Metagenics Tran-Q Sleep – para Gestão do Estresse
Metagenics Tran-Q Sleep é um suplemento desenvolvido para auxiliar na gestão do estresse e promover um sono reparador. Com uma fórmula cuidadosamente elaborada, este produto combina extratos de ervas como valeriana e passiflora, que são conhecidos por suas propriedades relaxantes, com aminoácidos que favorecem a produção de neurotransmissores relacionados ao bem-estar. O ácido gama-aminobutírico (GABA) e a melatonina também estão presentes, contribuindo para o equilíbrio do sistema nervoso e a regulação do ciclo do sono. Ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades em adormecer ou que acordam frequentemente durante a noite, Tran-Q Sleep atua na redução da ansiedade e da tensão, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com mais disposição e clareza mental. Sua fórmula é livre de glúten e lactose, tornando-o uma opção segura para diversas dietas.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, essencial para a recuperação física e mental.
2. Redução do Estresse e Ansiedade: Ajuda a acalmar a mente, reduzindo os níveis de estresse e promovendo um estado de relaxamento.
3. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes de origem natural, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz para quem busca soluções para problemas de sono.
4. Aumento da Clareza Mental: Ao melhorar o sono, contribui para uma maior concentração e produtividade durante o dia.
5. Sem Glúten e Lactose: Adequado para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que mais pessoas possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 2 cápsulas de Metagenics Tran-Q Sleep, cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto em um ambiente tranquilo e propício ao sono, evitando a exposição a telas e luzes intensas. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um médico em caso de uso contínuo ou se estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob medicação.
TGE empress –
These pills were bigger than I expected, more the size of a large multivitamin or fish oil pill. While there was not really a bad smell or taste, but since they are pills in solid state rather than capsules or gel caps, they may be more difficult for people to swallow.
Mama to Four –
This glass bottle contains one month of supplements. The bottle says it’s tested by a third party, but there’s very little information about the product on the packaging itself. Instead, there’s a QR code to give you that information. These do not contain any melatonin and use products including lavender and poppy seed to help lull you to sleep. It’s important to note that none of these products’ effectiveness has been studied or backed up by the FDA.
On that note, I replaced my regular melatonin and sleep aid combo to see if I was able to get quality sleep. Unfortunately, after trying for a week, I went back to my old standby. The taste of the lavender was too much for me, but I thought it was worth it if I got better sleep. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I’ve since given these to my husband to try, but he rarely has sleep issues so these may expire before he gets the chance to use them.
They might work for some, but they didn’t do much for me (that I could tell, anyway).
Billy, Rachel & Fam… –
Here are the facts that I do know. The item comes in a dark glass bottle, which is an ideal packaging for this supplement. It is a bit rare to find supplements in a glass bottle, and having them in dark glass will prevent or at least slow down Depreciation. I also do love the main ingredients in this supplement. There is a list of other ingredients and there are several of them I’m not a fan of including maltodextrin. So be aware of that. As for how these are working, it is a bit hard to tell. There are many other variables that affect sleep. Clearly, this is not a supplement that will knock your socks off, but I’m not looking for that either. Will continue to take and time will tell.
Colorgirl –
I had a sleep aid I loved which had lavender essential oil in half the capsule and powder herbs in the other. It was diluted, of course. It worked better than anything else I used at the time. Then they seemed to have stopped making it. I have missed that. This, however, is a close second!
This comes in a bottle which is glass, not plastic. I am partial to those.
These are pressed pills with a dividing line down the center if you want to cut them in half. They break easily.
I love what is in these, but did want to point out that sometimes certain herbs will register positive on drug tests. I know of some people who ate poppy seed cookies or cakes that had false positives, so check on that prior to using these if that is a concern to you. Otherwise the ingredients in this are pretty nice.
This has lavender in it. I do occasionally burp up lavender after taking with a meal. I love it so it does not bother me. It might bother some people.
I had no issues with digestion other than occasional burps with lavender usually only once and that is it.
I must say these do seem to work well to not only help me sleep , but help me go back to sleep even after having to go to the bathroom at night.
I don’t feel groggy when I wake up, but I do feel rested.
I like these a lot. I will definitely consider a repurchase.
FIVE STARS. These are my new favorite sleep aid for natural sleep assistance. I am really happy to have found a lavender based supplement again as it does seem to help a lot.
AmazonQueen –
Product was recommended by my doctor. It worked immediately. Husband has chronic trouble sleeping and he is able to wake as needed and fall back to sleep without trouble.
Karen Read Wolfson –
Excellent –
Consumer40534 –
Taste is not to good. Recommend by my naturopath. I need to take 3 not 2. But that’s my body not yours. The price would be ok although high but this gets me to 2am from 10 pm 4 hours. I wake for 2 hours and sleep till 7 am giving me 7 hours broken.
For me ok because pharma pills like Lunesta and Ambient stopped working after 15 years of taking them with “bad side effects”. I’ve tried 8 sleeping supplements and for me this is the best. At least I sleep.
PS I sleep well with this a solid 4 hours, I’m going to try 2 and at 2 two more at 2 am if it works that’s $80 a month but I sleep. What is it worth for you to sleep?
Kate –
These don’t seem to work for me, true everyone’s system is different but my sleep was no better then when I didn’t take anything. I do know that with herbs the quality is what matters and depends on where they are grown, how they are grown and lastly how they are processed. The herbs themselves are generally good but as I said where, How grown and processed determines if the product is high quality or low quality. I’m an herbalist so I anyalize things quite thoroughly. I saw no improvement by trying this product.