Descrição do Produto: Mother Earth Minerals – Magnésio – 8 Onças (96 Porções)
O Magnésio da Mother Earth Minerals é um suplemento de alta qualidade que se destaca por suas propriedades únicas e benefícios para a saúde. Este produto é formulado com minerais iônicos, que possuem uma carga elétrica que os torna atraentes para as paredes intestinais, facilitando a absorção. Além disso, é solúvel em água, o que significa que os íons em tamanho angstrom estão disponíveis em uma solução aquosa, tornando-os altamente biodisponíveis. Isso garante que o magnésio seja facilmente absorvido pelas células humanas, não apenas pela corrente sanguínea, resultando em uma absorção mais eficiente e completa. O produto não contém aditivos, enchimentos ou conservantes, garantindo pureza e eficácia.
O magnésio é um elemento extremamente essencial para o corpo humano. Ele pode promover a produção de energia e proteínas, além de desempenhar um papel crucial no metabolismo e na função muscular adequada, sendo vital para a saúde do coração. O magnésio também pode ajudar a relaxar os nervos e aliviar a tensão diária, assistindo na digestão e ativando enzimas importantes para o metabolismo de proteínas e carboidratos. Além disso, regula outros minerais, como cálcio, potássio e sódio, contribuindo para um equilíbrio mineral saudável.
Este mineral é fundamental na contração e relaxamento muscular, participando da produção e transferência de energia e auxiliando na condução nervosa. O magnésio também promove a regularidade intestinal, um sono reparador e purifica os tecidos do corpo, eliminando impurezas.
– Alta Biodisponibilidade: A forma iônica do magnésio garante uma absorção superior, necessitando de menores quantidades para resultados eficazes.
– Suporte à Saúde Muscular: Contribui para a função muscular adequada, essencial para a saúde do coração e a prevenção de cãibras.
– Relaxamento e Alívio do Estresse: Ajuda a relaxar os nervos e a aliviar a tensão do dia a dia, promovendo um estado de bem-estar.
– Melhora na Digestão: Auxilia na digestão e na ativação de enzimas essenciais, promovendo um metabolismo saudável.
– Regulação Mineral: Ajuda a equilibrar outros minerais no corpo, como cálcio e potássio, promovendo uma saúde mineral ideal.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Magnésio da Mother Earth Minerals, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma porção de 1 colher de chá (aproximadamente 5 ml) diluída em água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. É importante agitar bem antes de usar, pois a solução pode apresentar sedimentação natural. Para maximizar a absorção, consuma em jejum ou entre as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Kayla –
Love this stuff!! I’ll be buying more for sure!! It does not have much of a taste. The only thing I would like would be a dropper top or a pump of some kind. But I can always do that myself.
John G –
Mother Earth Magnesium liquid was recommended by a family member suffering from cramps in the lower legs. Tried it now for about 4 months and it seems to work or at least help. Cramps are still a problem but not as frequent or as intense. Have made several additional purchases, and will continue to do so. The liquid is tasteless, rather bland, and can be mixed with juice if desired. Take a half teaspoon once or twice a day as needed. Use about a bottle a month for one person. Recommend.
Marly –
I already had a bottle of this magnesium the house when I realized I must have purchased it a few years ago but never really tried taking it on a regular basis. I know I’m severely magnesium deficient because I would get everything from muscle spasms to joint pain and I’ve tried just about every form of magnesium there is. The oral forms either take too long to work, require super high doses because so little is absorbed or caused diarrhea due to the laxative effect. I’ve got many forms of the transdermal delivery magnesium products;..creams, gels, liquid (oil) but either they make my skin itchy or I have to remember to slathered the topicals on my skin and shower them off or else I spend the day scratching my arms and legs. And honestly, I’m not sure how much is being absorbed because the results seem to be very temporary and way too mild. And so, I discovered this bottle of Mother Earth liquid minerals in a kitchen cabinet a few months ago and thought I’d give it a try. I found I needed to take a lot and many times during the day…a whole teaspoonful at least…. And what I noticed is that my typical anxiety was slowly lessening. Panic attacks which I can easily find myself experiencing many times a week were now completely stopping if I reached for this magnesium and took another teaspoonful. At first I needed to take this many times a day…and as days went by, I would take it first thing in the morning…and then only take it again if I felt either joint, or muscular pain, anxiety or even coming close to reaching a panicked state. I would also take it again before bed and on nights I forgot, couldn’t sleep very well… I forgot to mention I also have high blood pressure. I was given two different medications that didn’t seem to affect my blood pressure by very much. I noticed that using topical magnesium would lower it a teensy bit….but so far, I’m not seeing profound results from this angstrom magnesium actually lowering my blood pressure to a normal level. It has gone down a bit…I’m going to try and remind myself to take magnesium before I get my pressure measured. My results might still depend on magnesium dosing…I seem to need a ridiculous amount of magnesium…I don’t take calcium…I do take other minerals…but it seems as if I’ve been magnesium deficient my entire adult life. I’ve suffered from fibromyalgia which I don’t seem to have anymore…Only slight aches and pains which is probably typical of aging women….as I’m 75 years old and actually feeling physically improved when I get adequate magnesium. My issue was always that I wasn’t absorbing the pills and the topicals weren’t strong enough to impact all my issues….I just bought another bottle of
this Mother Earth formula because I want to keep a bottle by the bed to take last thing at night, first thing in the morning. I drink it right out of the bottle….and it works very quickly….One morning I woke up after forgetting to take this before bed and I was in total panic mode…having trouble breathing…One gulp of this liquid and within 10 minutes, I was feeling calm….It was amazing. I never want to be without this product!
Hemster –
This product is the absolute best as it absorbs quickly into the system. I sleep better and feel a lot calmer. Half a teaspoon is all it takes. Unlike other magnesium supplements, I do not feel any adverse effects like diarrhea.
Robert churilla –
I used this for 300 operations in my body.I read that,s what magnesium does for the body.
Martha W. –
Easy to take, does not cause diarrhea, there is no tase at all. Will buy again
A.M. –
I started purchasing Angstrom Magnesium after I had a bad reaction to the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin. The antibiotic did terrible damage to my Achilles Tendon leaving me almost unable to walk. After going to the doctor various times and only getting other random medications to take (some which even hurt my liver) I decided to go the natural route. After trying Epsom Salt soaks and various creams to no avail I finally stumbled upon some medical literature online which mentioned a study on rats who after given the antibiotic and then developed tendon toxicity and eye problems were given magnesium supplements and vitamin E with great results. The Magnesium actually acts like a chelation agent and binds to the antibiotic and allows it to leave the body. Needless to say I was ecstatic. After doing more research on Magnesium I discovered that the oral bioavailability when taken in pill form is very low. Meaning most leaves the body and doesn’t enter the bloodstream so the cheap vitamin pills you buy in the store wouldn’t cut it for what I needed. Then I read about colloidal minerals and how they enter your blood stream when held under the tongue increasing the bioavailability greatly. That led me here. After about a month of taking this every day my pain subsided. After about 3 months I was walking normally again with little to no pain, and after six months of taking this wonderful supplement I was running again and able to work out again. All this happened to me when I was 21, I am now 23 and still take it religiously every night even though I probably don’t need to anymore. If there is anyone out there suffering from tendon toxicity or other side effects of Cipro or other antibiotics of the same family I urge you to try Angstrom Magnesium. It doesn’t even have to be this brand (although it’s the best I’ve found). I honestly believe this to have saved my mobility.
Nicole C –
This is my favorite magnesium product. We love Mother Earth Minerals!