Descrição do Produto: Mirica® – Pea (Palmitoylethanolamide) e Luteolin – Imunidade
Mirica® é uma combinação inovadora de Palmitoiletanolamida (PEA) de grau farmacêutico e Luteolina, formulada para fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover o bem-estar geral. A ação sinérgica desses dois compostos potenciais resulta em um suporte imunológico robusto, ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem natural e eficaz para a saúde.
- A combinação da PEA com Luteolina oferece uma ação anti-inflamatória e antioxidante, contribuindo para a redução do estresse oxidativo e da inflamação no organismo.
- Recomendado por médicos e confiado por atletas, Mirica® é uma escolha segura e eficaz para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde e desempenho físico.
- O uso de PEA é conhecido por aumentar os níveis de endocanabinoides no corpo, promovendo um equilíbrio natural e melhorando a resposta imunológica.
- Fabricado e engarrafado nos EUA em uma instalação certificada cGMP, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e segurança do produto.
- Sem enchimentos, aglutinantes ou ingredientes artificiais, Mirica® é testado por laboratórios independentes para pureza e potência, assegurando que você receba um produto de qualidade superior.
1. Apoio Imunológico Eficaz: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Redução da Inflamação: A combinação de PEA e Luteolina atua na diminuição da inflamação, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
3. Aumento dos Endocanabinoides: Melhora o equilíbrio interno do organismo, contribuindo para uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
4. Qualidade Garantida: Produzido em instalações certificadas, com testes rigorosos que asseguram a pureza e a potência do produto.
5. Recomendado por Profissionais: A confiança de médicos e atletas atesta a eficácia e segurança do Mirica®.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de Mirica® diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Molly –
I’m feeling very positive about Mirica. I have a genetic disease that causes several symptoms. For me, the main part of it (that drives me almost crazy at times) is peripheral neuropathy pain. Other symptoms are decreasing ability to walk and to use hands, inflammation from the dying nerves, among many more. The symptoms are wide and varied as there are several subtypes. For many, and 2 in my family, there is a complete loss of the ability to walk.
Yet for now, nothing is more important to me than treating the pain. I took opiates for many years, and a few months ago I decided no more. I had experienced major problems with my thinking and communication. I was worried I had early onset dementia. Without the opiates, my thinking and communication are almost back to my normal. Sometimes I think giving up opiates was a great decision and other times, when I’m in severe pain, I wonder that there’s nothing that works as well as the Rx meds. I’m still on a few, but none for pain. Another problem with the opiates is getting any job that requires drug testing, for instance being a teacher, a banker, a checker at the grocery store, and so many more. It doesn’t matter that you have a specific Dx and your “drugs” are from a doctor. Definitely part of our country’s judgemental, and discriminatory attitudes against people who use narcotics/opiates for to be able to function.
About a year ago I saw a youtube video from a French doctor who was reporting the results for using PEA for peripheral neuropathy. The best treatment he states is PEA combined with Lyrica, which I’m unable to use due to side effects. So I plunged ahead with the PEA – researching it, and finding it. Of course, it’s here on Amazon.
I also became aware of a magazine article about PEA used with Magnolia Bark in Life Extension magazine. (you don’t have to chew the bark though, thank goodness). So that’s what I’ve added to the handful of supplements, and the few rx meds I still use. Little by little I’ve felt a difference. I started with 1 capsule at am and pm. I felt a slight bit of nausea for the first week; I’ve increased the dose by taking it 3x daily and I use 2 for the dose at night time, when the pain is the worst. I still have pain, but so far I believe it has cut the pain by 50 – 60%. I believe and feel hopeful that I will experience more relief the longer I take it.
I’m also pleased that Mirica includes other helpful substances. Some particularly focused on inflammation. Until the past couple of years, I didn’t realize all of the problems inflammation causes. And anyone with a nerve disorder most likely also has inflammation. I learn so much about neuropathy and treatments on youtube. Also very helpful for my learning curve has been Pain Free Living magazine. I plan to update this review as the months go on.
T. Allen –
PEA definitely helps with MCAS but this product doesn’t contain enough Luteolin. It takes a lot of luteolin (100mg/50# weight) to see best results so add to this product! I’ve stopped the Myrica and just taken some luteolin but was backsliding so the Myrica definitely helps! PEA helps nerve pain but it’s not a traditional “pain killer” (see 1 star comments). It also takes time to build up in your system. I just wish it wasn’t so expensive. There are lots more products on the market now that are cheaper but you need to check the source of both the PEA and luteolin!!! Myrica is hypo-allergenic and as such is the one to stick with. Update: After being on this for over a year with great results, I tried another less expensive brand that was made from legumes but the same ingredients and dosage. Within a week I was in pain and sneezing a lot. Restarted the Mirica at the higher (2 capsule dose) and within 5 days was back in remission. Back to the one cap maintenance dose. It takes 30 days at 2 caps twice a day to see results to start with and all you 1 star people, this is not a “pain killer”. You need a certain kind of pain or MCAS to see results.
Pamela Joyner –
America is a very good product for mild nerve pain. I’ve used it for two weeks but I have severe to chronic nerve and joint pain and a.
It did help tone it down some so I guess less is better
Jay Weis –
“CRPS Patients are quickly discovering the brilliance of MIRICA – the #1 supplement for relieving pain!” Stated my loved one with CRPS. I feel that it is vital to mention that this is the very first review that we decided to write in regards to a supplement on Amazon. The reason being is the fact that when you are close to somebody living with CRPS, there are very few supplements that we have found that make this type of positive impact on her well being and quality of life! So when my CRPS loved one living with 24/7 pain that has left her bedridden, found and started taking Mirica – all of a sudden she started to notice the first benefit of feeling better: She was able to reduce RX pain medications that barely even touched the pain with CRPS! It is critical to note that CRPS pain ranks as the highest pain condition on the McGill Pain Index scale: this is a chart that doctors use to measure and evaluate pain conditions. (From 0 being the lowest to 50 being the highest pain, no other disease/condition ranks as high or painful as CRPS, ranking at 48). She has tried the other brands of PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide) and not one of them compares to the efficacy of MIRICA! Furthermore, we would always have to order separate bottles of Luteolin with the other brands of PEA – to obtain the significant benefits of these two anti-inflammatories. When we discovered Mirica, I have never seen her more excited to see the purest form of PEA available in conjunction with Luteolin and other helpful ingredients! The first thing that she noticed was that she could finally put her foot in a shoe! She reduced her RX medication more; suddenly she saw other significant benefits! Yes, MIRICA is a natural supplement yet, it truly delivers as a Pain Reliever! Additionally, it also helps with Neuropathy, Muscle Recovery, It has the benefits of being Neuroprotective, and I feel safe to say that (if used correctly), that “on fire, burning, throbbing pain” all CRPS Patients discuss – is safely reduced with Anti-inflammatory results! She works very hard to eat a healthy gluten-free diet that one of her doctors on her team (world-renown – “Dr. Pradeep Chopra”) suggested for reducing inflammation, and not only does Mirica fit the gluten-free bill – Dr. Chopra also highly recommends an excellent PEA product!!! – So, if you are looking for something to help you with CRPS or other pain conditions we strongly suggest reaping the benefits of our #1 choice in supplements – MIRICA! Just a note to help other patients – when we started out on Mirica we kept her on a higher dose for approximately two months, especially of PEA. She also makes sure that lipids are accompanying each Mirica capsule. Research suggests the above things that we find and found beneficial. These tips helped me to see the business acumen in the quality of the product. Mirica is key to success. Including to never forget to take each Mirica with lipids as I feel it’s vital. This ensures the best mechanism of action. Please let us know if this review helps you by clicking below! Being our first review, we want to make sure it is worth our time by sharing our positive experience and explaining that If Mirica helps one of the most horrific pain conditions (CRPS) known to humanity, we believe that even your CRPS caused by damage to, or malfunction of, the peripheral and central nervous system will improve!