Descrição do Produto: Best Naturals Copper Chelate 6 mg por Porção – 360 Comprimidos
O Best Naturals Copper Chelate é um suplemento de alta qualidade que oferece 6 mg de cobre quelato por porção, em uma embalagem generosa com 360 comprimidos. Este produto é meticulosamente testado em laboratórios de terceiros para garantir pureza e qualidade, assegurando que você receba um suplemento que atende aos mais altos padrões de segurança e eficácia. O cobre é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial em várias funções biológicas, incluindo a formação de glóbulos vermelhos, a manutenção da saúde óssea e a promoção de um sistema imunológico robusto.
Produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação registrada pela FDA e em conformidade com as boas práticas de fabricação (GMP), o Best Naturals Copper Chelate é uma escolha confiável para quem busca um suplemento livre de ingredientes artificiais. Este produto é não-OGM e isento de glúten, tornando-o adequado para uma ampla gama de dietas. Além disso, não contém corantes, sabores ou adoçantes artificiais, conservantes, açúcar, leite, milho, soja, ovos, lactose, trigo, levedura ou peixe, e é livre de sódio, garantindo que você consuma apenas o que há de melhor para sua saúde.
1. Suporte à Saúde Imunológica: O cobre é fundamental para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
2. Formação de Glóbulos Vermelhos: Essencial para a produção de hemoglobina, o cobre contribui para a saúde do sangue e a prevenção de anemia.
3. Saúde Óssea: O cobre desempenha um papel importante na manutenção da densidade óssea, ajudando a prevenir condições como a osteoporose.
4. Antioxidante Natural: O cobre atua como um antioxidante, combatendo os radicais livres e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo no organismo.
5. Fórmula Limpa e Segura: Com ingredientes livres de alérgenos comuns e substâncias artificiais, é uma opção segura para quem busca um suplemento de qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido de Best Naturals Copper Chelate por dia, preferencialmente acompanhado de uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção do mineral, mas também minimiza qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal que possa ocorrer ao tomar suplementos. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
M –
Package was very thorough ei, plastic seal, tamper seal and cotton. Tablets are not very big and easy to swallow. They do have a smell to them but you get past it once you take the tablet. Would order again.
Just Me –
If you do not have enough copper, your homocysteine levels will increase and so will the oxidative stress in your body. Excess homocysteine interferes with nitric oxide production, effect, and the reactivity of endothelium all over the body to nitric oxide. This means that a man could find that an inadequate level of copper in the body will interfere with both, getting an erection, and maintaining it. Best Naturals is an easy and inexpensive way to maintain an optimal level of copper in the body. One tablet might be enough to maintain an optimal level if one has no problem absorbing the copper and, in that case, the bottle will last an entire year!! The copper in this formulation is a highly bioavailable amino acid chelate so it is unlikely that a person would encounter an absorption problem of significance. Like many other things, there is an optimum level that goes beyond the mere absence of disease, what you are looking for is ~70-140 μg/dL of serum copper. There is also this stuff called ceruloplasmin and the desirable level of that is ~20-35 mg/dL. It is important to check with your physician and you want to know what your homocysteine level is (less than 10 umol/L) however, if you need copper then Best Natural’s copper is an awesome formulation for not a lot of money. Copper is not the ONLY answer to any problem with nitric oxide, however, it is part of a well formulated answer and optimal is more complicated than simply considering the RDA and trying to meet that. Keep in mind that insufficient levels of copper interfere with the reaction of the endothelial tissues to nitric oxide as well as how long a given molecule of nitric oxide lasts in the blood. Having the nitric oxide in quantity might not be enough if the copper level is too low. Look into it, speak with your physician about it*, however, when it comes time to get some copper, Best Natural is the way to go.
*He or she might say “it’s not that simple” and absolutely, it is far more complex than I can explain in a few lines in a paragraph. However, my purpose was to inform why supplementing copper might be useful and how well the formulation by Best Natural worked for me rather than providing the reader with reams of biochemistry information. I believe that what I wrote is sufficient to justify my choice to supplement copper with this formulation because it was inexpensive, a great value, and the level of copper in my blood went up.
Edward Gherbil –
Works for me!
Carolyn Barnes –
Goid price
A.G. –
This copper chelate is aimed at providing a high-quality source of copper in a chelated form, which enhances absorption and utilization by the body. Each serving (3 tablets) contains 6 mg of copper, and the bottle includes 360 tablets, making it a convenient option for long-term use.
It’s made in the USA, GMP Compliant, non-GMO, free of gluten, artificial color, flavor, sugar/sweetener, preservatives, milk, corn, soy, eggs, lactose, wheat, yeast, fish, sodium.
Key Features:
The copper is chelated, meaning it is bound to an amino acid to improve absorption and bioavailability. The chelated form of copper ensures better absorption and utilization by the body.
Copper is an essential trace mineral that plays several vital roles in maintaining good health. Although required in small amounts, its impact on various bodily functions is significant. Here are some reasons why copper is important in our diet:
Key Functions:
Red Blood Cell Formation: Copper is crucial for the production and maintenance of red blood cells. It helps in the absorption and utilization of iron, which is necessary for hemoglobin formation.
Immune System Support: Copper boosts the immune system and helps in fighting off infections. It supports the development and function of white blood cells.
Antioxidant Defense: Copper acts as a co-factor for the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative damage.
Energy Production: Copper is involved in the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the primary energy currency of the body. It helps in the functioning of enzymes that convert nutrients into energy.
Nervous System Health: Copper is essential for the development and maintenance of the nervous system. It helps in the formation of myelin, the protective covering of nerve fibers.
Bone Health: Copper plays a role in maintaining healthy bones and connective tissue. It aids in the formation of collagen, a key component of bones and skin.
Cardiovascular Health: Copper helps in maintaining the health of blood vessels, heart, and overall cardiovascular system. It prevents oxidative stress that can lead to cardiovascular diseases.
Pigmentation: Copper is involved in the synthesis of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of skin, hair, and eyes.
Elizabeth Jane –
I had been taking zinc supplement for a long time and only just recently found that taking zinc depletes your body of copper. There is a formula for how much copper to take to balance the amount of zinc you are taking.
When I discovered this I freaked out and immediately purchased these copper supplement pills, as I am on a little known supplement regime including zinc, proven scientifically in 2018 to reverse ageing. However, the YouTube video I saw never mentioned the necessity of taking copper too. What an oversight!
There are many potentially very harmful effects from copper deficiency. One is prematurely grey hair. So now I am taking these copper pills I am hoping for results in possibly being able to reverse my greying hair, too.
A friend of mine has had far more severe side effects of copper deficiency than I have had. When she read about the effects of copper deficiency they were almost identical to all of the ailments she has been experiencing for a long time. Now, she, too, is taking these copper tablets.
These copper tablets are light blue, showing that they genuinely contain copper, and are small and shiny, and, so, are easy to swallow. They are each a 2mg dose. The packaging says 6mg, but that is for a serving. And their suggested serving size is three copper supplement pills. But 6mg is not correct for everyone as you have to take the right amount of copper to balance your own individual total zinc supplementation, whatever that might be.
This is a great product. It is very economical and I searched for a long time before selecting this particular brand of copper supplement.
I highly recommend this copper supplement.
VoiceOverArtist –
… for bodily function. OK, so sure, I basically wrote a headline and continued intro that states the obvious, and, which is also stated in the product description of what and why copper is so important for our bodies. But, it would be stating the obvious when I say that our bodies require multitudes of minerals, vitamins, and amino acids in order to keep us alive.
That being said, however, I have to tell you, I am no expert, so consulting a nutritionist and doing a lot of your own research as to why copper is so important, and how and what type of mineral supplements you should be taking, well, that’s between you and a real expert.
All I can say here, is that I’m trying this Best Naturals Copper Chelate supplement to see what it’ll do for me, if I can even tell the difference. Either way, as long as I follow the recommended protocol on the label, I’m sure that at some point, I’ll be able to see a positive or a negative. Meanwhile, I consulted with a nutritionist and have taken her advice, and this is where I find myself at this point.
Now it’s just a matter of time, and blood tests later on, to see what’s what with what. Wish me luck!
Doc –
These pills are small and easy to swallow. I’m not a huge fan of the amount of copper per serving. Three tablets make up one serving, which is 667% of the daily requirement of copper. So even if you cut a single pill in half you’re getting more than 100% of the daily intake. I think the serving is too much, but cutting the tablets in half seemed to work fine.