Minoxidil 5%% Extra Forte para Crescimento Capilar Masculino – 6 Meses, 6 Frascos com Aplicador 60ml – Recomendado por Dermatologistas
O Minoxidil 5%% Tratamento Líquido Extra Forte para Crescimento Capilar Masculino é um produto recomendado por dermatologistas que promove o crescimento capilar. Ele vem em um pacote de 6 frascos com aplicador, o que garante um uso prático e eficiente. Com sua fórmula extra forte, o Minoxidil 5%% estimula os folículos capilares, fortalecendo os fios e prevenindo a queda de cabelo. Com um tratamento de 6 meses, os resultados são visíveis e duradouros.
Descubra a solução definitiva para a queda de cabelo com o Minoxidil Líquido Extra Forte. Este tratamento inovador é formulado com 5%% de Minoxidil, um ingrediente poderoso que estimula os folículos capilares e promove o crescimento de novos fios. Com um aplicador em conta-gotas incluído, a aplicação é fácil e precisa, permitindo que você use o produto diariamente de forma conveniente e sem preocupações com odores persistentes. O suprimento de 6 meses garante que você mantenha seu compromisso com o regime de crescimento capilar, restaurando sua confiança a cada uso. Além disso, o kit inclui um pente e um pano para ajudar a estilizar e manter seu cabelo à medida que ele cresce. Produzido pela 4K Logistics, este tratamento oferece resultados comprovados e progressivos, proporcionando a melhor chance de melhorias visíveis.
- Fórmula Poderosa com 5%% de Minoxidil: Contém 5%% de minoxidil para estimular os folículos capilares e promover o crescimento do cabelo.
- Aplicador em Conta-gotas Incluído: Aplicação fácil e precisa no couro cabeludo para uso diário conveniente com nossa fórmula sem fragrância, permitindo que você use a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar, sem se preocupar com odores persistentes.
- Suprimento de 6 Meses: Suprimento generoso para garantir que você mantenha seu compromisso com o regime de crescimento capilar, restaurando a confiança a cada uso.
- Pente e Pano Complementares: Inclui um pente e um pano para ajudar a estilizar e manter seu cabelo à medida que ele cresce.
- Resultados Comprovados: Com nosso suprimento de 6 meses de Minoxidil 5%%, experimente um progresso contínuo e constante no crescimento do cabelo, proporcionando a melhor chance de melhorias visíveis.
- Fabricante Confiável: Produzido pela 4K Logistics para garantia de qualidade.
- Fórmula Eficaz: Com 5%% de Minoxidil, este tratamento é altamente eficaz na estimulação dos folículos capilares e no crescimento de novos fios.
- Aplicação Conveniente: O aplicador em conta-gotas facilita a aplicação precisa e diária, sem preocupações com odores.
- Suprimento de Longa Duração: Com um suprimento de 6 meses, você pode manter seu regime de crescimento capilar sem interrupções.
- Acessórios Úteis: Inclui um pente e um pano para ajudar na estilização e manutenção do cabelo em crescimento.
- Resultados Comprovados: Experimente um progresso contínuo e visível no crescimento do cabelo com resultados comprovados.
Para melhores resultados, aplique 1 ml da solução de Minoxidil diretamente no couro cabeludo duas vezes ao dia, utilizando o aplicador em conta-gotas. Certifique-se de distribuir uniformemente a solução nas áreas afetadas pela queda de cabelo. Evite lavar o cabelo por pelo menos 4 horas após a aplicação. Siga este regime diariamente para maximizar os benefícios do tratamento.
Jesus –
Aún que es cierto que en la primera imagen perfilaba mi ceja, la realidad es que solo quitaba bellos de alrededor, el nacimiento natural de mi ceja era ese, llevo usando el producto aproximadamente 6 meses, lo uso todos los días en la noche, lo aplico en mi barba y mi ceja, y aún que había visto en varios videos y en foros que era un producto muy efectivo la verdad no pensé tener estos resultados, superaron mis espectativas por mucho! , cabe recalcar que eh escuchado que tienes que tener bello por lo menos en la zona, y el minoxidil lo va engrosando, si lo pones en una área sin bellos o folículo, el producto no va a funcionar, comprobé esto poniendo un poco también en mis entradas donde tengo poco cabello, y ahí no funcionó así que es cierto, estoy muy feliz con los resultados, no sabía qué tan dramático fue el cambio hasta que vi fotos anteriores
Nota: te reseca un poco la piel, yo en la mañana lavaba la zona donde lo apliqué y después ponía alguna crema hidratante, de ahí en fuera es el único problema que tuve, y también un poco de comezón
Karen –
I have always been beard challenged. I use it for beard growth. It works. Just not as fast as I was hoping for. I’m in my second month now and in conjunction with the spikie wheel that you roll on your face I do see hair starting to grow. Hopefully by the 6 months I will have a full beard.
GPadron –
I have a temporary condition, called Telogen Effluvium. My hair began to fall out by the fist full. I was in full stage panic mode. With the assistance this product and Biotin purchased from Amazon also, I’m getting my healthy hair back, thank God! Amazing!
Beverlee A Browning –
This stuff is amazing, greartly slowed if not stoppd my balding and help regrow where I was starting to bald at. Im not quite ready to go bald, so this product def saved me.
Sherri –
Super fast shipping!
I am a female and have hormone related hair loss. This product seems to be the best one to use for hair loss. Dr. Mary Clair Haver says to not bother with the 2% and use this 5%. She uses and recommends this. I recommend watching some of her YouTube videos on women’s hair loss if you want to understand it better. I found why it happens very interesting. The Doctor also has lots of good videos on menopause.
Per how she uses it, I use it at night 3-4 days a week. The directions on this box say twice a day, but it’s a men’s product. A video said that the women’s version says once a day and that’s to avoid growing unwanted facial hair. I suspect that using it twice a day might cause unwanted facial hair. I also suspect that’s why Dr. Haver only uses it 3-4 days a week.
The product has an ingredient in it that makes the hair greasy. I have very fine, thin, soft hair and have never had much hair. I don’t need or want oils and heavy products on my hair. The first time I used this I hated it. My hair looked and felt greasy. Even after I brushed it after it was dry, it felt and looked icky. I used the blow dryer on it even though it was dry and that really helped. It looked fine and a little fuller. Not that I had grown more hair in a couple of hours, but fuller like a styling product was put on. It totally changed the texture of my hair so it wasn’t soft. It also feels different but not really greasy. The next time I used it, I applied it a couple of hours before bed and brushed it. Then I went to bed later. My hair the same as it was after I blow dried it. Not greasy looking or feeling and a little fuller. It made my hair harder to brush. I think some hair broke off because of the difficulty in brushing it. So I brush it gently after I use it and then wait until morning to brush it again.
To apply it, I first used the dropper that comes it and then used a spray bottle like Dr. Haver does the next time-so part the hair, spray the scalp along the part, part again and repeat. I then watched a video on how to apply it without getting it in the hair. He recommended using Q-tips. Dip the Q-tip and rub along the part in the scalp, repeat. I tried that and it did seem to get less on the hair, but some still got on my hair. You also have to use a fresh Q-tip every time so as to not contaminate the bottle. As my hair looks ok and not greasy the day after I used it, the next time I applied it, I went back to the dropper thing. That seems to work ok. I part the hair, use the dropper, then use a Q-tip to rub it in. I have very picky nails and skin around my nails so I treat them like delicate princesses. No way I’m touching this with my fingers and wearing non breathable gloves gives my finger nail Infections (cleaning is oh so much fun.) I think that the spray bottle is easier but it also probably gets it on the hair more. I’m going to use the dropper that came with it. Also, I try to tip my head back a little and have a tissue standing ready. Any little bit that goes where I don’t want it is wiped off immediately. I wash my face good after I apply it and keep my hair off my face. (I have bangs) until it’s dry. I’m hoping this will stop me from growing fuzzy patches on my face. 😂
The bottle is 30 days supply, but the directions say 1 ml twice a day on just the back part of the top of your head. I’m doing 3-4 days a week and all over. I’ve no clue how long it will last.
I have no idea if this works or not as I haven’t used it very long. Oh, and the mousse version is supposed to not make hair as greasy. I may check that version out but if it cost more, won’t be getting it often. This product has a great price-$30+ for a 6 month or so supply!
Bottom line-makes hair look and feel greasy but the greasy look and feeling went away the next day for me without me doing anything. If you want it to not look greasy faster, using the blow dryer on the hair after the product absorbs into your head worked for me. It does make my hair feel different as do styling products, and I plan on doing my hair washing the day after I use it. (I wash it twice a week) I will enjoy the way my hair feels during that time. The product does give my hair more body. If a person stops using it, they do loose the hair. So you have to use it forever to keep the more hair. That stopped me from trying this until I decided that if I ever wanted to stop, I’d be no worse off then before I started. In the meantime, I’ll have enjoyed having more hair for a period of time. Also, maybe I’ll get so old, I won’t care about my hair.
Jesus –
Being losing my hair since I stopped growing vertical and began the horizontal shift. This baby has me looking 10 years younger in combination with a handy prescription of finestrol, which is what I see most male artist post as their daily vitamin. Give it a try and see the results in 3 months, I’m on year one and will not stop this fountain of youth. Cortez who?
Ricardo Vela –
Back in medical school, it was always taught that one of the main side effects of minoxidil is hair growth.It’s a fact proven by hudreds of studies and patient documentation.The only question is would you trust Kirkland’s brand?
And the answer is yes! It is now my sixth month using this brand and indeed i see adequate growth on the thinning patch on the back of my head.It is really close to the popular brand.
Highly recommended.
Athlete –
En general doy 3 estrellas porque este producto funciona con el tiempo, lo empezare a usar y vere que resultados tengo por lo que tendre que actualizar la reseña. Mi unica queja es que el empaque no fue el mejor, el producto llego derramado, 3 de las 6 botellas venian casi a la mitad y la caja estaba desecha.