- Pele mais suave e radiante: Remove células mortas, revelando uma pele saudável.
- Combate imperfeições: Eficaz contra pele seca, descamada, tom irregular, acne e estrias.
- Hidratação intensa: Mantém a pele macia e hidratada por mais tempo.
- Aroma revigorante: Proporciona uma experiência sensorial única durante o banho.
- Fácil de usar: Aplicação simples e prática, ideal para a rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o MINETAN BODY.SKIN Esfoliante Hidratante Facial de Café, recomenda-se utilizá-lo duas vezes por semana. Durante o banho, aplique uma quantidade adequada do produto na pele úmida e massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares, concentrando-se nas áreas secas ou problemáticas. Deixe o produto agir por cerca de 5 minutos para potencializar seus efeitos e, em seguida, enxágue completamente. Após o uso, você sentirá a pele renovada, suave e profundamente hidratada, pronta para enfrentar o dia com confiança.
Alexx –
Best scrub I’ve ever used!! It smells amazing, it’s easy to clean up & it leaves my skin silky soft! You get SO MUCH for a low price. It quickly became my favorite!
N. Rubertelli –
Really cute packaging. I included it in a spa gift bag for a Christmas gift. The recipient, who is a coffee-lover really liked it.
JaBul –
I originally tried this from these little cosmetic bags my daughter gets each month. It is a nice exfolient and seems to have some kind of moisturizer in it, because your skin feels nice and soft afterward – not oily or greasy, just soft. The coffee smell goes away washing off, too.
Kandra Crouch –
The best coffee scrub I’ve tried so far! It leaves my skin super soft and I’ve noticed a big difference in a short amount of time.
Brandie A. –
I love this! I received a sample of it in a GLOSSYBOX subscription service. And it makes my skin soo soft, even my feet after I’ve neglected them. Instant renewal.
Brandie A. –
The smell is pretty strong, which may not be a big deal to most since coffee is a strong scent anyways. I was using this to remove old spray tan before another, and it did work for that. Sensitive skin girlies watch out this has pumas in it and will irritate skin. Was not happy with the amount that comes in the bag, seemed less then half to me when I opened it. After using the strong scent stayed on my skin. I have already found a better source for my needs!
Amanda –
I love this product, it makes my skin feel so soft and smell so good. I get these bumps on the back of my arms and it makes them practically melt off of me.
KoolKeita –
Great scrub! Really refreshes your skin with a brightness and glow.