Descrição do Produto: Green Lipped Mussels for Humans w/Bovine Cartilage
Em um mundo onde a mobilidade e a saúde articular são essenciais para uma vida plena, apresentamos o Green Lipped Mussels for Humans w/Bovine Cartilage, um suplemento inovador que combina a sabedoria da natureza com a ciência moderna. Este produto é uma verdadeira armadura para o corpo, permitindo que você se mova através do tempo e do espaço sem dor, interagindo com o mundo ao seu redor de maneira mais eficaz. Ao contrário de qualquer outro produto no espaço de “articulações, cartilagem e ossos”, este suplemento de reparo e regeneração de tecidos combina as fontes mais concentradas da natureza para apoiar articulações, cartilagem, colágeno e ossos.
- GREEN LIPPED MUSSELS são ricas em óleos que demonstraram apoiar a inflamação e a saúde geral das articulações, melhorando a mobilidade. O colágeno especializado, com moléculas bioativas, é uma fonte rica de ácidos graxos ômega-3 EPA e DHA, zinco, ferro e selênio. É o cuidado ideal para a artrite, permitindo que você se mova pela vida com facilidade.
- WHOLE BONE é um complexo proteico de cálcio microcristalino 100% natural, derivado da seção do eixo médio dos ossos longos (rádio, ulna, úmero, fêmur, tíbia, fíbula e hubris), onde o osso é mais denso e forte, com a máxima mineralização. Rico em fatores de crescimento que apoiam a cicatrização, regeneração e reparo.
- SPECIALIZED COLLAGEN proveniente de mexilhões de lábio verde, ossos inteiros e cartilagem bovina derivada do Collamex, apoia a força e regeneração dos tecidos. Contém todos os blocos de construção para tecido conectivo e cartilagem, incluindo glicosaminoglicanos, proteoglicanos, sulfatos de condroitina, hidroxiprolina, fatores de crescimento bioativos e colágeno tipos 1, 2, 3, 5 e 10. É tudo o que você precisa!
- PORÇÕES: Suprimento para 30 dias com 180 cápsulas — somos a única espécie sobrevivente do gênero Homo (os predadores mamíferos mais ferozes que já existiram). Uma vez, éramos a versão mais apta de nós mesmos. É hora de honrar nossos ancestrais, repondo o que o mundo moderno deixou de lado. “Os 9 Fatores de Estilo de Vida Mais Aptos” são um mapa de volta à versão mais apta de nós mesmos. A extinção é a regra, a sobrevivência é a exceção. Apenas os mais aptos sobrevivem, ponto final.
1. Suporte à Saúde Articular: Reduz a inflamação e melhora a mobilidade, essencial para quem sofre de artrite.
2. Regeneração de Tecidos: Promove a cicatrização e reparo das articulações e cartilagens danificadas.
3. Fonte Rica de Nutrientes: Contém ácidos graxos ômega-3, zinco, ferro e selênio, fundamentais para a saúde geral.
4. Fortalecimento Ósseo: O complexo de cálcio microcristalino ajuda a manter ossos fortes e saudáveis.
5. Fácil de Usar: Disponível em cápsulas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente divididas em duas doses de 3 cápsulas, acompanhadas de água. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento com as refeições para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações do seu médico ou nutricionista para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas.
crazyzoo –
18 years ago I shredded my knee and had massive reconstructive surgery. My surgeon told me arthritis in this knee would be inevitable one day. Well over the years he was proven right. My knee aches when storms roll in, my knee swells with fluid when I push it with exercise, and it is constantly crunch. Well so far after 30 days on this product I can say with certainty that I have not experienced any of those issues in over 2 weeks now. Ordering my next bottle now.
england phillips –
I’ve been taking this for a while now and it definitely does help my joints and inflammation! I’ve recently had a wrist sprain and it hindered my bench press significantly. I got back on the Armor and it’s definitely helping get my bench back to where it was with little to no wrist pain. Definitely sticking with Armor!
Karen –
I bought this during a sale – inspired by a friend’s recommendation. There are so many supplement brands out there (despite my being a supplement junkie…I do my research!) and I wasn’t sure what The Fittest is all about.
My workouts have caught up with me and my middle aged-ness and I am finding I need quite a lot more support on the joint support front. I had been taking Vital Proteins collagen in my coffee and saw results, but now it just seems routine. I added Armor to the mix over the last few months and WOW. I started with just a couple capsules and moved up to as much as 8 depending on my workout regimen (I take more if my body is taking an extra beating). After a few weeks I found my recovery was a lot faster and my soreness was less pronounced – most of all I feel less creaky in the mornings! Thank you to The Fittest team! I’ve recommended to this my mom who is pushing 80 for her bad knees too.
Also I have found that the The Fittest has their own website which is chockful of helpful information, thought starters (or provokers…), and best of all workout ideas! Definitely worth checking out.
Ricky flores –
As someone who is passionate about fitness and staying active, I recently decided to try out The Fittest ARMOR. This product is designed to support healthy joints, bones, and collagen, and I have to say, I’m really impressed with the results.
I’ve noticed that since I started taking The Fittest ARMOR, my joints feel less stiff and achy, and I’m able to recover more quickly from intense workouts.
One thing I love about The Fittest ARMOR is that it’s a high-quality product made with natural ingredients.
Overall, I highly recommend The Fittest ARMOR to anyone who is looking for a natural and effective way to support their joint and bone health. It’s a high-quality product that is made with natural ingredients and is designed to deliver real results!
Mary Milton/Jon Stahley –
Ever since my husband heard about the infamous green-lipped mussels and their incredible anti-inflammatory and joint-protecting properties, he has been on a mission to try to find an affordable way of incorporating them into his diet, and he feels like that’s what makes this product so special. It’s a great source of collagen and calcium and also fairly priced for what you get quality-wise.
Nate R –
I recently started taking Armor and have been using it consistently for the past few weeks.
I have noticed a significant improvement in the flexibility and mobility of my joints. I suffer from joint pain due to an old injury, and since taking this supplement, I have noticed a decrease in discomfort and an increase in range of motion. The green lipped mussels I think have been the true game changer for lowering my inflammation.
Highly recommend Armor to anyone looking for a high-quality supplement to support their joint health!
Nicholas Johnson –
As someone who suffers from joint pain and inflammation, I have tried many different supplements and remedies in the past, but nothing has come close to the effectiveness of ARMOR. I love that ARMOR contains all the building blocks for connective tissue and cartilage, including glycosaminoglycans, proteoglycans, chondroitin sulfates, hydroxyproline, bioactive growth factors, and collagen types 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10. It’s clear that a lot of thought and research has gone into creating this supplement.
Overall, I highly recommend ARMOR to anyone who wants to support their joint and bone health. It’s a game-changer for anyone who wants to move through life pain-free and confidently. Plus, with a 30-day supply of 180 capsules, it’s a great value for the price. I’ll definitely be ordering more!
dov goldenberg –
It wasn’t immediately as nothing ever is at first, but after the first week of taking these, I noticed huge improvement with my bones and joints since I’ve deal dealing with a lot of medical issues and long term pain in my feet, knees and back. I can’t even explain how incredible it feels to continue my days with this product, knowing how it’s helped decrease the bone and joint pain in those areas, and basically allowing me to be me again. Will 1000% recommend this to everyone!