Descrição do Produto: Modifilan, 500 Mg 90 Cápsulas (Pacote com 3) 270 Cápsulas
O Modifilan é um suplemento alimentar à base de algas marinhas, especificamente da espécie Laminaria japonica, conhecido por suas propriedades desintoxicantes e de suporte ao sistema imunológico. Cada cápsula contém 500 mg de Modifilan, proporcionando uma dose concentrada de nutrientes essenciais que ajudam na eliminação de toxinas e metais pesados do organismo. Este produto é ideal para quem busca uma forma natural de melhorar a saúde geral, aumentar a energia e promover o bem-estar. O pacote com 3 frascos, totalizando 270 cápsulas, oferece uma solução prática e econômica para quem deseja incorporar o Modifilan na sua rotina diária.
1. Desintoxicação Eficiente: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas e metais pesados do corpo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do organismo, contribuindo para uma saúde mais robusta.
3. Aumento de Energia: Melhora a vitalidade e disposição, ideal para quem se sente cansado ou fatigado.
4. Saúde Digestiva: Auxilia na regulação do sistema digestivo, promovendo um melhor funcionamento intestinal.
5. Fonte de Nutrientes: Rico em minerais e vitaminas, fornece nutrientes essenciais que podem estar em falta na dieta.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Modifilan, 500 mg, ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, acompanhadas de um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina de uso contínua e associar a suplementação a uma dieta equilibrada e à prática regular de atividades físicas. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
Eunice Fort –
I have used this product in the past with excellent results. The health store had ran out which prompted me to buy off the internet. I found that this batch of Modifilan did not seem as potent and I did not detect the smell of seaweed as before. As a result, I have not felt the effects and will not buy again from this company.
cindyloo –
I was in terrible condition after a hysterectomy and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and I credit Modifilan to my recovery. I ended up with a very serious candida infection (can be lethal) that reached my esophagus and left me with wicked heartburn pain, constant indigestion and stomach gurgling, gut inflammation and a hiatal hernia. I lost 50 lbs and nearly died. This all happened over a 2 year period. Doctors were useless, attributing it all to gas and depression and prescribing PPI’s, other antacids and antidepressants, all of which made me worse. Fortunately I found a doctor who helped me quell the infection but I was still in bad shape because I wasn’t absorbing food due to leaky gut and food allergies. I discovered Modifilan on a message board, and I have been a faithful user ever since. I believe it helped reduce my heavy metal load and helped to rebuild my intestinal flora, along with digestive enzymes, probiotics and a clean diet. I refused to use mineral-depleting chelation therapies but I needed to detoxify,thus Modifilan was a Godsend. It serves so many purposes and I can honestly say it is truly a life saver! Do yourself a favor and check out some very real testimonials on their website. I will not be without Modifilan for the rest of my life.
Amazon Customer –
This product has helped my fibromyalsia. I was in so much pain for past few years. I can stand up from chair and bed w/o waiting for the intense pain to subside. I can sleep at night w/o pain interfering from fibro. I take 4 every morning with a glass of water and I am off and running for the day. I went off it for 10 days this spring to test and by 10 days off I was more than ready to get back on.
M. –
It’s nice to see these available thru Amazon. They are not easy to find these days.
Jose Castillo –
I have had COPD (Chronic Bronchitis) for many years, always using medications such as ADVAIR and others, including a CPAP machine at night to help me breathe. I recently read about Modifilan Pure Brown Seaweed Extract, and thought why not take a chance?, what is there to lose?. So I ordered a 3-pack of Modifilan 500 Mg 90 capsules,and have been taking 3 pills daily.
Two weeks ago, I went to see my Pulmonologist, and he was surprised to find that my lungs are “clear”, and he told me to see him again in one year, when I used to see him every six months. I am very pleased with the outcome, in addition to feeling with more energy. I recommend this product to anybody that want’s to have more energy and well being.
cdsgoddess –
Exceptional product. I had problems with my thyroid and as suggested (for low thyroid) I have started taking 5-7 capsules a day. Brain fog lifted, slowly energy is coming back. I am feeling amazing and happy! I have taken it in the past and not really noticed any difference, but when I bumped it up to 5-7 capsules every morning, WOW! it made a difference. Keep in mind, in Sept I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed and it seemed to be the 1/2 that worked. I spent 4 months 24/7 in my recliner unable to function. Once I started on this stuff my life changed. I was probably 2 weeks in before I really saw a huge difference. Also, it removes toxins from your body, so you MUST make sure you are ‘going’ every day. I take quite a bit of magnesium at night so as to make sure I go first thing in the morning. A couple of times I got backed up and felt horribly sick (toxins being reabsorbed). I think the last time I drank 1/2 a bottle of mag citrate. I was home all weekend, but once my system cleared I felt incredible with lots of energy. Just stay on top of being regular and this stuff is a miracle worker!
Drgibs21 –
Highly recommend. A little expensive but seemed to work well and easy to take due to reasonable capsule size. Thanks!
vicki grant –
Using it for purposes indicated. To improve health.