Descrição do Produto:
As crianças adoram laticínios, mas para aquelas que sofrem de intolerância à lactose, o prazer de saborear um delicioso iogurte ou um pedaço de queijo pode se transformar em um verdadeiro pesadelo. Pensando nisso, a Milkaid Junior apresenta suas Tabletes Mastigáveis de Enzima Lactase, uma solução prática e saborosa para garantir que os pequenos possam desfrutar de seus alimentos favoritos sem preocupações. Com um sabor irresistível, essas tabletes mastigáveis não precisam de água, tornando-as ideais para serem levadas em passeios ou consumidas em qualquer lugar.
- GREAT TASTING FLAVOURED CHEWABLE TABLETS: Sem necessidade de água, convenientes para comer fora.
- IMPROVES LACTOSE DIGESTION: Melhora a digestão da lactose em indivíduos que têm dificuldade em digeri-la. A intolerância à lactose é causada pela falta de lactase no corpo, uma enzima necessária para digerir a lactose, dividindo-a em dois açúcares mais fáceis de digerir: glicose e galactose.
- SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS: Livre de glúten e levedura. Sem sabores artificiais.
- SUITABLE FROM 3+ YEARS: Adequado para crianças a partir de 3 anos.
Com Milkaid Junior, os pais podem ficar tranquilos sabendo que seus filhos estão recebendo o suporte necessário para uma digestão saudável, permitindo que eles aproveitem a vida ao máximo, sem os incômodos causados pela intolerância à lactose.
1. Alívio Rápido: Ação rápida que ajuda a prevenir gases, inchaço e diarreia após o consumo de laticínios.
2. Sabor Agradável: As tabletes têm um sabor delicioso, tornando o uso mais agradável para as crianças.
3. Fácil de Usar: Não requer água, ideal para levar em passeios ou para a escola.
4. Segurança Alimentar: Produto adequado para vegetarianos e livre de glúten e levedura, garantindo que todos possam consumir sem preocupações.
5. Apoio à Digestão: Melhora a digestão da lactose, permitindo que as crianças desfrutem de laticínios sem desconforto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem 1 a 2 tabletes de Milkaid Junior imediatamente antes de consumir produtos lácteos. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a necessidade, dependendo da quantidade de laticínios que será ingerida. É importante que as tabletes sejam mastigadas completamente para garantir a liberação adequada da enzima lactase no sistema digestivo. Consulte um profissional de saúde para orientações específicas sobre o uso e a dosagem adequada para cada criança.
Lindsey –
I’ve been using different products for a while now and most of them all seem to be about the same. I can’t say this works better than any other product, but what does make this one stand out is the smell. I want to say it’s a strong vanilla scent. I’m not sure if I like it, or if it’s overwhelming so I land on indifferent. I only point that out because someone sensitive to smells might pass on this, but if you like incense and candles, you might like these for that reason. I don’t use them daily and they have a powdery texture to them.
Privacy1 –
This product was received as part of a promotion. I got these for my daughter, who has frequent digestive upset issues if she consumes regular dairy products. The brand name supplements for lactase enzyme products can be so expensive, so I was glad to find the “off-brand” of these. Even though it’s not brand name, the quality of these is TOP NOTCH. They come with a very secure quality seal and smell like a vanilla milkshake. The bottle comes with 60 tablets–30 servings total. They’re easy for her to take and help prevent digestive issues associated with consuming regular dairy. We’re glad they make these supplements in case “lactose-free” milk isn’t around to consume (i.e. at a hotel and consume cereal, etc.). We are very pleased with both the quality and the effectiveness of the product!
Customer Review –
I’ve had other lactase tablets, but hated the artificial grape flavor. The vanilla flavor on these is much better. The tablets are a little chalky, but since these can be chewed and don’t have to be swallowed whole, it’s not bothersome. The instructions say you can take between 1 to 4 tablets per meal so you’ll need some trial and error to figure out how many is necessary for you to take per your body’s reactions. For me, I’ve found that 2-3 tablets is enough to prevent any gas or rushed bathroom trips for most dairy-heavy meals. It’s very nice to not have to worry so much about the unfortunate side effects of eating dairy.
Lindsey –
This is one product that there is no need to buy brand name, these pills work exactly the same. These are in an easy to take chewable form with a pleasant vanilla flavor. I’m sure it is different for everyone but only taking one pill provides me sufficient protection.
D’Guerra –
The texture of these chewable tablets is pretty pleasant and they don’t explode into a billowy puff of medicinal powder. The vanilla flavor is gentle, too. I’m an adult, and 2-3 worked well for me.
Us –
These are flavored pretty well, so kids should not freak out about taking them.
They’ll work for adults too, but just be aware each tablet has about 1/3 the amount of active ingredient as normal adult-targeted lactaid tabs (3000 units versus 9000 units). So value-wise, adults are better off skipping these.
I tried them before eating some ice cream and then before drinking eggnog, and they did seem to work just fine, no issues – I did take 3 tablets instead of the 2 recommended for kids.
Good product, decent value for use by children.
Customer Review –
These are a nice alternative to the much pricier best-known OtC brand. They are a little bigger than some, but since they are chewable, that isn’t a deal-breaker. I always begin with one tablet as a test for each item that may cause issue (e.g., ice cream or yogurt are fine for me without a lactose enzyme, but both, on the same day is a no without a supplement of some sort.
Why didn’t I give these 5 starts?
1. these are labeled as “junior” and in a bottle of 60. The adult version is in a bottle of 120. The dosage (2 pills) and the amount of active ingredient per pill (3000 ALU) is the SAME for both! My suggestion? Go with the one with the better cost per pill.
2. a general suggestion for the company: add a box of single dose packs to your product mix. I don’t want to carry a full bottle so I’d have to separate these myself. I’d pay extra for the convenience of dose packs.
Phoenix –
The tablets are OK. I would have rather had the grape or strawberry if available. Had to get vanilla instead. Hate fake vanillas. Otherwise, they seem to work as advertised in stopping gas and bloating with dairy.