MgSport – Suplemento de Magnésio e Zinco com Vitaminas B6 e B9, Alta Absorção para Suporte Imunológico, Recuperação Muscular, EZ-MG Fácil no Estômago, 120 Cápsulas
O suplemento MgSport Magnesium Zinc é uma combinação de magnésio e zinco de alta absorção, enriquecido com vitaminas B6 e B9. Ele oferece suporte ao sistema imunológico, auxilia na recuperação muscular e é suave para o estômago. Com 120 cápsulas, é uma opção conveniente e eficaz para melhorar a saúde geral.
Magnésio e Zinco para a saúde imunológica: O zinco é extremamente importante para o sistema imunológico, fortalecendo a imunidade do corpo. O EZ-MG utiliza a forma de zinco mono-L-metionina e L-aspartato, a única forma de zinco prontamente absorvida pelo organismo.
Noites tranquilas e recuperação muscular: As noites de sono são extremamente importantes para a cura, reparação de tecidos, produção de hormônios anabólicos e crescimento muscular. O MgSport Magnesium Zinc foi desenvolvido especificamente para melhorar a recuperação muscular. O zinco é necessário para o metabolismo da melatonina.
Desenvolvido para estômagos sensíveis ao magnésio: Muitas pessoas são sensíveis ao magnésio, o que pode causar cólicas estomacais e diarreia. Formulamos cuidadosamente uma combinação de zinco e magnésio para evitar desconfortos estomacais e permitir que todos experimentem os benefícios do magnésio.
Suplemento de Magnésio e Zinco em cápsulas pequenas e fórmula pura: O MgSport vem em uma cápsula vegetal pequena. É livre de glúten e lactose. Não é tamponado, fácil de engolir, não contém corantes artificiais, estearatos ou propilenoglicol.
Magnésio clinicamente testado: O magnésio é o mineral milagroso! Ele auxilia em cãibras nas pernas, produção de energia, relaxamento e muito mais. O suplemento de magnésio MgSport é respaldado por um estudo clínico (registro do ensaio: NCT00994006). O estudo mostra que o magnésio do MgSport é absorvido três vezes mais do que o citrato de magnésio. Cada porção contém 380 mg de magnésio elemental.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico
- Auxilia na recuperação muscular
- Facilita a digestão
- Cápsulas pequenas e fáceis de engolir
- Suplemento de magnésio clinicamente testado
O MgSport oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina diária. Primeiramente, fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças. Em segundo lugar, auxilia na recuperação muscular, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas regularmente. Além disso, facilita a digestão, tornando-se uma opção ideal para aqueles com estômagos sensíveis. As cápsulas pequenas e fáceis de engolir garantem que o uso do suplemento seja prático e sem desconfortos. Por fim, o fato de ser clinicamente testado assegura a eficácia e segurança do produto, proporcionando confiança ao consumidor.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante não exceder a dose diária recomendada para garantir a segurança e eficácia do suplemento. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e sempre consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
I love this product. I take it at bedtime and it helps me sleep better, and in the morning I feel great! It takes away the pain in my joints! I would buy again!
Thomas Gerlach Professional Triathlete –
As a Professional Triathlete and Ironman Champion living and training in hot and humid central Florida, nothing is more important than staying on top of my recovery and sleep. The reality is the average professional athlete, who eats more than any person can imagine, is often deficient in Vitamin D, Iron, and Magnesium. Every athlete training at the Olympic Training Center is going through a blood test before being allowed to train and deficiencies are common. I can’t even imagine how prevalent it is in mainstream society.
The reality however is athletes are also hard on our bodies and the training we do puts a lot of stress on the system and Magnesium is one biomarker that tends to drop lower and lower as we train in the summer months. If you are the lucky few to stay on top of your levels you might have good levels, but most don’t. Low magnesium can present a variety of negative symptoms and the reality is that you just can’t build your levels back up overnight. It takes a long time to build levels up which is why staying on top of Magnesium levels is so critical.
I have been taking MgSport Magnesium for nearly two years now. I wrote an entire review on my own site about why I am taking it, the benefits, and complete with my actual blood labs results as well so people can see the entire picture of my health and how much I am doing to watch my own health. The reality is that MgSport Magnesium is better absorbed by the body which allows for the pill to also be smaller. A traditional mag pill is huge and the biggest pill I took many years ago. Pills that big worried me about choking and I much prefer the size of MgSport and because of the better absorption it can be made smaller but the real benefit is that it is simply better absorbed by the body.
As for ZMG, well it just makes my chore even easier. Previously I was taking a Zinc supplement. Also based on my Athlete Blood Test blood labs which I get taken and share publicly, my Testosterone numbers are not great. One thing the body needs to help with natural T production is good zinc levels. The reality is the body can’t store zinc so it must be consumed regularly. As a result I was taking a zinc supplement as well. ZMG eliminates the need to take that additional supplement. Net result is it is one less pill to take, one less pill to manage inventory of, reorder etc. It is simply a great combination.
Jane Ford –
Mucha energía
Karla González –
Been taking this magnesium for sometime and it does help with the resting leg cramps. I also have no side effects with it in anyway.
French Fancy –
Definitely a good buy, I have finished the first bottle and now repurchasing, works well, no aftertaste and a good size capsules which are easy to swallow.
Tami Donovan –
I take one of these before bed and they have really improved my sleep quality. The dose says to take 2 but then I sleep a little too well and struggle getting out of bed the next morning. They definitely help me. I seem to have more energy throughout the day. Not saying they are a cure for anything but do believe they are helping this perimenopausal lady!
Rosa Camilo –
This Magnesium works great and it’s easy to swallow capsules are great! I do wish the price was lower, it increased in price by $5.00.
Karla González –
Yo compré estas vitaminas porqué escuché al Doctor Suárez hablando sobre el Zinc y el Magnesio.
No de este producto pero si del Zinc y el Magnesio, de que dan excelentes beneficios.
Este es mi segundo frasco y ya me lo voy a terminar, bueno que les puedo decir, yo tomaba pastillas fuertes para poder dormir 😴 ahora con estás vitaminas ya no tomó las que me prescribe mi doctor, me las tomó todas las noches y na na nit 👍🏽.
Lo recomiendo, le doy un 10.
Cathy Medell –
This is the fourth type of magnesium I have tried. I began with a spray, then citrate, then glycinate, then threonate. All resulted in extensive toilet time the following morning with severe stomach pains. When I saw the EZ on here I was thinking now is this really going to work. What the hell, let’s give it a shot.
They arrived a day after ordering (no, I don’t have Prime), and I took two before I went to bed. I use magnesium to prevent night cramps from which I suffer very badly.
The thing is that the first night I didn’t get cramp but I also didn’t sleep. I went into a sort of chilled and relaxed state but never drifted under. Felt quite rubbish the next morning but the toilet side of things was fine. The second night I took a sleeping pill just to guarantee a good night and again no cramps a and no toilet problems.
The third and fourth night have been excellent. Sleep has come easily, no cramps and normal tum. I’m hoping this has now set a positive pattern for the future. An added benefit for me is that the zinc component seems to have calmed my over-active night time bladder. Only got up once last night, the fourth night of taking them, the first time for many years.
Based on the last two nights I have to applaud the manufacturers and will end up placing a permanent order if it carries on being so successful.
Ingrid –
Our soil in Virginia (therefore our grasses that grow in the soil) are low in zinc and magnesium. Lots of Livestock supplements are really expensive right now. It is lambing season and some of the ladies are showing signs of zinc deficiency (thinning fur on their face.) If there isn’t enough minerals in what the ewe has eaten for both the lambs and their mothers – it goes to the lambs. Normally, we can give them pills covered by peanut butter, or hidden in a fig newton or cornbread, and they will swallow it without knowing it is there. With these pills, they spit out the treat and chewed the pill. Actually, they savored the pill – rolling it around in their mouths with their eyes closed to really taste it – it is exactly what they were craving. We have rare little Soay sheep so it’s extra important to make sure their pregnancies and nursing go well. B vitamins help keep their blood iron levels up during and after birth. The fur on their faces is already thickening up a few days after having a single pill each. So far we have two sets of healthy, spotted, twins (twins and spots are both pretty rare in Soays.) And now the mommas are healthy and can take good care of their babies.