O Pó de Grama de Trigo Orgânico da Micro Ingredients é um suplemento excepcional, elaborado com 100% de folha inteira, que proporciona uma rica fonte de vitaminas, fibras e minerais essenciais para a saúde. Com 454g de puro poder nutricional, este produto é cultivado de forma sustentável nos Estados Unidos, garantindo a qualidade e a pureza que você merece. O pó é uma excelente opção para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico, já que é repleto de vitaminas como A, B2, B12, C e biotina, além de minerais como potássio, magnésio, cálcio e zinco.
Além de ser uma fonte natural de proteínas e aminoácidos essenciais, como GLA e arginina, o pó de grama de trigo também é rico em enzimas e flavonoides, que contribuem para a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Os antioxidantes presentes neste superalimento oferecem suporte ao cólon e ao coração, ajudando a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres. Com uma fórmula livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (GMOs), aditivos, conservantes e glúten, o Pó de Grama de Trigo Orgânico é uma escolha ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado.
Para facilitar o uso diário, o produto vem com uma colher dosadora, permitindo que você adicione a quantidade ideal ao seu shake ou smoothie. Experimente incorporar este superalimento em sua rotina e descubra como ele pode transformar sua saúde e bem-estar.
1. Saúde Imunológica Reforçada: Rico em vitaminas que fortalecem o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Digestão Saudável: Melhora a função digestiva e a absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um sistema digestivo equilibrado.
3. Fonte de Nutrientes Essenciais: Oferece uma ampla gama de fibras, minerais, proteínas e vitaminas para uma saúde ótima.
4. Antioxidantes Poderosos: Combate os danos dos radicais livres, oferecendo suporte ao cólon e ao coração.
5. Vegano e Orgânico: Cultivado de forma sustentável, é uma opção pura e natural para veganos e para quem busca qualidade.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Pó de Grama de Trigo Orgânico, recomenda-se o consumo diário. Adicione uma colher dosadora do pó a um shake ou smoothie, misture bem e aproveite. O pó também pode ser incorporado a outros alimentos, como iogurte ou aveia, para aumentar seu valor nutricional. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar suas propriedades. Experimente agora e descubra como este superalimento pode enriquecer sua dieta!
Amazon Customer –
First time using this product and have been thoroughly impressed. Mixed well, great taste, and great results. Quality packaging. Overall happy with my purchase and have recommended to others as well.
Lisa Hopper –
This is the best wheatgrass I’ve ever had. I was reluctant to order wheatgrass because usually it tastes like freshly mowed grass. Yuck. When I opened this bag I smelled a sweet smell and drank some immediately. It was so good! I added it to my matcha tea (same brand) and it was yummy. I will definitely order this again!
bibi –
Nicely surprised. Making this a daily habit since it’s very drinkable.
Trevor –
I have been putting this in my smoothies, and making juice pops with it, come winter and I can put it in soups. Trying to come up with a cookie receipe maybe chai tea flavor. Great nutrient density for those who don’t like to eat greens.
Jennifer Hamaguchi –
A finer grain, less gritty than other brands. Wheatgrass has many health benefits, but it takes work to grow and keep fresh. This is a much more convenient alternative. I take this first thing in the morning to help wake me up and get the good nutrients in.
Nick Gaudio –
CON: My only complaint is that it says it includes a scoop, but no scoop was in the pouch. I had to use a spoon but had no idea how much to put in. I used 2 heaping teaspoons in 8 oz. organic apple juice, but have no idea if I used enough or too much. Also, the bag it’s packaged in is messy to use so I transferred the wheatgrass into an airtight container and keep it in the fridge. Works so much better.
PRO: I can’t take it in water so instead I mixed it with organic apple juice and it was delicious. I tried other juices (orange juice, etc) but the apple juice did the trick. It makes me look forward to it every day. I have only taken it a couple days so I don’t know if the boost of energy is from the wheatgrass or if it’s just thst rare time I get a boost. I’d like to think its the wheatgrass. I know the nutritional value of it because my husband had cancer and I would buy fresh organic wheatgrass from the health food co-op and squeeze it fresh every day.
IMPORTANT NOTE: fresh grown wheatgrass won’t work in a mixer OR juicer. It cab only be juiced from its natural state using an auger. The juise has to be pressure squeezed.). Wish I had found this powder back then. Taking wheatgrass helped a LOT with the cancer. It cleans the blood and his cancer was bone marrow. His doctor was very impressed by the improvement in his next bloodwork results. Eventually he stopped taking it because he couldn’t stand the taste. I tried mixing it with orange juice and that wasn’t masking the taste. Wish I had tried apple juice!!!! Anyway, he abruptly quit taking it because of the flavor and his bloodwork started getting worse and I couldn’t get him to go back on it. So the taste will make a HUGE difference. Wheatgrass is amazing for the body so if you don’t like the taste then mix it with organic apple juice. (Funny thing is, I don’t even like apple juice!! but the combination is really good).
So glad I found this in powder form! Just NEED A SCOOP!!!
Irma G. –
Hi! Sellers, thank you for your good product. It’ s truely amazing.
Trevor –
This product has a lot of strong points and a couple weak points. My review is solely based on my experience in comparison with dr. Bergs wheatgrass powder:
MUCH Cheaper than dr Bergs
Similar health benefits to dr. Bergs which costs twice as much. It helped me get over. Cold super fast and I feel good energy boosts when takin it consistently.
You can also barely taste it when you mix it in with orange juice.
When you reach inside the bag, your hands will rub against the sides resulting in grinch green knuckles. They really need to store in in a cylinder storage container or get a longer scooper.
It has a little bit of grainy/gritty-ness to the texture of mixing it with water whereas Dr Bergs was very smooth.
I also liked the overall tase of Dr. Bergs better as well
Even though I liked Dr. Bergs better, I can’t see any reason to spend $40 a month instead of $17 a month for the same health benefits. It tastes ok, it give me more energy and the gritty-ness is Barely noticeable. Overall a good value for the money.
Rock –
I heard about the amazing effects of wheatgrass. I have used this product for the last few years primarily as a supplement that gives you a boost in energy. However, I just discovered that it aids in your oral hygiene as well. You can grab 1/4 of a teaspoon and mix it with water (better to mix it with mineral or distilled) in a shot glass. Swish for a about 5 minutes daily like a mouthwash (you can do it twice a day if you want faster results) and then spit it out. After a few days, you will feel a big difference. The taste is not bad. Sometimes I put it on my smoothie or I mix it with yogurt. After using it for a while, you get used to the taste. Make sure to do your own research. This has so many uses and it’s so underrated. Trust me, wheatgrass is really a lifesaver. The bag will last you a very long time. It stays fresh as long as you keep it sealed. Before you finish it, make sure you grab another bag. The price has gone up by an extra 25 percent since my last purchase. It is still worth it though. I cannot recommend it enough.
Shirley –
I am new to trying wheat grass and looked through the reviews before buying this brand. The bag is a fairly large 16oz bag that comes with a small dosage spoon and should last quite a long amount of time. The product is a deep green powder that blends well with my smoothies without changing the flavor. It does make it a bit gritty in texture, but again isn’t over powering and reminds me that it’s good for me! Good product, I would highly recommend.