O Micro Ingredients Multi Colágeno Complexo para Mulheres é um suplemento inovador em cápsulas, formulado especialmente para atender às necessidades femininas. Com 240 cápsulas, este produto contém uma combinação poderosa dos tipos de colágeno I, II, III, V e X, além de ácido hialurônico e biotina, proporcionando uma abordagem abrangente para a saúde e beleza da pele, cabelos e unhas. A fórmula é projetada para fortalecer a elasticidade da pele, reduzir rugas e linhas de expressão, e promover a saúde das articulações, tornando-se um aliado essencial na rotina de cuidados diários.
- Micro Ingredients oferece cápsulas de peptídeos de colágeno de espectro completo 8 em 1. O complexo definitivo anti-envelhecimento que fornece peptídeos de colágeno puros provenientes de animais criados em pasto. Feito com colágeno hidrolisado premium para absorção completa e eficiente que nutre o cabelo, pele, unhas e articulações.
- Uma fórmula poderosa que contém colágeno dos tipos I, II, III, V e X. Tome-o com suas bebidas favoritas e reabasteça seu corpo com colágeno de alta qualidade de fontes naturais, incluindo bovino, frango, marinho e membrana de casca de ovo.
- Sinta-se jovem novamente e mantenha aquele vigor jovial saudável com o produto de beleza completo da Micro Ingredients. Um item essencial para saúde e casa tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Fornecendo uma combinação de colágeno, ácido hialurônico, vitamina C e biotina. Projetado para trabalhar em conjunto no corpo para promover a formação saudável de colágeno e rejuvenescer qualquer colágeno que você já tenha.
- A adição de ácido hialurônico potencializa ainda mais os benefícios do colágeno devido às suas propriedades hidratantes. É um composto natural que atrai e retém água na pele, articulações e tecidos.
- Ingredientes premium não transgênicos feitos sem soja, laticínios, glúten e nozes. Cada lote passa por testes de laboratório de terceiros para garantir um produto seguro, puro e potente.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Complexo anti-envelhecimento completo com 8 tipos de colágeno
- 2. Absorção completa e eficiente para nutrir cabelo, pele, unhas e articulações
- 3. Fórmula poderosa com colágeno, ácido hialurônico, vitamina C e biotina
- 4. Benefícios adicionais do ácido hialurônico para hidratação da pele e articulações
- 5. Ingredientes premium, não transgênicos e sem alérgenos com testes de laboratório de terceiros
O Micro Ingredients Multi Colágeno Complexo para Mulheres oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a rotina de cuidados pessoais. Entre os principais, destacam-se:
1. Fortalecimento da pele, cabelos e unhas, promovendo uma aparência saudável e vibrante.
2. Melhora da elasticidade da pele, contribuindo para uma textura mais firme e jovem.
3. Redução visível de rugas e linhas de expressão, proporcionando um efeito rejuvenescedor.
4. Promoção da saúde das articulações, aliviando desconfortos e melhorando a mobilidade.
5. Hidratação intensa da pele e articulações, graças à ação do ácido hialurônico, que retém a umidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 4 cápsulas diariamente, acompanhadas de um copo de água ou de sua bebida favorita. Para potencializar os efeitos do suplemento, é aconselhável tomar as cápsulas antes de dormir ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. A regularidade no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios do colágeno e garantir uma pele, cabelos e unhas saudáveis e radiantes.
Nada –
I think its almost a month and I feel it has great effect
Maria –
I just received it today. I mixed two scoops with my coffee. I will write another review in a few weeks time. ☺️
Cereza –
I ‘ve been using collagen products off and on for the last sixteen years. I have never had such immediate results. Now I am a bit older now and I do have profound skeletal, muscular, and structral joint issues. Where its necessary on most days to wear a knee brace for high impact activities and walking long distances. However since taking this product the knee brace has been left behind in the car when walking, working, and playing. The taste is unnoticeable and I add two scopes to my coffee everyday. What has impressed me the most is I usually buy products and I may not finish the product nor make additional purchases. However, I just opened my second 2lb bag. This Collagen really works. I have even reccommend the product to co-workers. Now the other benefits are amazing I am getting compliaments on my skin, and i notice my hair and nails are growing stronger and longer with less breakage. I did notice that my middle aged belly fat has going down in inches. Now the price is a bit high, but not for what it does.
TayTay –
I initially wanted to get this but had purchased another collagen supplement which was not so effective. I did give that one a couple of months but I was not entirely impressed. Ended up seeing this again and purchased – worth it. My hormones have been all over the place lately which can have an impact on your skin and hair. Was having some breakage with hair and this has honestly reduced this tremendously.
Love that this has Hyaluronic acid, vitamin C and biotin which all work together perfectly.
Hyaluronic Acid Benefits:
√ Skin hydration
√ Joint Lubrication
√ Anti-inflammatory
Vitamin C Benefits:
√ Collagen Synthesis – helps support biosynthesis of collagen to improve production in the body.
√ Antioxidant Protection
√ Skin Brightening
Biotin Benefits:
√ Supports hair, skin and nails by improving keratin proteins in your body
Along with above this works perfectly with collagens I, II, III, V and X that help with the following:
√ Improved skin health
√ Joint and bone health
√ Gut health
√ Hair and nail health
√ Muscle recovery
This literally has everything you need. I like to make myself smoothies in the morning or I will make a blended ice coffee. No taste or weird taste. You can also mix it in water and stir for a couple of minutes to get this diluted to drink.
Definitely worth the purchase. Hope this helps! 🫶
Toya Marie –
This collagen is the best out there!!! I’ve been taking it over a month now and my hair has grown alot, I cut my hair really short over the summer and u can’t even tell anymore. I’ve spent money on expensive brands that didn’t work at all but this definitely does work. I just mix with my morning tea, it doesn’t have a funny after taste and mixes well with warm water or in a smoothie. My skin is gorgeous and my hair is definitely growing, and my joints aren’t as achy anymore.
Anonymous –
I’ve noticed variance in the product, and am not sure what to make of it. The first bag I received, the powder had a scent and flavor and really only dissolved in hot fluids. When dissolved in just a bit of water, it got kind of goopy. The scoop had a rounded bottom. The second bag I received, the powder had almost no scent and no flavor, it dissolved very quickly in hot fluids and would dissolve in cold fluids with a lot of stirring and coaxing. Even when dissolved in just a bit of water, it never had the same texture as the first bag, it was thinner. The scoop had a flat bottom and seemed to hold less volume than the first. Both bags looked identical on the outside, and the serving instructions were the same. I thought maybe there was just a change in formulation and they had figured out how to make the powder even easier to consume. But, now on my third bag, I’m back to what I got in my first – stronger smell, stronger taste, rounded scoop. The lack of consistency is odd to me.
All that said, I do think my skin looks nice, maybe even improved. I’m primarily taking this to help with calcium absorption, no clue if it’s really doing that.
OC Overstock –
This collagen is great value and includes a bit of hyaluronic acid as a bonus, which saves you from buying it separately. It’s moderately soluble, though not as much as some of the expensive trademark collagens like Verisol. It has the benefits of all types of collagen, so you get a more balanced approach to collagens supplementation for skin, hair, nails, muscles, etc.
Pros: Can’t beat the price and has the added benefit of added hyaluronic acid and biotin. Adds great texture to protein shakes and drink mixes.
Cons: Moderately soluble in water. Latest bag was more soluble than earlier bags, so perhaps this is already being addressed.
Devonne Gomez –
This product dissolves completely and has a slight taste when added to my coffee, but it’s nothing too strong or off-putting. Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed my skin feels more moisturized, and the ankle I broke a few years ago has stopped popping loudly and hurting. I’m back to order another bag because it’s been so easy to incorporate into my routine, and I’m already seeing positive changes.