Descrição do Produto: Metagenics CandiBactin-BR – Berberina Concentrada para Suporte Intestinal
O Metagenics CandiBactin-BR é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência da berberina com o extrato de uva do Oregon, oferecendo um suporte intestinal eficaz e concentrado. A berberina é um composto bioativo conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas e anti-inflamatórias, que ajudam a promover um equilíbrio saudável da microbiota intestinal. O extrato de uva do Oregon complementa essa fórmula, contribuindo para a saúde digestiva e o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico. Este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma solução natural para problemas intestinais, como desconforto, inchaço e desequilíbrios na flora intestinal. Com uma formulação cuidadosamente elaborada, o CandiBactin-BR é uma escolha confiável para quem deseja otimizar sua saúde intestinal e bem-estar geral.
1. Suporte Intestinal Eficaz: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, ajudando a equilibrar a microbiota.
2. Propriedades Antimicrobianas: A berberina é conhecida por suas capacidades de combater microrganismos indesejados.
3. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Contribui para a redução da inflamação intestinal, aliviando desconfortos.
4. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O extrato de uva do Oregon ajuda a reforçar as defesas naturais do corpo.
5. Fórmula Natural e Concentrada: Com ingredientes de alta qualidade, é uma opção segura e eficaz para o suporte digestivo.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 cápsula de Metagenics CandiBactin-BR, duas vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde qualificado. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento com um copo de água, preferencialmente durante as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para melhores resultados, utilize o produto como parte de uma rotina de saúde intestinal, aliando uma dieta equilibrada e hábitos saudáveis.
Zachary Meadows –
I am a scientist by profession, and I have never in my life trusted ‘herbal remedies’ or anything without a strong backing by multiple peer-reviewed studies. I only tried this product after reaching my wits end with digestive problems that became utterly debilitating over a span of ~3 weeks. Doctors could/would not help me and I ended up simply reading everything I possibly could online to self diagnose. I was desperate, and the symptoms were so bad I could barely eat anything and simply couldn’t live my life at all. Extreme nausea, stomach pain, fatigue, and depression. In the end, it seemed that the set of symptoms I had was most consistent with SIBO. After taking Candibactin-BR for only one day, the symptoms decreased dramatically. Within 3 days I was back to normal. If you’ve ever experienced these kind of stomach/digestion issues, you know how incredible it feels to be rid of them.
What has really increased my faith in this product is how I have since had recurrences of the same symptoms a few times, and each time Candibactin-BR has solved the issue. In particular, I have had instances where I was traveling and did not have Candibactin-BR to take, and the symptoms subside at a MUCH slower rate and progress to a much higher intensity, no matter what I do with my diet/lifestyle. I have since learned that the digestive issues I personally have are brought on by consuming high FODMAP foods, stress, and lack of sleep/rest. So, whenever I screw up in these areas and start to feel symptoms I take Candibactin-BR, eat better, sleep more, and the problem is solved. Highly recommended if you think you might have SIBO or something similar.
John Shankman –
It actually seems to work so far! Took it for a week (5 days of 1 pill with breakfast and dinner, 2 days of 2 pills with breakfast and dinner) and haven’t felt this good in nearly two years since being diagnosed with SIBO. Going to stop taking it for a few weeks and see if the positive affects stick around and update this review because it’s working so well that I’m almost in disbelief!
It’s been two days since I stopped taking it, now I just have a ginger supplement after breakfast and dinner and feel completely fine. The best part is that this seems to have had no negative side affects on my good gut flora, all it did was wipe out the extra bacteria in my small intestine. No acid reflux, no indigestion, little to no SIBO symptoms. Rifaximin (antibiotic for SIBO) nearly destroyed my life about 2 years ago when I was first diagnosed because it helped with my SIBO but ruined my gut flora.
I will warn that the first night I took it my small intestine went nuts as the bacteria started to die off. Lots of gas and discomfort, but it wore off about 12-24 hours later. The bacteria die off really happened fast!
Botgirl –
I used CandiBactin BR in 2004 as a part of a candida cleanse. The product was recommended by a nutritionist at the Continuum Center for Health and Healing in New York City. I first did a round of oral ketoconazole as prescribed by my gynecologist. I then used CandiBactin for 3 months while also on a very strict candida diet. At the time, I was so sick that I experienced a lot of stomach upset with this product initially, but I kept with it, and my stomach upset resolved over time, and my candida symptoms finally went away. I ended up staying on the diet for a year, and I didn’t have any further yeast problems for 6 years. I’m personally pretty convinced through my own trial and error with products that a) this is one of the very best and b) that there is a strong connection between yeast and the liver. CandiBactin has ingredients that both kill yeast as well as assist in liver cleansing. Once I finished the regimen, I followed the use of CandiBactin BR with Metagenics probiotics, which I stayed on for several years until I was no longer able to buy them at Invite Health (then I switched to Renew Life).
Last year, the yeast came back, so I decided to give CandiBactin BR another try, also while working with a nutritionist. I’m once again on the candida diet and I’ve now been on these pills for about a month. My experience this time around is easier–I’ve had very little stomach discomfort at all, and things are going well. I feel like it’s too soon to say I’ve had another “cure” (I use that term loosely because for those with chronic candida, it’s not so much a cure as coaxing the yeast back into remission since it’s something that is a natural part of the human ecosystem that needs to be put back into balance). But, I’m very encouraged. Also, this time around, I’m taking probiotics in the morning and the CandiBactin BR at night. Not sure if this matters or will make a difference, but I figure it can’t really hurt. And once I’m done with the CandiBactin BR, I’ll definitely keep taking the probiotics.
So, that’s my current story. I think it’s a great, high-quality product. Also, I have a ton of allergies and food sensitivities, and this product doesn’t seem to bother me at all (I’ve had bad reactions to Standard Process products, for example). Definitely check the label and make sure this will be OK for you in terms of allergies, but I HIGHLY recommend it and feel that I was steered in the right direction in 2004 and again today.