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Produto Importado dos EUA

MigreLief Original Triple Therapy with Puracol – Suporte Nutricional para Enxaquecas – 60 Cápsulas/1 Mês de Fornecimento

*R$350.52 Em até 6x de R$58.42 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$58.42 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$350.52 sem juros2x de R$175.26 sem juros3x de R$116.84 sem juros4x de R$87.63 sem juros5x de R$70.10 sem juros6x de R$58.42 sem juros

MigreLief Original Triple Therapy with Puracol é um suplemento nutricional desenvolvido para auxiliar no tratamento de enxaquecas. Com 60 comprimidos, o produto oferece suporte nutricional por um mês. Suas principais características incluem a terapia tripla, que combina ingredientes naturais para aliviar os sintomas da enxaqueca, e o Puracol, um complexo de magnésio, riboflavina e folato, que ajuda a reduzir a frequência e a intensidade das crises. Benefícios incluem alívio dos sintomas, prevenção de enxaquecas e melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

(2 avaliações de clientes)
MigreLief Original Triple Therapy with Puracol - Suporte Nutricional para Enxaquecas - 60 Cápsulas/1 Mês de Fornecimento *R$350.52 Em até 6x de R$58.42 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$58.42 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$350.52 sem juros2x de R$175.26 sem juros3x de R$116.84 sem juros4x de R$87.63 sem juros5x de R$70.10 sem juros6x de R$58.42 sem juros
SKU: 3C4308BA Categoria: Tag: Marca:

MigreLief Original Triple Therapy with Puracol – Nutritional Support for Migraine Sufferers – 60 Caplets/1 Month Supply

MigreLief é um suplemento dietético patenteado e recomendado por neurologistas e especialistas em dor de cabeça há mais de 25 anos. É uma terapia tripla que fornece suporte nutricional eficaz para adultos e adolescentes que sofrem de enxaqueca. Sua fórmula confiável tem mudado a vida de centenas de milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo.

A abordagem de terapia tripla do MigreLief ajuda a manter a saúde do tônus cerebrovascular e da função dos vasos sanguíneos no cérebro, além de auxiliar na manutenção das reservas saudáveis de energia mitocondrial, que são extremamente importantes para os portadores de enxaqueca.

Os ingredientes do MigreLief foram formulados pelo pioneiro em suplementos para enxaqueca, o Dr. Curt Hendrix, com base em evidências científicas. Ele foi o primeiro a descobrir a combinação única de Magnésio, Riboflavina (Vitamina B-2) e Puracol Feverfew para o tratamento de enxaquecas, pelos quais recebeu duas patentes nos Estados Unidos.

MigreLief é a opção nutricional número 1 para portadores de enxaqueca, sendo seguro e eficaz. É um suplemento não-prescrito, vegetariano, livre de drogas, cafeína e não-OGM. Não contém butterbur, trigo, glúten, sal, soja, leite ou laticínios, nozes, milho, cafeína, flavorizantes ou conservantes artificiais.

Os ingredientes do MigreLief são testados por laboratórios independentes de terceiros e fabricados em instalações certificadas nos Estados Unidos. A embalagem pode variar.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Eficaz suporte nutricional para adultos e adolescentes com enxaqueca
  • Fórmula confiável que mudou a vida de centenas de milhares de portadores de enxaqueca
  • Ingredientes comprovados formulados pelo pioneiro em suplementos para enxaqueca
  • Opção nutricional número 1 para portadores de enxaqueca, seguro e eficaz
  • Produzido nos Estados Unidos, com ingredientes testados por laboratórios independentes

– Sugestão de Uso:

Recomenda-se tomar 2 caplets por dia, com alimentos. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável tomar MigreLief diariamente por um período mínimo de 90 dias.

2 avaliações para MigreLief Original Triple Therapy with Puracol – Suporte Nutricional para Enxaquecas – 60 Cápsulas/1 Mês de Fornecimento

  1. K. Chatters

    My new years resolution this year was to take control of the migraines that I have suffered with for more than 40 years (they started when I was 13)! I have tried every remedy under the sun and have been miserable for so long I couldn’t take it anymore. The first thing I did was purchase the book “Heal Your Headache 123”

    Heal Your Headache: The 1-2-3 Program for Taking Charge of Your Pain

     , I read it cover to cover and committed to following the diet restrictions to the letter to determine what food items were triggering my headaches. I also ordered Migralief and began my program on January 1, 2012.

    I started out with 2 Migralief tablets a day and began my diet restrictions. In addition to the food eliminations, I had to eliminate all of my headache medications (prescription and non-prescription), I toughed out the rebound headaches for about 10 days (it was miserable – but I was also withdrawing from caffiene and sugar). The results have been amazing, I now am able to go 2 weeks or more without a single headache. I have been able to add back most foods to my diet, with the exception of caffiene, soy products, alcohol and MSG.

    In March I ran out of my Migralief and thought – well maybe just eliminating the bad foods will be enough. I was not sure how much the Migralief was helping because I started both the food restrictions and the supplements at the same time. Before I knew it (within two days) I started having that familiar “headachy” feeling – not a full blown migraine, but just an overall foggy, headache feeling. I ordered more Migralief and as soon as I started taking it again the symptoms immediately went away. I had also dropped my dosage down to one a day after the first 60 days and it is working fine at one a day.

    Overall, I believe that restricting trigger foods from my diet, including caffiene (which was difficult) has eliminated most of my major migraines. Before I started my plan in Jan. I was having migraines 3 – 5 times a month (each lasting three days)and even when I did not have a migraine, I constantly had an overall “headachy” feeling. When I began the Migralief that lingering headachy feeling went away. I hope to stay on this supplement for the rest of my life, I cannot imagine going back to the way I was living before. Just the other day I ate some soy sauce in a dish without realizing it until it was too late – and within hours I felt the dreaded, familiar feeling of a migraine coming on… it was soooo depressing to be thrown back into a place that I happily left behind. Luckily, the headache was not as severe as usual and lasted only two days instead the usual three days – I attribute that to the Migralief.

    I hope this is helpful to someone who is looking for answers, because I have truly been at the end of my rope myself. God Bless and Good Luck.

  2. Pam Watkins

    Oct 28, 2016 – I have used another brand for years but they removed the feverfew and substituted another ingredient in my last purchases (I hadn’t noticed the change as the packages looked the same and I didn’t look any further and my migraines came back so I’ not using that brand anymore. Changed to MigreLief Original Formula Triple Therapy with Puracol, 60 Count (Pack of 3) by MigreLief Original Formula around the first of Sept 2016 and am now back to normal – one headache (not severe but lasted 3 1/2 days after a casino trip) in almost 2 months. Don’t know why I didn’t go with this brand from the beginning but after having the success with the other one was afraid of changing brands till it didn’t work any more.

    Original review for the other brand which was the same ingredients as this one, Here’s everything I did to help reduce migraine frequency and severity:
    2014: Have had migraines for 18 years; every week, multiple days. Tried feverfew in those early years but never knew that it would take 3 months to get benefit so I wrote it off. I had a 3 month migraine earlier this year and a friend’s mother told me how she used feverfew and that her friend told her 3 months at a minimum so she did and her headaches went away, she quit using it, they came back and she used it another 3 months and has never had another migraine. I started researching and read research / studies on magnesium and riboflavin with a few studies including feverfew so I bought in and started trying to find a supplier. Read the reviews on Amazon and decided on this one. Used this as directed for 3 months and was almost headache free so I stopped taking it (just like my friends Mom). Well I’m taking it again for about 2 months now and got better again so instead of stopping the feverfew and with my doctors U&A, started reducing my daily migraine medicine from 75 mg Nortriptylene to 50mg and now on 25 mg. (My doc helped me get off anti-seizure/anti-convulsive medication last year.) Gets a little rough, starting a couple of days later after reducing and for about 3-5 days but then headache goes away. Use Zomig or regular Advil – using less Zomig (a month’s prescription lasts 2-3 months which is a miracle for me). Wouldn’t do this without my doctor’s agreement. I’m very appreciative of what this supplement has done for me. Can’t imagine what I’m going to feel like if I can get off all this medication.
    I’ll update once my experiment is complete.
    Update: Feb 3, 2015.
    I’m off all my migraine medication since end of Nov. 2014 and I haven’t had a migraine or used Zomig since early Dec 2014. BTW – getting off Nortriptylene took about 6 months to lose the side effects – it’s a bugger.
    Here’s everything I did:
    Dehydration is one of the biggest culprits for migraine; caffeine use and magnesium deficiency are close behind. I did greatly decrease stress in my life.
    3 MigreLief every day between meals when reducing my migraine medication – now only 2 a day.
    I drink at least 2-3 quarts of water a day. That beyond any other fluids – I tried counting all fluids toward the 2 quarts but didn’t work for me.
    No artificial sweeteners especially aspartame.
    Reduced refined sugar and wheat (gluten) in my diet. I’d work on the sugar as wheat may not be a problem for others.
    Cut my caffeine way back and don’t eat chocolate – I drink 2-3 cups of Half-caf in the morning then switch to decaf.
    This is what I was told for Magnesium (add everything from vitamins, MigreLief, etc – also remember that D3 makes magnesium) – Body weight divided in half and times 10 to start adjusting for proper dosage. If have brown water then decrease until water is clear – stool will be soft and should have 2-3 movements a day. Some medical conditions my not agree with this amount of magnesium – consult your doctor.
    Pillow that supports neck properly.
    Very important to get good sleep – I have sleep apnea and have got a better mask for my machine and started taking fish oil with D3 (D3 is the D we would get from the sun and it is very important for the deep REM sleep needed for the body to heal.
    Stretch morning before getting out of bed – bring knees as close to chest as possible while being comfortable…no pain…hold it for 3 minutes (my chiropractor told me this one).
    Started exercising to lose weight as I am obese and the weight does pull on my neck and shoulders; couldn’t do this before as I would get a migraine every time I exercised. I now have more energy than I’ve had for a long time and am losing weight, no more neck pain!
    Warning: I will tell you that it was quite miserable for 2 months after totaling quit taking Nortriptyline (read up about anti-depressant withdrawal). I’ve done some other reading and even though my doctor had me reduce the dose 25mg every 2 weeks, I’ve read that 10% reduction at a time is easier for withdrawl systmtoms. I was really sick – dizziness (still have a little) and that’s all I have now, even some vertigo, very weak and tired, nausea, woke up through the night, electric shock feeling in my leg that jerked me awake at night, transient pain in my neck, jaw, head, legs and feet.
    Good luck!
    11/11/15 It’s been a year now and I haven’t had to refill my Zomig since last Dec (2014). I used to get a script every month and would run out by time to refill. I’ve taken a zomig 5 or 6 times this year; if I get a headache it’s usually managed with regular advil and that’s all I take for migraine; I still have over half my Dec prescription from last year. I’m off all my previous prescriptions and I take 2 migrelief a day. It’s a whole new world to me. Thank you Migrelief.
    Oct 2016 Update of status: Changed to Akesco Migrelief. Off blood pressure med now too and am doing regular exercise and starting to lose weight. Yea! Never give up!

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