EYE GEL CREAM FOR YOUTHFUL EYES: Smooth Skin around the Eye with Clinical-Grade Anti-Aging Formula. Best Solution for Reducing Puffiness and Dark Circles under the eye while Diminishing Stubborn Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Crow’s Feet. Order Today to Make yours Eyes Shine.
Apresentamos o melhor gel para os olhos para combater olheiras e inchaço: o Gel para Olhos da Vitaminer Shop. Com uma fórmula anti-envelhecimento de qualidade clínica, este gel é a solução ideal para reduzir o inchaço e as olheiras sob os olhos, ao mesmo tempo em que diminui rugas persistentes, linhas finas e pés de galinha. Se você deseja ter olhos radiantes e jovens, este é o produto perfeito para você.
ORGÂNICO, NATURAL E LIVRE DE CRUELDADE: Nosso tratamento para os olhos é comprovado e possui qualidade de spa. Contém ácido hialurônico, vitamina E, peptídeos e pepino. Utiliza 100% de aloe vera, óleo de jojoba, raiz de alcaçuz, antioxidantes, MSM e uma mistura herbal. Nosso gel é livre de parabenos, glúten, crueldade animal e fragrâncias. É fabricado nos Estados Unidos para maximizar a proteção antioxidante, combatendo os danos dos radicais livres que causam o envelhecimento precoce.
RESULTADOS RÁPIDOS… sem irritar a pele delicada ao redor dos olhos. Suave e comprovadamente eficaz.
ÓTIMA OPÇÃO DE PRESENTE… Preço de lançamento por tempo limitado. Peça o seu hoje mesmo!
GARANTIA DE DEVOLUÇÃO DO DINHEIRO: Faça seu pedido agora sem riscos, com nossa política de devolução de 30 dias sem perguntas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Redução de Olheiras e Inchaço
O Gel para Olhos da Vitaminer Shop é especialmente formulado para reduzir olheiras e inchaço ao redor dos olhos. Sua fórmula clínica de qualidade combate efetivamente esses problemas, deixando sua pele com uma aparência mais jovem e radiante.
2. Combate às Rugas e Linhas Finas
Com ingredientes poderosos como ácido hialurônico, vitamina E e peptídeos, este gel ajuda a diminuir rugas e linhas finas, suavizando a pele ao redor dos olhos. Sinta-se confiante e com uma aparência mais jovem com o uso regular deste produto.
3. Fórmula Orgânica e Natural
A Vitaminer Shop se preocupa com a saúde e o bem-estar dos seus clientes. Por isso, nosso Gel para Olhos é feito com ingredientes orgânicos e naturais, livres de produtos químicos agressivos. Cuide da sua pele de forma segura e eficaz.
4. Proteção Antioxidante
Os antioxidantes presentes neste gel ajudam a combater os danos causados pelos radicais livres, que são responsáveis pelo envelhecimento precoce da pele. Ao usar o Gel para Olhos da Vitaminer Shop, você estará protegendo sua pele e mantendo-a saudável e jovem.
5. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos
Nosso Gel para Olhos é fabricado nos Estados Unidos, seguindo os mais altos padrões de qualidade. Você pode confiar na procedência e na eficácia deste produto, que foi desenvolvido com cuidado para proporcionar resultados visíveis e duradouros.
1. Redução visível de olheiras e inchaço, proporcionando um olhar mais descansado e vibrante.
2. Diminuição de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem e suave.
3. Fórmula orgânica e natural, garantindo segurança e eficácia no cuidado da pele.
4. Proteção antioxidante que combate os danos dos radicais livres, prevenindo o envelhecimento precoce.
5. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, assegurando qualidade e confiabilidade no produto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma pequena quantidade do Gel para Olhos da Vitaminer Shop na pele limpa ao redor dos olhos. Massageie suavemente até que o gel seja absorvido. Utilize diariamente, de manhã e à noite, para maximizar os benefícios e alcançar uma pele mais jovem e radiante. Evite o contato direto com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.
Wise Mind –
This is a wonderful product! It does the job it promises. It smooths out my under eye area, and it takes very little gel to do it. I’m extremely satisfied with this product, and I recommend it highly! I’ve ordered it about 80 times! First of all , I don’t put any other oils or creams under my eyes. I put on one coat of the gel, and I let it dry, and then I add a second coat. When both coats dry, it’s a bit shiny, so I use some Mattifying Powder. With this protocol, the results are absolutely amazing. No bags at all, and I’m 83!
Angelina –
Ich benutze das straffende Augengel mit Hyaluron seit fast einem Jahr und bestelle es mir über das monatliche Abo.
Weil ich von der Wirkung sehr überzeugt bin und mich mittlerweile als regelrechten Fan der Kosmetikserie Toulon bezeichne.
Ich bin 50 Jahre alt und habe gar keine dunklen Augenringe. Allerdings benötige ich eine Augenpflege mit Straffungseffekt, die auch für empfindliche Augen geeignet ist.
Hier habe ich endlich einen Volltreffer gelandet. Habe lang gesucht und oft die Marken gewechselt.
Die Verpackung ist nach meiner Einschätzung okay, hygienisch und der Pumpspender sehr einfach in der Anwendung.
Die Menge reicht bei mir bei 2 facher Anwendung täglich genau 4 Wochen.
Die Konsistenz ist gut, es lässt sich super verteilen und auch einmassieren. Den Geruch empfinde ich als sehr unaufdringlich, was für mich aber keinen ausschlaggebenden Punkt für eine Kaufentscheidung darstellt.
Es entwickelt sich ein dünner Film auf der Haut und somit auch der straffende Effekt. So soll ein Hyaluronprodukt sein!
Danach benutze ich eine Feuchtigkeitscreme ebenfalls von Toulon. (lila Verpackung)
Das Ergebnis ist für mich überzeugend. Gestraffte Haut um die Augenpartie und eine weiche Gesichtshaut, die sehr frisch wirkt.
Ich vertrage nicht jedes Pflegeprodukt und habe eine zu Rötungen neigende Haut.
Ein weiteres Plus! sind die natürlichen biologischen Inhaltsstoffe und eine Herstellung ohne Tierversuche! Weiter so!
Da ich eine Wirkung zur Minderung von dunklen Augenringen nicht beurteilen kann, bitte ich euch es selbst auszuprobieren.
Jede Frau, jede Haut reagiert anders, ist mehr oder weniger empfindlich. Aber wer das richtige Produkt sucht, sollte auch dieses Produkt testen.
Für mich ist es endlich die Lösung für meinen Hautanspruch. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und für mich ist diese Pflegelinie ein Geheimtipp zum moderaten Preis!
Von mir gibt’s daher 5 Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Katydid –
My skin is very dry, year round. I have used the Toulon product line for several months and actually like it. I first purchased the eye cream, which does a nice job of moisturizing the eye area without any irritation, and decided to try the eye gel. It feels great on the skin, has sort of a cooling affect, and as with the cream there was no irritation. But once it’s completely dry, my skin is too. It’s probably great if you are a normal or normal to oily complexion. However, for my dry skin I will stick with their eye cream.
YvonneNPete3 –
So far I really like this product. I’m a 46 year old wife and mother working full time, so I’m often sleep deprived. I noticed this helps with my puffiness in the am, which is a plus for me. I found the pump distributes too much when first pumped no matter how light I press. Just last night I had some fly behind me lol. It is only with the first pump so I have to try to get it right. I love the tiny tingle it gives on my eyes when I first apply it, like a light cooling. And it dries nicely. I would purchase again, hopefully I can get the pumping of product right. Thanks
Here’s an update, I had to order 2 more of this I can’t believe the change this eye gel done for me. I noticed even more smoothing around my eyes. Don’t want to do without this stuff. I also am trying the moisturizer. And I wasn’t paid nor given any discount for my review. I’m very happy with this product.
DJ Speed –
Ok. So I have used face creams and things you dab on your face and so forth.
So then to my surprise after receiving this product after primingthe pump to get the cream . It comes out water. So maybe thinking that maybe the mixture became separated during shipment. So I shake it really well then pump it more and more. So i pumped roughly 25% of the bottle out and still watery.
So I can’t really say this product works and what not as I have no basis to try it on the fact that it is water and won’t apply correctly
kristen –
I have tried plenty of eye products because I think they are all pretty much the same. When I saw the TOULON eye gel, I figured I’d try it because the price is better than any of the others listed. My major issue is with puffiness and tired-looking eyes. 2 kids will do that to you. This product worked as well as or better than any other eye product I’ve tried. And I like that it dispenses the right amount. Some other ones would squirt out too much. I found that the best time to apply it is when my skin is damp right after showering. Works great, reasonable price. I love this eye gel.
Jenne Schrader –
I have a condition around the base of my eyelashes that causes a lot of irritation, so I use hydrating/soothing eye lotions to help with that. I decided to try this because it has soothing and hydrating right in the title…. but I can tell you that is not what I felt. It actually stings my eyelids, and I feel an annoying tightening reaction around the entire eye. It just makes me rub my eyes to get it back off! I guess this helps people with puffy eyes ad wrinkles but this is NOT what I excepted. It did not suite my needs at all.
MK McC –
Love the product, do not like the packaging. Impossible to tell how much gel is left in the opaque container, and it seemed to run out very quickly. When I took off the pump lid, there was more product remaining, but it was clumped around the inner wall of container and pump would not get it out, no matter what I tried. I ended up digging out the remaining gel with a Q-tip, which was messy. That being said, I will still re-order because it’s such a great product for fine lines — lines around my mouth which have been there for years practically disappeared. I just wish the company had a better idea for packaging as this is wonderful stuff!
Francis Chua –
Buy one and try.
happy with it –
As I have gotten a little older and sometimes don’t sleep was well as I used to, I began to see that my under eyes were getting a little darker. I wasn;t sure if it was lack of sleep or maybe a diet that was not always as good as it could be or genetics…but I decided to use the eye gel from TOULON and it has really helped. I see a difference with the dark circles and puffiness under my eye and I really did not beleive that anything was going to help. I am very thankful that I tried the eye gel and used it regularly and stuck with it for awhile. The change was gradual. Didn’t even really notice that it was happening but it is definitely much improved from before.