Mais do que uma promessa de aparência mais jovem, “O Milagre da Melatonina” nos ensina como realmente rejuvenescer. Tudo o que precisamos fazer para voltar no tempo é restaurar os níveis de melatonina da nossa juventude. Ao reajustar nossos “relógios”, podemos, de fato, desacelerar o processo de envelhecimento, fortalecer nosso sistema imunológico, aumentar nossa resistência a doenças e até prolongar nossa vitalidade sexual.
Prático, informativo e intrigante, “O Milagre da Melatonina” também aborda outras pesquisas que sugerem que a melatonina é um agente de sono seguro e não viciante, reduz o colesterol e ajuda a aliviar o estresse.
- Rejuvenescimento celular: Restaura os níveis de melatonina, promovendo um envelhecimento saudável.
- Aumento da vitalidade sexual: Melhora a libido e a saúde sexual geral.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico: Aumenta a resistência a doenças e infecções.
- Melhora da qualidade do sono: Proporciona um sono mais profundo e reparador.
- Redução do estresse: Ajuda a equilibrar os níveis de cortisol, promovendo bem-estar mental.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 a 3 mg de melatonina cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir, preferencialmente em um ambiente tranquilo e escuro para maximizar os efeitos do hormônio. Para aqueles que buscam benefícios adicionais, como o aumento da vitalidade sexual e o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, a melatonina pode ser utilizada em ciclos de 3 meses, com pausas de 1 mês entre os ciclos. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver tomando outros medicamentos ou tiver condições de saúde preexistentes.
Tamara –
It’s interesting book, but many topics are repeated in book and I don’t like it
P. Shulman –
Most of the book is dedicated to describing the biological benefits of melatonin. There is a paragraph that tells you his recommendation on how to use it. Which differs from other recommendations. There are several ways to consider using it, all on the internet, and you can trial and error to see which sorks best for you.
Gert Bo Thorgersen –
I now own a couple of books about melatonin, which I started to buy 1 ½ year ago, after my wife then went to the hospital and there told them about her problem with not getting enough sleep. Of “course”, the doctor did not tell her about melatonin but instead put her on sleeping drugs.
But as we have been told, or read, again and again have been told, in the body we have the natural sleeping hormone melatonin, so therefor, instead, I went on searching after books about melatonin; I like more to read in books than in Google.
And then, especially by reading this book, and besides the one written by Jeff T. Bowles.: “Extrem Dosiert! Melatonin, Das Wunder”, I have learned how important the hormone melatonin actually is for much more than just sleeping. That is how melatonin is working when managing other hormones in starting their works. However, beside this I especially have realized the connection between melatonin and our aging. That is how the production in the body, of melatonin, turns down while we are getter older, and this decease of melatonin so further increase our aging.
In the book, concerning this age related connection to melatonin, we clearly see it proved by the many mice experiments, which we reads about. Experimentations in which we learn about how old mice actually gets younger, in the wat they live, and besides are living longer, equally for up to 25 years, if translated into human years, when their pineal glands are replaced with pineal gland’s from young mice. And after this, then how the quit opposite goes on, when young mice got their pineal glands changed to old pineal glands.
Therefore, after these cases we realize how important it is to try to, during the life, to keep our body’s, our bloods, amount of melatonin, equal to what it was were in the age of the twenties.
And in the book, besides the connection between melatonin, and how old we will be, we also learn about the connection between low melatonin in the body, and the thereby related increased amount of diseases; and thereby resulted shorter life.
Daily we are told, and in new books still read, that in the body, in the nighttime, 90% of the melatonin is produced, while only 10% during daylight. Moreover, the doctor in the hospital told me the same as late as in February this year. However, here in the book, printed 23 years ago, there we read that this is wrong. Because after we have passed the 20es of age, then the production in nighttime starts to decline! But concerning how much it decline, I more will trust what I, 2 months ago, then read in the Jeff T. Bowles book, which I mentioned, because that book was printed last year. And there we read about a much harder decline, than in “The Melatonin Miracle” book, that is the melatonin production, actually by the age of 70, then the production in the darkness now only is the same as the production in the daylight, that is, now 10% and 10%.
As a remark, on the side 114 we read about how a cancer specialist named K. W. Starr, nearly five decades before the book was printed, then had reported about the successfully use of melatonin to control the sarcoma, one of the worst types of cancer. Actually back in 1952, then Hoffer told about how 40 grams/day of C vitamin then cured a patient for this cancer, and who then lived 20 years after being cured.
As another remark. My edition of the book was printed 23 years ago, and I think that if it now was reprinted, then they the writing about cholesterol would be changed. Because, for example, on the side 206, there we read about a connection between high cholesterol and heart attack. And much has changed during these past 23 years. Even now way back in February this year, the doctor in the hospital now talked about how good cholesterol is. Which I until then had been fight against the doctors about since February nine years ago, when my wife then was measured with a “high”, but not too high according to what Harvard Medical School already back then was writing.
Finally, again I will call this the best book about melatonin, which I have read, but the knowledge will increase when connected to the book written by Jeff T. Bowles.
Artour –
This is an excellent book. Over the last few years I had ( now it past) issues with my sleep pattern. every night I was waking up and conducting internal dialogue related to my job and my boss. I was arguing with my boss in my head ( it was a continuation from previous real arguments during the day) and as a result I was stressed out and slept very little. My doctor recommended to visit psychotherapist but I rejected the offer as I felt it was something off. Three months ago someone drop in garbage bin another book called ” The Super Hormone Promise” ( the same authors as “The Melatonin Miracle” ) and it lead me to this book. I started taking melatonin daily following the recommended dosage for my age. The internal conversation disappeared after one dose. While I had few relapses, but they lasted less than few mins and I was able to fall asleep again very quickly. I stopped waking up to going to washroom at night as well and there were few pleasant surprises for me in the morning ( read the book). Basically for now the world miracle is probably the best one to describe the total effect. I assume it might be individual based…
Carlos I. Rojas Reynosa –
This book is an excellent and entertaining read for all who are interested in improving your health and stop the aging process. I have suffered sleep disorders and have hypothyroidism since yr. 2000, this have run over my whole body and made me look 10 years older than I was (I am 52 now), I had used Melatoning several times when dealing with Jet lag, but after reading the book I know how to uset it to improve my life and make the best of the years ahead.
The book explains the origins of the discovery of Melatoning and how it works naturally in the body, how reasearchers identified its relationship with ageing and its role as regulator of most hormonal activity in the body. The experiments with mice that lead to the confirmation of the wonders of Melatonin are interesting and fun.
I recommend that if you read this book and decide to enter into the melatonin club, test the best dose for you, for me the authors’ recomendation to use initial dose of 1.5 mcg was the best, I had taken doses of up to 5 mcg with not good results, but thanks to my brother i found a brand in Guadalajara that makes 1.5 mcg melatonin combined with herbs that works wonderfully and is very cheap. I have improved my life in many ways, starting with better sleep, and are starting to feel much younger and strong than 10 years ago.
Hope you can find a suitable dose for you and start enjoying the benefits of melatonin. Good Luck!!
JF –
I read this book along side The Super Hormone Promise. This book is very informative and helpes the reader make an informed choice of wheather to follow the the hormone dosage mentioned.I have followed this routine and can honestly say I have never felt as well for years. As a ME/CFS sufferer I can say it has improved my symptoms dramaticaly.
Gene P. Maxwell –
Easy reading about Dr. Pierpaoli’s discovery of the pineal as our internal aging clock. In his book, Dr. Piepaoli discusses many of his experiments which brought him to that conclusion. Plus I came across his own melatonin supplement which he briefly mentioned and found it at This has been around a long time but was all new to me. So I began taking his melatonin produced in Italy and it has brought about some astounding changes in my physiology, just as he said it would. The book is an easy read and only 245 pages long but has put me on a new path to better health. GM
Jasper –
Excellent book which was recommended to me by my husband’s doctor. I started to use Dr Pierpaoli’s melatonin formulation and I am starting to feel younger mentally and physically. I have more vitality and better outlook on life. I’ve been using the melatonin for the past 2 months. I definitely sleep better and it is only recently in the past two weeks that I am noticing a change in vitality and that younger feeling. I would definitely recommend the book to fully understand how melatonin works and give it a try. I am 67 years old.
davide –
This book is a best seller, and in my opinion is still an “hot” reading despite it has been published in 1996. It can be considered a must-have-book for sportsmen end fitness-minded people. It’s the right choice if you are a melatonin addicted or if you want to begin using this fantastic and useful supplement called Melatonin. It’s a milestone also for who belive in anti-aging therapy. Using this cheap “hormone” called melatonin you can greatly improve your ability to sleep. This hormone is manufactured by the pineal gland when we sleep (between 01.00 and 03.00 a.m.) and as we age it’s production decreases. Trust me,Dr.Walter Pierpaoli can seriously change the quality of life.
Amazon Customer –
Very interesting read. It’s amazing how non-chalantly it is written when you understand that melatonin comes from the bodies of black people. I’m black and I bought it to see what was inside this book. It’s a tuff read for “conscuous” people but just another book about a new “medical breakthrough” for the masses. But it or don’t. It’s always good to get as much knowledge as you can no matter where it takes you – as long as it goes sonewhere.