Melhor Mel Manuka – Pura e Natural – 100% Autêntica – 250g
O Melhor Mel Manuka é um produto excepcional, extraído das flores da árvore de Manuka, nativa da Nova Zelândia. Este mel é amplamente reconhecido por suas propriedades medicinais e benefícios para a saúde, sendo um verdadeiro tesouro da natureza. Com uma composição rica em compostos bioativos, o Mel Manuka é famoso por suas propriedades antibacterianas e anti-inflamatórias, tornando-se um aliado poderoso no tratamento de feridas, queimaduras e problemas de pele. Além disso, suas propriedades antioxidantes ajudam a combater os radicais livres, promovendo um fortalecimento do sistema imunológico.
Este mel é 100% autêntico e puro, garantindo que você esteja consumindo um produto de alta qualidade, valorizado por suas características únicas. O Melhor Mel Manuka não é apenas um adoçante natural; ele é um remédio natural que pode ser incorporado em sua rotina diária de saúde e bem-estar. Seja para adoçar bebidas, como ingrediente em receitas ou para uso tópico em cuidados com a pele, suas aplicações são diversas e eficazes.
1. Propriedades Antibacterianas: O Mel Manuka é eficaz no combate a bactérias, ajudando a tratar acne, eczema e outras condições de pele.
2. Ação Anti-inflamatória: Reduz a inflamação e acelera a cicatrização de feridas e queimaduras.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os antioxidantes presentes no mel ajudam a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
4. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser utilizado tanto na alimentação quanto em cuidados com a pele, oferecendo múltiplas aplicações.
5. Produto 100% Natural: Sem aditivos ou conservantes, garantindo um consumo seguro e saudável.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Melhor Mel Manuka, recomenda-se o uso diário. Para consumo, adicione uma colher de sopa em chás, iogurtes ou smoothies. Para aplicação tópica, aplique uma camada fina diretamente sobre a área afetada da pele, massageando suavemente até a absorção completa. Evite o contato com os olhos e utilize apenas para uso externo. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta para preservar suas propriedades.
Mike Larry –
Last long and is good on my skin I have to use plant based everything
It’s me –
This bar is natural and lathers nicely. It however, feels a little waxy on the skin once water hits it. Your left feeling waxy. Another natural bar I use doesn’t leave my skin feeling that way
Nickole –
I’ve ordered this twice now. This lasted me a month, & I shower 1-2 times a day, so I think the value is perfect. I put it in a soap bag & leave it hanging. It lathers really well, my skin feels like it’s so clean & the natural scent is incredibly light you wouldn’t even know it’s there. Doesn’t leave skin dry. It’s a good size bar. & I have noticed a huge improvement on my scarring & hyper-pigmentation from my autoimmune skin disorder that I’ve dealt with for Years & nothing else has helped. So it is incredibly effective.
Raz B –
Skin feels a little tight after using which I believe is because of the honey, it’s actually kind of sticky but feels like my skin is tight. I’ll buy be buying again. Good quality. My skin felt clean. It didn’t smell Good unless you like the smell of turmeric, fortunately your skin doesn’t smell like it when you get out of the shower.
Martha –
Not much of a scent. Lathers well and easy to use!
Briana Quinn –
I have been reading about the benefits of Manuka honey and turmeric for the skin I had a sore burning on the skin right below my eye I tried everything to relieve it my eye doctor even gave me a prescription ointment not too good and then I read about manuka honey and to give it a try on my eye first of all it’s honey so it’s sticky but it took away all the irritation under my eye and if you don’t know the benefits of turmeric you should research it’s so good for your skin and of course it’s good to take internally too the only thing is and this is a big one it didn’t really leave my skin feeling moisturized uh-oh that’s not good cuz I need a lot of moisture but I’ll just use the moisturizer that I have which is excellent by Palmers it lathers up beautifully that’s what I really like about it and it has a very slight scent it’s not scent free it has just a slight natural scent very very slight scent I just purchased another bar to use just for washing my hands in the bathroom sink this is an edit I said that the soap doesn’t moisturize it does or I wouldn’t keep using it it makes a beautiful larger I don’t think I’ll be buying any other soap from now on this one is perfect
LilMsSkeptical –
I’ll be honest, I bought this product based on some comments I’d seen online and thought I’d give it a try. I like that it seemed to be a healthier choice than other soaps on the market. However, this soap dried out my skin like no other, it was dry and itchy, to the point that I ended up taking another shower and used different soap. I ended up throwing it away – the search for more organic soap continues.
Amazon Customer –
I purchased this soap last summer in hopes to clear my face. Very quickly, my skin started to clean and I was even able to no longer wear makeup – which is something I never thought would happen (hated wearing heavy foundations everyday to hide my blemishes). This bar last FOREVER! So long, it was no longer in my order history and when I finally needed to purchase a new bar, it was about 10 months later and thankfully I stumbled accross the exact bar just by searching “turmeric face bar.”
While needing to replace the bar, it was somewhere between 2-3 weeks that I went without it and my acne actually came back immediately. So, now I can’t live without this bar!
The scent is light but pleasant. You can smell the natural ingredients but no added fragrance. It’s nice and soft on your skin and in my experience, doesn’t dry out my skin but definitely controls the oil my face produces.
Overall, I love this facial bar and it is a crucial part of my everyday skin-care routine! I barely even have to use anything else with it!