É seguro para fazer gelo e pode ser preenchido com qualquer receita de acordo com as necessidades do seu cuidado com a pele.
Com um novo design de escova facial, adicionamos cerdas de silicone na tampa. As cerdas grossas e macias, juntamente com pontos de massagem, ajudarão a limpar suavemente os poros, remover cravos e eliminar o excesso de óleo facial, deixando sua pele mais limpa.
Fácil de usar, basta abrir o molde de gelo facial, adicionar sua fórmula personalizada favorita, fechar a tampa e despejar água pelo orifício superior no molde de cubo de gelo. Coloque-o no congelador e aguarde de 4 a 5 horas. (Observação: a água não deve ser colocada em excesso, pois ela se expandirá durante o processo de congelamento!)
Nosso molde de cubo de gelo possui múltiplas funções, podendo ser utilizado não apenas para o rosto e os olhos, mas também para outras necessidades de cuidados com o gelo, como alívio de dores de dente, alívio de dores musculares e redução da febre, entre outros.
É um presente excelente para sua mãe, namorada, esposa e até mesmo para você!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Material seguro de alta qualidade
- Design inovador com cerdas de silicone
- Fácil de usar e personalizar
- Múltiplas funções para diversos cuidados
- Excelente opção de presente
O Molde de Gelo para Rosto oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Entre os principais, destacam-se: 1) Refresca a pele, proporcionando uma sensação de alívio e conforto; 2) Reduz o inchaço, especialmente na área dos olhos, ajudando a eliminar olheiras; 3) Melhora a circulação sanguínea, promovendo um aspecto mais saudável e radiante; 4) Possui um design versátil que permite o uso em diferentes partes do corpo; 5) É reutilizável, tornando-se uma opção econômica e sustentável para tratamentos de beleza.
Para utilizar o molde de gelo facial, siga os seguintes passos: 1) Abra o molde de gelo facial. 2) Adicione sua fórmula personalizada favorita, que pode incluir ervas, óleos essenciais ou extratos naturais. 3) Feche a tampa firmemente. 4) Despeje água pelo orifício superior no molde de cubo de gelo, garantindo que não exceda a capacidade. 5) Coloque-o no congelador e aguarde de 4 a 5 horas até que o gelo esteja completamente formado. 6) Retire o molde do congelador e aplique suavemente o gelo no rosto ou nos olhos, realizando movimentos circulares para maximizar os benefícios. 7) Repita o processo conforme necessário para tonificar a pele e obter os resultados desejados.
Khadra –
Great ♥️
D. R. –
Really helps me wake up in the morning
Kayla –
So good I use it every week
Grace –
I cry a lot, mostly from sad movies, so I am no stranger to icing my face. I used to use everything from a cold can of soda to an ice pack from an old lunch box. This is a cool little device that makes me look a little less weird but I’m trying to de-puff my eyes. You put it together, open the little hole on top, fill it with water and stick it in the freezer. Once it freezes, you take it out, run it under hot water or let it melt for a little bit just so you can take the top off, and rub the popsicle all over your face. The instructions say that you can add fruit or essential oils to the water which is pretty cool, but I’m lazy so mine is just straight H2O. I like how the bottom is texturized so you can also use it as a facial scrubber or makeup brush cleaner. I noticed when I used it the first time that a little tiny bit of water leaked out and froze to the outside. I’m thinking I may have overfilled it because they gave a measurement to fill up with and out of laziness I just filled it and eyeballed it. But it’s super easy to use and the silicone is nice and thick.
GotItOnAmazon –
This thing is really easy to work. I filled it up and I was afraid it would leak so I put it inside of a bag just in case because there was a lot of stuff in there and it didn’t leak I didn’t have any trouble with it. It’s a nice cooling treatment to help with your pores or swelling if you have issues with that somewhere it’s interchangeable so you can put things inside of it to work with your needs so you can add lemon or something that you want to apply to your face that would help your skin cucumbers was a idea that I’m very interested in. The brushes are nice on the outside of the case you can use for scrubbing or removal or just it’s very versatile product
Taja –
This product is well worth it. I absolutely love multi functioning products. This Ice mold product came in a timely fashion well packaged. The material is not cheaply made its very soft and thick. This ice mold is easy to assemble and is very soft to the touch.
I did a few circular motions on my face and the material of the rubber is very soft for the face. The smell of the rubber doesn’t have a loud odor at all.
I absolutely love the fact that It came with pictured instructions, this definitely helps the visual learners. This ice mold is not only for your face, but in fact a makeup brush cleaner. So with this product you definitely get multiple useful things in one product. Overall, I find this to be very useful for those of us that wake up with puffiness in the morning; those of us with larger pores. Keep in mind you have to be consistent with using this ice mold and eventually you’ll see result. Warning do NOT keep the ice on your face for long amounts of time ONLY a few seconds at a time. This ice mold/brush cleaner gets 5 stars from me.
TintheC –
This ice face roller arrived with a small instruction sheet, which I appreciate – lots of products like this don’t. It fits snuggly together and there’s a long, silicone plug that you remove to fill the ice roller. Once filled nearly to the top (leave a bit of room for the ice to expand) you insert that long plug – which has a cut-out in the center. This allows the plug to sit solidly in the ice and effectively hold it in when you remove the cap to expose the ice.
After letting this freeze overnight, it took a few moments to remove the cap (a little gentle persuasion) but once off it went back on and came off again fairly easily.
I’m personally not a huge fan of rubbing uncovered ice (with fruit in it or not) on my face. I will say though that covered with the silicone it was quite nice – especially after just waking up and starting my day.
I have a family member who also just had surgery on their face, and holding the untextured portion of this on the surgery site for 5 minutes gives them a lot of relief.
Taja –
I enjoy splashing cold water on my face first thing in the morning but never thought about rubbing frozen ice over my face. It seems like it would be an unpleasant ordeal, but sure, why not. Let’s try this thingermajig out.
The product isn’t much to look at and I found another comparable one to be more “attractive.” But, I’m also not a big fan of the cutesy hearts on one side. Regardless, the mold appears to be a decent quality silicone, and the water plug seems more durable than the other similar product. Easy enough to fill w/ water and then throw it in the freezer.
Once ready, I first wanted to see how this would perform as more of an ice pack without removing the silicone cover. It’s cold enough. However, the shape is too blocky, not really flexible enough, and the bristles don’t allow enough contact to do much good for this purpose. I then tested it as a face brush. The bristles were soft on my fingers/hands but felt much rougher against my face. The bristles also weren’t as long as anticipated (compared to other facial brushes) and didn’t appear to do much of anything as a “cleaner,” so I returned to using my standard products for this purpose. Finally, I ran scalding hot water over it ≈2-3 times for ≈30 seconds each burst to remove the end, which was *significantly* easier to accomplish when compared to the other similar product.
I felt sort of silly rubbing a frozen hunk of ice over my face, but it did feel pretty darn good. It glided smoothly over my face and I felt refreshed and ready to go about my day afterward. I intend to keep this newfangled facial ice massage as part of my morning routine, but I will not be using the useless facial brush. Just give me the ice!