Descrição do Produto: Yoni Steam Herbs Signature Blend – Leiamoon
O Yoni Steam Herbs Signature Blend da Leiamoon é uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de ervas naturais, projetada para promover a limpeza e tonificação da região íntima feminina. Com 1,5 oz de ervas secas, este produto é ideal para ser utilizado em um assento de vapor (V Steam Seat) ou em um banho de assento (Sitz Bath), proporcionando até 11 sessões de vapor relaxante e revigorante. As ervas selecionadas são conhecidas por suas propriedades benéficas, que ajudam a equilibrar o pH, aliviar desconfortos menstruais e promover a saúde vaginal de forma holística. A mistura é 100% natural, livre de aditivos químicos e conservantes, garantindo uma experiência segura e eficaz. O uso regular do Yoni Steam pode ser uma prática poderosa para mulheres que buscam um cuidado íntimo mais consciente e natural.
1. Limpeza Profunda: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas e impurezas da região vaginal, promovendo uma sensação de frescor e limpeza.
2. Equilíbrio do pH: Contribui para a manutenção do pH vaginal saudável, prevenindo infecções e desconfortos.
3. Alívio de Cólica Menstrual: As ervas contidas na mistura podem ajudar a reduzir a intensidade das cólicas menstruais, proporcionando alívio durante o período menstrual.
4. Relaxamento e Bem-Estar: A experiência do vapor é relaxante, ajudando a aliviar o estresse e promovendo um momento de autocuidado.
5. Apoio à Saúde Reprodutiva: O uso regular pode auxiliar na tonificação dos músculos vaginais e na saúde reprodutiva geral, beneficiando mulheres em diferentes fases da vida.
Para utilizar o Yoni Steam Herbs Signature Blend, comece fervendo aproximadamente 4 a 6 xícaras de água em uma panela. Após a água ferver, adicione 1 a 2 colheres de sopa da mistura de ervas e deixe em infusão por cerca de 10 minutos. Em seguida, transfira a infusão para um assento de vapor ou um recipiente adequado para banho de assento, garantindo que a temperatura esteja confortável. Sente-se sobre o vapor por 20 a 30 minutos, permitindo que as ervas penetrem e proporcionem seus benefícios. É recomendado realizar o vapor uma vez por semana ou conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações de saúde pessoal.
LEIAMOON herbs have been life-changing and completely revolutionized what is means to be a menstruating woman! I didn’t think it was possible to have a period without cramps, but it is, and in large part I have this herb blend to thank! LEIAMOON inspired and educated me about steaming. Steaming with LEIAMOON herbs have become a monthly ritual that I very much look forward to.
amanda Keffer –
Very small but smells good. I thought it would be bigger than this. I’ll keep you updated
Anna Aversing –
Ah! I love this product! I’d been wanting to try v-steaming for awhile, but something as simple as getting all the right herbs together apparently was enough to keep me from doing it. When this arrived in the mail, it removed that obstacle and is perfectly packaged with the best herbs for my body from a source I trust. Then I read the instructions and got nervous because it said not to use it if you have an IUD. I have a copper IUD, but I read other places where people said they didn’t have issues v-steaming with an IUD, so I went for it. So far, no problems! And I love the experience of v-steaming! I love it so much more than I realized. I feel more connected to myself, and it’s really helped clear up some vaginal irritation I’d been experiencing. Very empowering, and the herbs and flowers are BEAUTIFUL. After steaming for 20 mins, the steam was still rising from the water, so I used it to steam my face, then I sifted the water out and drank it as a tea. These herbs are great for your skin and everything. Multi-functional!
Maria –
I just did my first vag steam ever, Ive been hearing about how good they are for years and I finally got the herbs and dedicated this ritual to myself. It was a delightful, soft and loving experience, I loved the scent of the herbs and how soothing it all felt. The herbs come in a lovely tin that now sits in the bathroom as a reminder to myself to do it again. The presentation and explanation that came with it was clear and practical.
Casey Cancellieri –
Really good product. Better than I expected.
Maria A Hajduk –
This product is a great deal first if all, most other places that sell Yoni Herb Steam packs are usually more expensive but do not have the quality of this one. I have been using Yoni Steam for a while now and it works great for my fibroids, I have a very heavy cycle and it has been helping to lighten it. I highly recommend this product.
Loved the whole process! The packaging and herbs are really beautiful, and they smell lovely. I was new to steaming and found the enclosed directions very useful and easy to follow. I really enjoyed the experience of steaming – it was a different form of self-care for me and I found it really relaxing. I’m going to try and incorporate this into my routine a few times a month, and will definitely order these herbs again. Thanks!
Anna Aversing –
My steaming experience was extremely relaxing; it allowed me to unwind from a busy day without the hassle of running a bath or paying for a massage! If you’ve never tried v-steaming before, this herb blend — along with the beautifully designed packaging and instructions — make the experience easy and incredibly enjoyable. It’s a ritual well worth adding to your routine.
This herb blend is also GREAT for facial steaming. My skin felt silky and smooth afterward, and it was lovely to inhale the wonderful aroma. After projecting my voice all day as a teacher, this blend provides a soothing solution for my strained vocal cords.
I must also say that v-steaming is a much better way to give the ol’ inner thighs a gentle stretch than trying to mimic the motions of impossible humans on Youtube. You remain in total control of the process, and the warm + fuzzy feelings remain long after the steaming experience is done.
As a lifelong tea-lover, I’ve added this blend to my herbal repertoire. It is fragrant, tasty, and calming…exactly what I want from an herbal tea. I’ve used these herbs in three different capacities, all of which have been amazing. Thank you, Leiamoon!
David –
I have frequent intercourse and wanted to clean myself out as I forget to pee afterwards. When I tried this product it made both wholes clean. Can I say it also makes it wetter and feels different. I think it may of increased my wetness as well. Any woman should use this product. Approved for a girlie that likes to stay clean and needs a oil change. Make sure your ready. Lol.