O Suplemento de Cardo Mariano para limpeza e desintoxicação do fígado é um produto que oferece diversos benefícios para a saúde. Ele contém ingredientes naturais, como o cardo mariano, que ajudam a promover a saúde do fígado, auxiliando na desintoxicação e na limpeza do órgão. Além disso, o suplemento também pode ajudar a melhorar a digestão, fortalecer o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral do corpo.
SUPORTE À SAÚDE DO FÍGADO E DESINTOXICAÇÃO NATURAL: Nosso Suplemento de Cardo Mariano é especialmente formulado com Semente de Cardo Mariano Orgânico (padronizado para 80% de silimarina), fornecendo 1000mg, juntamente com Raiz de Cúrcuma Orgânica (250mg), Raiz de Dente-de-leão (250mg) e Extrato de Folha de Alcachofra Orgânica (250mg) para apoiar as enzimas hepáticas e promover a desintoxicação natural. Isso ajuda a limpar, desintoxicar e reparar o fígado para a manutenção geral da saúde hepática.
FÓRMULA RICA EM ANTIOXIDANTES: Nosso Detox Líquido para o Fígado possui propriedades antioxidantes potentes que ajudam a combater os radicais livres. O efeito combinado dos extratos orgânicos de cúrcuma e dente-de-leão fornece antioxidantes robustos, protegendo as células do fígado contra danos enquanto promove sua reparação.
FORMA LÍQUIDA CONVENIENTE: Ao contrário de cápsulas ou comprimidos tradicionais, nossas Gotas de Cardo Mariano estão na forma líquida para fácil absorção. Basta tomar a dose recomendada de 2ml por dia ou adicionar as gotas em saladas, bebidas, água, café e outros líquidos para desfrutar dos benefícios do cardo mariano líquido. Além disso, nossa embalagem é projetada para ser pequena o suficiente para ser transportada.
FÓRMULA NATURAL PARA UMA SAÚDE HEPÁTICA ÓTIMA: Nosso Cardo Mariano Líquido é feito de ingredientes naturais e uma fórmula única que é facilmente absorvida pelo corpo. É naturalmente livre de glúten, trigo, gelatina, lactose, não contém corantes, produtos lácteos ou sabores artificiais, e é não transgênico, tornando-o adequado para a maioria dos estilos de vida e preferências.
CONFIÁVEL E EFICAZ: A JIANKYTZ é uma marca de suplementos naturais que se concentra em cuidar da saúde de nossos clientes. Você pode contar com nossa experiência e expertise para fornecer produtos de qualidade em que você pode confiar. Se tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato conosco e responderemos dentro de 24 horas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Suporte à saúde do fígado e desintoxicação natural
- Fórmula rica em antioxidantes
- Forma líquida conveniente para fácil absorção
- Fórmula natural adequada para diversos estilos de vida
- Marca confiável e eficaz
- Promove a desintoxicação eficaz do fígado, ajudando na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas.
- Melhora a digestão, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais e promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma defesa mais robusta contra doenças.
- Proporciona uma fonte rica de antioxidantes, protegendo as células do fígado e promovendo sua regeneração.
- Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, podendo ser adicionado a diversas bebidas e alimentos.
William B. Marchuk –
The ingredients listed are supposed to be good for your liver. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste. It is kind of sweet, but not too sweet. The serving size is 2ml. So you need 2 droppers full. When I squeezed the dropper, it didn’t go all the way to 1ml the first time. I had to squeeze it two or three times to get to 1ml. Other than that, it seems like it’s a good product.
Grand Prix –
With all the contaminants in the air, and what we are exposed to today, including … prescriptions… daily, at 67 years old, natural remedies are our families only choice.
Our liver is one of the largest organs in our body. It helps remove waste and handles various nutrients and “medicines” (ie prescriptions).
After researching the medical establishment’s position on detoxing the liver, where one side, says there’s no evidence that a “healthy” liver needs detoxing, and some medical professionals say that doing so could be detrimental, I personally, remember, what Einstein said, We are either progressing or regressing: Nothing stays the same: Thus, at 67 years old, I know, my body has regressed over time, and needs help, thus, my first choice is, I go with nature and my personal intuition.
My bottom line is this natural product is for an extremely important organ: the liver: Their “Milk Thistle Liquid” is created from all natural ingredients, with a unique and rare formula that is easily absorbed by the body. Again, it’s made from “nature”: a natural gluten-free, wheat-free, gelatin-free, lactose-free product. Thus, is why we ordered this product.
The two bottle supply is enough for a month.
Questions, please ask. Amazon will patch you through and one of us will step-up to help.
KJ1993 –
I did some research online about this and did not find any evidence that it can clean or improve the liver performance.
HOWEVER, after two weeks using it, I FEEL MUCH BETTER.
I also started eating less processed foods. I cut on breads, sodas, fast foods and minimise restaurant food, no canned food, ets. I think all together is a great formula that is working for me.
Grand Prix –
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This milk thistle came in a glass bottle that arrived safely. Overall, it seems nice. Supposed to help with liver cleansing. Check with your doctor or other medical professional that this is a good idea for you to take. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully as they are written out on the bottle and on the package. If you want this to be most effective, you should follow directions carefully after checking with a medical professional
I knew milk thistle and dandelion are good for liver support and detox so I used to buy and drink milk thistle with dandelion tea bags but they don’t really taste that great with bitter taste. This milk thistle and dandelion extracts are such a great way to consume them with ease and they actually taste much better than the tea bags. No need to boil water to make a tea and I just drop directly into my mouth before I go to sleep every night. It came shrink wrapped and with 2 packs. Love it and I do recommend these!
** DISCLAIMER: I received this product for free through Vine program in exchange for my honest opinion, and that is what I have offered here. I’m not a “give everything 5 stars” person and I only give 5 stars to products that exceeds expectation or provides exceptional values so I hope this was helpful.
AmazonBandit –
This milk thistle has a pleasant flavor. Not too sweet, not heavy or oily. Easy to add into any beverage of choice or by itself. This detox liver cleanse also includes; organic turmeric root, organic artichoke leaf and dandelion root – seems like a very nice blend to support detoxification. This supplement comes in an amber bottle cello sealed and the box came sealed in plastic. I believe this formula to be one to have positive impact on my overall well-being.
CV –
I’ve been taking these drops for a few weeks now, and I’m hopeful that I’ll see some positive results. They have many claimed benefits, and so far I haven’t experienced any negative reactions. The taste is pretty good as well
William B. Marchuk –
I just started using these drops mixed into hot tea and it makes me feel so good knowing the liver benefits from the drops.