Fresh Mint | Extra Strong 80mg Caffeine | Energy Pouches Sugarfree | 5 Pack (12 pcs/can)
Descubra a revolução da energia com os pouches de energia Fresh Mint. Cada embalagem contém 12 pouches, cada um com 80mg de cafeína extraída de grãos de café, proporcionando um impulso energético instantâneo sempre que você precisar. Esses pouches são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução prática e eficaz para aumentar a energia sem complicações. Com um sabor refrescante e uma fórmula funcional, você pode mergulhar no gosto rico dos ingredientes selecionados, enquanto desfruta de uma explosão de energia que é tão deliciosa quanto revigorante.
Os pouches Scooper são projetados para eliminar a confusão: sem misturas, sem água, sem espera. Basta colocar um pouch entre a bochecha e a gengiva por 10 a 15 minutos e sentir a onda de cafeína. Após o uso, descarte-o no compartimento de armazenamento conveniente embutido na tampa. Compactos e práticos, esses pouches são perfeitos para qualquer situação, seja você um aventureiro em uma trilha ou alguém que precisa de um impulso durante uma noite de trabalho. Cada pouch oferece um aumento de energia 100% natural, mantendo você ativo e focado.
Produzidos com atenção meticulosa aos detalhes, os pouches Fresh Mint são elaborados com os mais altos padrões, garantindo uma experiência de energia sem aditivos indesejados. Com zero açúcar e menos de uma caloria por pouch, você pode desfrutar de um impulso energético sem comprometer sua saúde.
– Aumento Rápido de Energia: Cada pouch contém 80mg de cafeína, proporcionando um impulso instantâneo para suas atividades diárias.
– Sabor Refrescante: O sabor de menta fresca torna a experiência de consumo agradável e revigorante.
– Praticidade: Sem necessidade de água ou mistura, ideal para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
– Zero Açúcar: Uma opção saudável que não compromete sua dieta, com menos de uma caloria por pouch.
– Portabilidade: Compactos e fáceis de transportar, perfeitos para qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em aventuras ao ar livre.
Para obter o máximo benefício dos pouches de energia Fresh Mint, retire um pouch da embalagem e coloque-o entre a bochecha e a gengiva. Mantenha o pouch na boca por 10 a 15 minutos para permitir que a cafeína seja absorvida de forma eficaz. Após o uso, descarte o pouch no compartimento de armazenamento embutido na tampa. Utilize conforme necessário para um impulso de energia durante o dia, especialmente em momentos de fadiga ou quando precisar de foco extra.
Jamie S –
I’ve been using various flavored caffeine pouches for a few years now, and I really enjoy the convenience of popping one between my cheek and gums for a quick burst of flavor and energy. Compared to other options, the price is solid, and the mint flavor is robust, just as you’d expect. It gives me a nice boost of energy when I need it. Overall, it’s a great product that delivers on taste and effectiveness!
Bill The Pony –
horrible taste, like bitter bad moldy mint, and gave me a headache. Gross!
Timothy –
Doing late night rideshare this does help with staying alert, but unless you are a huge fan of mint as in, it’s one of your favorite flavors. This is a very minty product that even when using once in a while is a very strong flavor, but when using on a regular basis is Very monotonous to the taste buds. Cost compared to buying energy drinks is a definite advantage and get more bang for your buck plus you’re not getting a lot of the extra downfalls that come with using an energy drink like the sugars and overall consumption of a lot of unhealthy liquids being constantly flooded into your body for the caffeine gain
Michael K –
These packets and their container remind me of a certain product in a certain similar tin that years ago advertised with the slogan “Just a pinch between your cheek and gums.” These work in much the same way, but it’s in a packet rather than loose leaves.
It is decently effective, like a cup of mild coffee or a small energy drink, but the flavor is off putting. Really strong and not very pleasant.
The beauty of these is the portability. I can throw these into my backpack or computer bag, and if I need a pick me up, they’re ready to go. No searching around for a vending machine or convenience store to buy an energy drink, no need for refrigeration.
Is it something I would buy and use on a regular basis? No. It’s a good backup, though, and I keep it around for emergencies.
Danny –
I’m not sure if I’m not effected differently by caffeine, but a XL cup of coffee doesn’t do a whole lot to jumpstart my day. I had higher expectations that this would give that extra jolt, but didn’t feel any more alert than I normally would. Considering my initial statement, I can’t say it’s entirely the products fault.
Josh Mitchem –
This product really did not give me any energy. The taste was not that great overall I wouldn’t recommend nor will I be getting them again.
Bubbles-Desmo –
This form factor is completely alien to me. I had to read the instruction on the side to understand how to use this. Initially you think you’re supposed to chew on it but that’s not the case. You’re supposed to take each one and let it absorb in your upper lip or the linings in your mouth. Similar to how chewing tabacco would release into your mouth as well. It takes about 10-15 minutes to squeeze all the caffeine out, and once it does you can feel an immediate boost as it goes through the blood stream.
The lid contains a location for you to throw away or dispose of the used pieces.
Flavor wise it’s pretty strong at first but something that is tolerable. if you can deal with say mouth wash in your mouth then this should be fine.
Desert Gecko –
When I was a kid, there were caffeine tablets available as an alternative to coffee or cola. Today, there are energy drinks and all sorts of things. Among the “all sorts of things” comes this, an effective and handy way to get a quick pick-me-up.
I’m used to the amount of caffeine in diet cola; I live on the stuff. It’s easy to regulate how much I get. But with coffee, I’m a lightweight. A tall, strong cup of coffee will have me bouncing off the walls. I tried an energy drink one time — and that was more than enough. I couldn’t even finish it, as it had my heart thumping and my brain doing mental cartwheels. Considering all this, you might wonder why I’d try something like these pouches. The answer is simple: I need something I can use to stay awake and alert, but that I can also regulate easily. These are that.
I tuck one in my cheek for around five minutes, depending on how much I salivate. The pouch must be moistened to work. Then I take out the pouch and wait a few minutes to see how I’m doing. I’ll add it, remove it, and add it again to get to the level of alertness I need. It’s that simple. Granted, I could pace with a coffee or energy drink, but it’s way easier to use a small pouch in my cheek.
Perfect. These are perfect for tasks where alertness is important, but I should add that it’s probably not a good idea to use anything as a sleep substitute.
I got the mint, which is tasty and just strong enough to remind you that the pouch is there.