Descrição do Produto: Mold Detox ~ 180 Cápsulas – Sem Aditivos
Mold Detox é um suplemento alimentar formulado para auxiliar na desintoxicação do organismo, especialmente em casos de exposição a fungos e mofo. Com 180 cápsulas, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma solução natural e eficaz para promover a saúde e o bem-estar. A fórmula é livre de aditivos, garantindo que você consuma apenas ingredientes puros e de alta qualidade. Mold Detox combina extratos botânicos e nutrientes que atuam sinergicamente para apoiar o sistema imunológico, melhorar a função hepática e promover a eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no corpo. Este suplemento é especialmente recomendado para pessoas que vivem em ambientes com alta umidade ou que têm histórico de exposição a mofo, proporcionando uma defesa natural contra os efeitos nocivos desses agentes.
1. Desintoxicação Eficaz: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas e resíduos do organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a proteção do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
3. Melhora da Função Hepática: Apoia a saúde do fígado, essencial para a metabolização de substâncias nocivas.
4. Ação Antifúngica Natural: Combate os efeitos prejudiciais do mofo e fungos, promovendo um ambiente interno saudável.
5. Sem Aditivos: Garantia de um produto puro, sem conservantes ou substâncias artificiais, ideal para quem busca uma opção mais natural.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Mold Detox ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto de forma contínua por pelo menos 30 dias. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Kerri Smith –
I use daily. Good results
Chelsea –
I like the gentleness of this detox, as there are others that start more intensely. The effects of this took five days to occur and felt like exhaustion, a stuffy nose, and a scratchy throat (I know, they mimic cold symptoms.) Another detox did the same, but it was via specifically supplements (whilst this is a combination) and the experience was more intense. This product attacks the main types of mold in your body, others help cleanse of the “extras.” Be sure to take a binder with this, as after this product has done it’s job of collecting the mold, it needs a binder to help it exit (bathroom, sweat) your body. There’s a rainbow something brand one, or you can use charcoal or bentonite clay, but this product is most effective with a binder! I would buy it again!
Meliaiza –
Seems to work good. I noticed that my body was doing something. It definitely moved some things. I just recommend taking a binder with these. Otherwise you’ll feel like crap. ( or maybe it was just me). The binders definitely helped getting all the yucky stuff out.
Amazon Customer –
I have a hard time believing this has received almost a five star review. I ate 9 pills a day until gone, didn’t touch my syptoms.
N. Davis –
I love that this product is manufactured in the US. Secondly, I love that the content was filled to the top instead of packed with cotton. Finally, this product helped me detox and now I am pain free. Awesome Product, economically priced and has quality ingredients! Results within ~1 week.
Sadld –
I am very sick from toxic mold exposure and have tried lots of stuff. Once I ran out my super expensive supplement I decided I give this product a try. Only after a week I am already seeing results. It works and it’s all natural stuff. Thank you for making this and please advertise your stuff more, so many people suffer from mold toxicity and there are not much out there other than taking lots and lots of combination of stuff that work for some and wont for others.
Please continue making this awesome supplement. God bless you.
Miss Berkley –
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So I’ve been unknowingly living in a house with black mold behind and underneath the washer and dryer for 3 years. The people who came to fix the leaking pipe behind the washer just left all the water damaged drywall and wood behind to grow mold. Thanks guys! Don’t you love repair guys who cut corners out of laziness? Well luckily these definitely work. It’s my second day on these. Day 1 was so intense I was scared to take them again. So definitely make sure you have nothing important to do on day #1 because you’ll feel very hungover and nauseous the first day. The first time I went through mold poisoning due to dirty moldy air ducts it was way worse. I was breaking out in hives every day for 5 years and my immune system was compromised for years and we only lived there for 6 months. I had to learn everything about healing from this ten years ago when that type of information was impossible to find. I lost my fiancé because he wouldn’t believe me and told me it was all in my head and that I was faking being sick for attention. Wasting half your twenties healing from mold poisoning seems like a weird flex to do if you’re just faking it but hey people suck. But luckily there’s so much information and help out there now. And nobody needs a fiancé who doesn’t believe you when you’re sick. But anyways these work so well. I’m on day 3 now and I can definitely tell it’s working. Please check your homes for water damage. Please clean your air ducts and pay attention to the quality of your indoor air. Save yourself years of being sick.
Berkeley Brestal –
It’s a good combination of herbs not only for mold, but as a general kidney/liver cleanse as well. Multi-purpose