Descrição do Produto:
O Real Ketones Intermittent Fasting Drink Mix para Homens é uma mistura em pó de cetonas exógenas BHB, especialmente formulada para otimizar o jejum intermitente. Este produto inovador combina cetonas de beta-hidroxibutirato com eletrólitos essenciais, proporcionando uma fonte rápida de energia e suporte à saúde metabólica. Ideal para aqueles que buscam maximizar os benefícios do jejum, este mix de bebida ajuda a manter a clareza mental, aumentar a resistência física e promover a queima de gordura. Com um sabor agradável e fácil de preparar, basta misturar uma porção em água ou sua bebida favorita e desfrutar de uma experiência refrescante que potencializa seu desempenho durante o jejum.
1. Aumento da Energia: As cetonas BHB fornecem uma fonte rápida de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga durante o jejum.
2. Melhora da Clareza Mental: O consumo deste mix pode aumentar a concentração e o foco, ideal para dias de trabalho ou estudo intensos.
3. Suporte à Queima de Gordura: Promove a utilização de gordura como fonte de energia, auxiliando na perda de peso e na definição muscular.
4. Equilíbrio Eletrolítico: Os eletrólitos presentes ajudam a manter a hidratação e o equilíbrio mineral, prevenindo cãibras e fadiga.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Prático e saboroso, pode ser facilmente incorporado à rotina diária, tornando o jejum mais agradável e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do Real Ketones Intermittent Fasting Drink Mix em 250ml de água ou outra bebida de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se consumir a bebida antes ou durante o período de jejum para maximizar os benefícios energéticos e cognitivos. Para resultados ideais, utilize diariamente como parte de sua rotina de jejum intermitente e combine com uma dieta equilibrada e exercícios regulares.
Love & Light –
First off, I don’t know why this is called “ketones for men”. There is nothing in the listed ingredients that has anything that would indicate that women cannot take this. If on the other hand, this has an undeclared ingredient in it… well, I’ll let you know how my beard looks.
I eat keto 80% of the time, with a few breaks during the holidays when I there is no substitute for foods-you gotta live, you know. To get back on the wagon after a wild ride to carb city, I thought taking exogenous ketones may help me get out of the foggy brain state, and back into sharp keto mode more quickly. It is usually 2 full days of fasting, or 4 days of keto before I get back into ketosis.
This helps get you into ketosis more quickly (according to the strips anyway), but my god, the taste. I have a sweet tooth and I look forward to keto friendly treats that let me enjoy some sweetness. However, this is in a whole other category of unpalatable. The drink smells like a liquid jolly rancher that has been sprayed up your nose. I mixed this with a 32 oz cup, which I then filled to the rim with water in hopes of diluting the scent/color.
I gave it the stars I did for being clean & not using sucralose.
1. First of all it says natural flavor, well if a jolly rancher is natural then that is what this tastes like. Almost sickeningly sweet.
2. Why is it just for men? Who knows. Nothing special for only men in the ingredients.
3. The large size of the tube makes it hard to get the powder into a water bottle without spilling.
4. And the added caffeine and green coffee bean just gave me a terrible caffeine headache and shakes.
5. What’s good about it? No sugar, no gluten, no synthetic flavors (supposedly) and made in the USA
Bonnie –
Looking for a stick pack with not only great taste but something that WORKS!! This is it. Purchased this for my son who needed extra hydration and electrolytes during school and the energy it gave him between classes until lunch was exactly what he needed.
Dennis S. –
I really like the taste and the effectiveness of the product, just don’t use it in the evening or you might not sleep very well. Definitely curbs your appetite. If you do the 16-8 fasting like I do, this is a helpful product. 9/10 would recommend.
Dawn Dickey –
I bought this for my husband and he is loving it! Great taste and perfect while fasting.
marsha –
Bad taste
Lance –
Don’t buy the “In Fast” bag… go for the “Elevate” one by the same manufacturer (Real Ketones). You get more ketones, no carbs, no caffeine… exactly what this product SHOULD be.
Italie –
My bf took these and loved them. They did make him go to the bathroom a lot but kept him going through out the day