Descrição do Produto: Better Memory – Theracurmin Curcumin 90 mg
O Better Memory é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência do curcumin, especificamente na forma de Theracurmin, com uma dosagem clinicamente comprovada de 90 mg. Este extrato de cúrcuma de alta absorção é formulado para melhorar a concentração, a recordação, a memória de curto e longo prazo, além de potencializar o aprendizado e o humor. A sua fórmula proprietária inclui um blend neuroprotetor que favorece o fluxo sanguíneo cerebral, essencial para a saúde cognitiva.
Com uma biodisponibilidade 27 vezes superior em comparação aos extratos comuns de cúrcuma, o Better Memory garante que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz pelo organismo, maximizando seus benefícios. Além disso, o produto contribui para respostas inflamatórias saudáveis, promovendo um bem-estar geral. Para resultados ainda mais rápidos, recomenda-se o uso em conjunto com o Interceuticals Better Memory PM, potencializando os efeitos positivos na função cognitiva.
– Melhora da Concentração: Aumenta a capacidade de foco, essencial para tarefas que exigem atenção prolongada.
– Aprimoramento da Memória: Auxilia na recordação de informações, tanto de curto quanto de longo prazo.
– Suporte ao Humor: Contribui para um estado emocional equilibrado, ajudando a combater a ansiedade e o estresse.
– Alta Absorção: Com 27X mais biodisponibilidade, garante que os nutrientes sejam efetivamente utilizados pelo corpo.
– Resposta Inflamatória Saudável: Promove uma resposta inflamatória equilibrada, essencial para a saúde cerebral e geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula de Better Memory diariamente, preferencialmente com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável, para otimizar a absorção do curcumin. É aconselhável manter uma rotina consistente de uso e, para um efeito potencializado, considerar a combinação com o Interceuticals Better Memory PM à noite. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver sob medicação ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
K. Bingham –
This is supposed to help with memory issues. My husband has been taking it for 5 months. I really don’t see much change. I will continue to try it for a few more months. So far I’m not too impressed
Judith Black –
This was a reorder for me. OK, as the years have progressed, found that my ‘good’ thinking hours were narrowing from 12 hours a day to 8 to even less. Since I started to take Better Memory, am able to organize thoughts and do serious cognitive work well into the evening. Word retrieval has improved, and my husband says I am less cranky!
Amazon Customer –
I have been taking Better Memory and Better Memory PM for about four months now. It’s early yet, but I have noticed a feeling as if a cloud has been lifted. I feel “brighter”…not smarter exactly but more like a light has gone on where there was darkness. Since an accident four years ago, when I suffered a severe concussion, I experienced balance issues, migraines, severe vertigo and short term memory loss. I could not work for over a year. I saw two NY neurologists, the first did not help at all and the second said it would require at least 18 months of rest just to begin to feel better. I felt as if I had a bad stroke and began to worry about dimentia. After just a few weeks on these supplements, my balance was better, the vertigo abated, and my short term memory improved. I experienced better language retrieval , better focus and got so much more done! Recently, while traveling I forgot to take the supplements for a few days and immediately began to notice the difference. I started having issues with word retrieval again. I am hopeful that with more time, these supplements will help clear the brain Fog completely. Thank you so much for developing these marvelous supplements.
CeBe –
I am a teacher and writer. A dear friend encouraged me to try this product.
I wasnt aware of my brain fog until Better Memory cleared the fog away.
I experience greater alertness, quicker decision making, improved focus and listening — all increase my skills and
pleasure in teaching and writing.
Using Better Memory has been a great choice me.
I started taking Better Memory when I found out the main ingredient is backed by a clinical study done at UCLA, and offered by a company with a good reputation for quality products. I started a new job that’s very demanding; the stress was causing me to lose concentration and short-term memory — not anymore!!! After a few months of taking Better Memory, I noticed significant improvement in my ability to stay focused for long periods of time, and I my memory improved too! My older brother was surprised when he experienced similar results — and he’s a skeptic!
Amazon Customer –
I am very impressed with the Better Memory product, as I have seen the difference in my clarity when I wake up I have no brain-fog!! It also is helping me to stay more focused during the day. I recommend this product for anyone who is starting to feel that their memory is not the same as it was before. Try it! I am sure you will be surprised to see the results!!
Marianna M
Jerry K. –
É para os problemas de memória da minha esposa. Ela tem MCI. Agora estamos na segunda remessa de 30 dias. Não vemos nenhuma melhoria ou impacto óbvio até agora. O preço (US$ 43) é loucura. Portanto, não faremos um novo pedido com o preço atual. Não pagaríamos mais do que US$ 15-20 para continuar. Adeus. Vocês foram muito gananciosos.
Mike Elkin –
I am 76 years old, and have always had a poor memory for names. For the past 15 years, I have conducted a year long, 6 weekend training in Internal Family Systems (IFS) psychotherapy. Typically, when we convene for the second weekend, I remember the names of 5-6 of the 33 students. After using Better Memory for about 4 months, I remembered 17 names on the second weekend. Wow! Also, I suffer from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). I have noticed a significant improvement in my breathing since taking Better Memory regularly. It is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Michael Elkin, LMFT . IFS Senior Trainer