Melhor Sabonete Facial para Homens – Lather
Este é o melhor produto de limpeza facial para homens – Lather. Formulado com grânulos de jojoba natural premium, remove as células mortas e a sujeira do rosto, revelando uma pele suave, saudável e com aparência mais jovem. Um esfoliante facial que não apenas suaviza a pele, mas também é ótimo para o meio ambiente.
O PINÁCULO NOS CUIDADOS ESFOLIANTES PARA A PELE MASCULINA – Uma combinação robusta de ingredientes naturais formulada sem poupar despesas, para agradar até mesmo o cavalheiro mais consciente e exigente em relação à saúde. Aqui não há produtos químicos agressivos. Compare nossos ingredientes premium com as marcas populares que estão cheias de produtos químicos sintéticos baratos formulados para maximizar os lucros, não para maximizar sua aparência natural e saudável.
PELE ESFOLIADA E SAUDÁVEL SIGNIFICA UM BARBEAR MAIS PRÓXIMO E SUAVE – Funciona em peles oleosas, secas e normais. Nossa fórmula premium remove as células mortas, a sujeira e o óleo dos poros, desobstruindo os folículos capilares. O resultado é uma pele mais suave e um barbear notavelmente mais próximo e confortável.
O QUE HÁ DE TÃO BOM neste produto de limpeza facial para homens é o que ele não faz. Um esfoliante facial para homens que não resseca a pele nem causa acne. Este não é o produto de limpeza da sua esposa e não tem cheiro de lírios. Este produto de limpeza é especificamente formulado para homens e possui um ótimo aroma masculino sutil.
A DIFERENÇA LATHER & WOOD é baseada em um nível incomum de atendimento e satisfação ao cliente. Sua satisfação é nosso ÚNICO OBJETIVO. Ter ótimos produtos e apoiá-los com um atendimento ao cliente sem igual é o que torna tudo mais fácil.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Limpa profundamente a pele, removendo células mortas e sujeira;
- Formulado com ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade;
- Compatível com todos os tipos de pele;
- Não resseca a pele nem causa acne;
- Atendimento ao cliente excepcional.
O sabonete facial Lather oferece uma série de benefícios que transformam a rotina de cuidados com a pele dos homens. Primeiramente, sua fórmula esfoliante proporciona uma limpeza profunda, eliminando impurezas e células mortas, o que resulta em uma pele mais saudável e revitalizada. Além disso, a presença de ingredientes naturais de alta qualidade garante que a pele não seja agredida por substâncias químicas nocivas, evitando ressecamento e acne. A compatibilidade com todos os tipos de pele torna o produto acessível a um público amplo, enquanto o aroma masculino sutil proporciona uma experiência sensorial agradável. Por fim, o compromisso da marca com um atendimento ao cliente excepcional assegura que cada compra seja acompanhada de suporte e satisfação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do produto no rosto úmido e massageie suavemente em movimentos circulares. Enxágue bem com água morna. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. A aplicação regular não só maximiza os benefícios do sabonete, mas também contribui para uma pele mais saudável e bem cuidada ao longo do tempo.
Jonathan B –
I had already been using their Sandalwood scented aftershave balm (and absolutely love it and highly recommend it), so when I saw that they offered a face wash, I had to purchase a bottle and give it a try.
To put it simply, I have not been disappointed at all. I’ve used various other face scrubs (St. Ives, Lab Series, Kiehls), and while I’ve not had a problem with those brands, Lather & Wood’s Face Scrub not only performs equally as well, but my own experience has been that it’s even better than the others.
I know that with most exfoliating face scrubs it’s not recommended to use on a daily basis (once every couple of days is usually what’s suggested). At least with my own skin, I can definitely feel very mild irritation and dry skin if I use some of the other brands daily. So far, that’s not been the case with this product. I’ll use it 2, 3, 4 days in a row at times and I haven’t experienced any mild irritation or out-of-the-ordinary dryness (living in Colorado) that I get from other products. I’m sure that can be attributed to the ingredients they use (or ingredients that they don’t use that other brands do) — I don’t know for certain. All I know is that this is a wonderful product, one that I plan to continue to use.
Pick up a bottle, you won’t be disappointed.
Luke –
Before we get started, i am in no way shape or form sponsored, or have been bribed for this. When i bought this item and used it the first time, the customer service representative asked how i liked it, and if i could leave a review.
Typically, for products like this i don’t normally review until after i’ve used at least one container. So, here i am, after using two.
If you couldn’t tell, i had obtained a second one already.
This product does NOT have a smell, which is fantastic. I have sensitive skin and a lot of different scents cause me to break out.
If you have a beard, this will generally be harder for you. I have one, it’s about 10″ long and is rather thick. I use this on the portions of my face where my beard doesn’t stay around – so my cheeks/cheekbones, nose, forehead, bridge, the areas near my bottom lip that don’t really grow in. It’s just personal preference – the beads in this will find its way into the hair if its thick enough and may take a while to wash out, so be careful. I typically exfoliate and then rinse everything off in the shower and let the steam take care of things. May not be the best route – but for my skin and my beard, letting the steam and this lather soak for a few minutes while i take care of the rest keeps my skin smooth.
I’m the type of person that i’ll break out from sensitive razors – THIS PRODUCT DOES NOT CAUSE ME TO BREAK OUT. I use it maybe 2-3 times a week. I apply it, and scrub the heck out of my face, and then use an exfoliating brush to help even more. This product is truly wonderful, and i will be a fan. It IS thick, and kind of feels like the cherry bomb soap with the pummice mixed with lotion. If that gritty, going to clean your face thing isnt for you, a lighter, charcoal only scrub might be best. I alternate, as the charcoal isn’t too harsh, i’ll sometimes build one of those in.
Bottom line, this is a fantastic product, and at a decent price. I will be purchasing more in the future. The only i’m not a massive fan of is the container itself. I’ve found it slippery and easy to drop. other than that, take this risk.
Andrew P. –
I am pleased with the product, seems to get the job done of creating a clean and well exfoliated surface for my wet shaving process. And the honest truth is, in the winter when my skin is so dry, that is probably no small task. Smells decent, similar to the apricot scrub I was given as a teenage just starting to get zits on my face. Not so course that it is uncomfortable, but can feel the exfoliation. Just remember, you don’t need a lot, you probably don’t want to use this product everyday, and I wouldn’t recommend using on your entire face – just use on the part you shave. But that is only my opinion. The main reason I am giving the product 4 out of 5, instead of 5 out of 5, is because it just seems a little overpriced to me. I like the product, and will most likely continue to use it, but for somebody trying to keep costs down, this may not be the best option for you.
Should be noted that the company cares about their product, and the customers who use it. I am very impressed with the company, and that is why I will continue to use this product despite it being a little overpriced in my opinion. They reach out to see how you like their products, are receptive to feedback, and at least try to rectify any amount of dissatisfaction.
Totally Not A Cop, Bro –
I’ve been using various facial scrubs for years. I’ve run the gamut from drug store scrubs to ones that are way overpriced. My favorite was the Jack Black scrub before they reformulated (RIP). I can say that this scrub is just as good if not better. I have super oily skin and prefer a scrub to be coarse. This is definitely coarse, so you really can feel the effects of it. You don’t need some fancy device just to get a decent clean feeling. This product has a light, woodsy smell that I wouldn’t mind wearing all day. It also rinses really well and leaves your face super smooth. However, it’s not perfect for everyone. The scrubs are highly abrasive and do a fantastic job, but if you’re not used to scrubs like this, you can do some damage, especially if you have dry skin. A good moisturizer can help with that (Lather and Wood makes a terrific moisturizer as well). Also, while there is a subtle scent, it may be a bit much if you have issues with scented products. And while you might scoff at the price, I can assure you that I would easily pay double for this scrub. It’s that good and I’ve tried countless face scrubs. If you have dry or sensitive skin, this may not be the product for you. But if you’re looking for a high quality facial scrub at a great price, this is the one for you. If I have one bad thing to say about this product, it’s that I didn’t discover it sooner. If you’re on the fence, do yourself a favor and treat yourself to this scrub. It truly is worth it.
Honey Griffin –
This feels like it works well and is a gentle exfoliate with a good smell.