Descrição do Produto: Venture Pal Magnesium Glycinate Powdered Drink Mix com Ashwagandha, Vitamina D, L-Theanine e Lion’s Mane
Descubra o poder da tranquilidade e do bem-estar com o Venture Pal Magnesium Glycinate Powdered Drink Mix. Esta mistura inovadora combina a eficácia do magnésio glicinato com ingredientes premium, como L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, Vitamina D e Lion’s Mane, criando uma fórmula superior que não só promove o relaxamento, mas também apoia a saúde mental e física. Ao contrário de muitos suplementos de magnésio disponíveis no mercado, nossa mistura é projetada para oferecer um suporte abrangente, ajudando a aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade, enquanto melhora a função cognitiva e a imunidade.
Com 150 mg de magnésio por porção, este mix sabor laranja é ideal para relaxar os músculos e acalmar a mente. A combinação de ingredientes promove um estado de tranquilidade equilibrado, tornando cada gole uma experiência prazerosa e eficaz. A fórmula é especialmente desenvolvida para reduzir os níveis de estresse e cortisol, ajudando a manter o foco mental e um humor equilibrado, oferecendo um relaxamento poderoso em uma mistura conveniente e saborosa.
Além disso, a mistura de Magnésio Glicinato, Ashwagandha e L-Theanine otimiza a qualidade do sono, facilitando o adormecer e prolongando o tempo de sono profundo, garantindo que você acorde renovado e pronto para enfrentar o dia. A praticidade do produto permite que você o prepare facilmente: basta adicionar ao seu copo de água, suco ou smoothie, tornando-o uma opção versátil e deliciosa para atender às suas necessidades de magnésio, seja em casa ou em movimento.
– Fórmula Superior: Combinação de L-Theanine, Ashwagandha e Lion’s Mane para suporte mental e físico.
– Relaxamento Eficaz: Ajuda a relaxar músculos e acalmar a mente com um sabor agradável.
– Apoio ao Humor: Reduz o estresse e mantém o foco mental, promovendo um estado de espírito equilibrado.
– Melhora do Sono: Aumenta a qualidade do sono, ajudando a adormecer mais rápido e a ter um sono mais profundo.
– Praticidade: Fácil de preparar e consumir, ideal para qualquer momento do dia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Venture Pal Magnesium Glycinate Powdered Drink Mix, adicione uma porção (aproximadamente uma colher de sopa) em 240 ml (8 oz) de água. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Você pode também experimentar misturá-lo com sucos ou smoothies para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa. Recomenda-se o uso diário para melhores resultados, especialmente antes de dormir, para otimizar a qualidade do sono e promover um relaxamento profundo.
A. Smith –
This review is for VenturePal Magnesium Glycinate calming drink mix, which is a 16 pack of stick packs to mix with water. The expiration date is about 20 months out from the date I recieved it.
The taste is lightly orange, not too sweet. Definitely drinkable. I mixed with about 10 oz of water. It’s only 10 calories and has erythritol as the sweetener. I didn’t have any issues or I’ll effects from this drink mix.
Phitius –
I didn’t expect this powdered drink to do much, but holy cow! The first night I tried it, I found myself drifting off to sleep within 30 min. I stayed asleep all night too! And that’s rare! The pineapple flavor is rather tasty. It’s sweet, but not overpoweringly so, and doesn’t have a weird chemically taste/after-taste. I can’t wait to try other flavors!
Our Eclectic Life –
This powder makes a nice, pineapple-flavored drink. The pouches can be torn with your fingers which I really appreciate since I don’t always have scissors at hand. It doesn’t take much effort to get the powder to dissolve.
I’m not entirely sure what the primary purpose of this is supposed to be because the effects are all over the place. It seems like a general all-around healthy supplements for you and throw them on the wall and see what sticks sort of approach. Nevertheless, they’re largely supplements that I like taking anyway. I have been using lion’s mane for a while for brain function and a couple of days after I received this, the doctor actually recommended ashwagandha for stress. L-tyheanine is the only addition that I hadn’t been taking at least occasionally before.
I can’t say what effects other people might have from using this,. but if you’re interested in some of the supplements included (and you don’t have contraindications), this is a very pleasant way to get them. No complaints.
Gifted-ish –
This Calming Drink is truly delicious. Just mix each packet with 12 oz of cold water, and you’ll have a refreshing pineapple flavored beverage. It blends quickly and dissolves perfectly. Apparently, the magnesium glycinate is meant to help with sleep at night. I can’t say for sure if it works, but I can confidently say it’s not doing any harm. I just make certain not to drink it when I need to be at my most focused alert self….just in case.
Draz –
I have never liked sugar substitutes, they leave a nasty taste in my mouth that’s hard to get rid of so I was sure these would have that awful aftertaste. Surprisingly, the pineapple flavor seems to counter that taste, I barely tasted the surclose and I’m extremely happy with that because I can actually enjoy the product. They taste just like pineapple juice and ice is just the cherry on the top.
I have struggled to sleep my entire life. I have tried many supplements and techniques to help me sleep and sometimes I find something that works and I’ll have good results that don’t quite last. The last time I found something that worked, it worked for about two years so here I am again, on the quest for a solution to my sleep issues.
One of the things I have always taken as part of my sleeping routines is melatonin, without it I will be up until the morning, when I do take it I eventually fall asleep most of the times but always after midnight, I need to be asleep no later than 10 the ensure I get adequate sleep so melatonin alone simply doesn’t do it for me.
In order to test how this product works for me, I took it without the melatonin or any other sleep supplement. At around 1AM, I was still awake and was ready to write my review about how ineffective it was but I decided to wait until the morning. Eventually I did fall asleep and woke up surprised at what happened during my sleep ….. Nothing happened, I did not wake up one time. Even when I have taken other supplements, I have always woken up especially since I have OA on both my shoulders and lower back so staying asleep all night is nearly impossible as I have to shift positions at least once an hour and when I do, I wake up because there’s so much discomfort. As I write this review, I’m still in awe at how well I slept through the night. This is something I have not experienced in at least 25 years. Coincidence?
One of the ingredients in this product is ashwagandha. Supplements affect everyone differently and Ash is one of those that works completely different for me as it does for most people. If I take Ash before bed, it’s a guarantee that I will not sleep all night. Ashwagandha keeps me awake and I’m thinking this may be the reason I couldn’t fall asleep. This product probably deserves 5 stars but I’m giving it 4 because it failed to help me fall asleep earlier. Having said that, I did wake up feeling rested and refreshed so maybe I should give it 5.
I’m going to see if combining this with my melatonin helps me fall asleep faster. If I find that the combination helps, I will return and change it to 5.
TeXaSgIrL –
I don’t like the flavor and wouldn’t buy this again.
Jill –
Took a while to get to me but packaged well. Love these slim sticks for travel. It’s hard for me to get a night’s rest in an unfamilar place so these help. Easy enough to travel with, mix in with a drink and has a nice flavor that isn’t too overpowering. Has a lot of good stuff with it, just be aware of other supplements you take as you might be getting too much.
I am looking for a drink with L-Theanine in it that will help me get to a calm state and faster sleep. Currently I follow a consistent bedtime regimen and eat a melatonin gummy. I want to alternate my use of melatonin since I don’t want to take melatonin consistently for longer than a week at a time. So, I ordered a 16 stick pack of Magnesium Glycinate Powder Drink Mix with Ashwagandha, Vitamin D, L-Theanine, Lions Mane for Calm and Relaxation from the Venture Pal Store. L-theanine is an amino acid and has been found to reduce insomnia. I was pleasantly surprised that the premeasured serving of orange flavored drink stick of mix had a great taste and make a good night-time hot drink. Besides helping me to relax and to get ready for a restful sleep, a side benefit is that it offer bones and muscle support. I do think that I feel calm and ready for rest after drinking Magnesium Glycinate Powder Drink Mix by Venture Pal and plan to continue my night time drink. I will give them a 5 stars for a good product for me and will return after finishing the 16 pack box of drink mix to update if anything changes.