Descrição do Produto: Webber Naturals Super Sleep Melatonin Plus L-Theanine
Webber Naturals Super Sleep Melatonin Plus L-Theanine é um suplemento formulado para promover um sono reparador e de qualidade. Com uma combinação poderosa de melatonina e L-teanina, este produto é ideal para aqueles que enfrentam dificuldades para adormecer ou que desejam melhorar a qualidade do sono. A melatonina é um hormônio natural que regula o ciclo do sono, ajudando a sinalizar ao corpo que é hora de descansar. Já a L-teanina, um aminoácido encontrado no chá verde, é conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, que ajudam a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse, criando um ambiente propício para um sono tranquilo. Este suplemento é livre de glúten e não contém adição de açúcar, tornando-se uma opção saudável para quem busca um descanso reparador sem comprometer a dieta.
1. Melhora da Qualidade do Sono: Promove um sono mais profundo e reparador, ajudando a acordar revigorado.
2. Redução da Ansiedade: A L-teanina auxilia na diminuição do estresse e da ansiedade, facilitando o relaxamento antes de dormir.
3. Regulação do Ciclo Circadiano: A melatonina ajuda a regular o relógio biológico, ideal para quem tem horários irregulares de sono.
4. Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma alternativa segura e eficaz para quem busca evitar medicamentos sintéticos.
5. Sem Efeitos Colaterais: Geralmente bem tolerado, minimiza o risco de efeitos colaterais comuns em outros sedativos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 comprimido de Webber Naturals Super Sleep Melatonin Plus L-Theanine cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde caso esteja grávida, amamentando ou utilizando outros medicamentos. O uso regular pode ajudar a estabelecer um padrão de sono saudável e melhorar a qualidade do descanso noturno.
CCyork –
Does the job. Purchased for a family member who says this really helps him sleep soundly.
Melissa –
The only brand that doesn’t give me nightmares. I usually break off 1/2 a tablet and that’s enough to make me doze off and sleep through the night.
explorelife –
One chewable helps me deftly disengage and approach nicely right up to the edge of sleep within 20 – 30 minutes. I love the clean and evenhanded experience — I love that it does not grog me up. I’ve experimented with taking two, and that may help more. I’m probably getting to something like seven or seven and a quarter hours. All in all, it’s really good for me, and I do feel more clear and refreshed on awakening. A positive++ experience.
David Gonzalez –
This product is wonderful. I have bought it four times. It comes directly from Canada and even so it arrives in approximately 5 to 8 days, for me that is my very good service.
Amazon Customer –
Sometimes need to take it again when I regularly wake up at 3am and it puts me right back to sleep.
No me gustó no me relaja nada –
No me da sueño ni me hace nada
Wayne S. –
Updating my review, now giving it 5 stars as this product helps me sleep a bit better. Don’t have to get up as much.
Dani –
Love these melatonin because it’s not a pill or gummy. Can’t find anything like it at cvs. Definitely helps me fall asleep and stay asleep
Daniel Guibord –
I most definitely recommend this product as a temporary solution to insomnia.
I was taking 15 mg of melatonin per night, which left me in a fog in the morning.
I used this Webber Naturals Super Sleep product for about a year. It solved my insomnia problem. I took two tablets at bedtime. It also improved my dream quality, in the sense that I then had a deeper sleep. I felt rested in the morning and no longer as if in a fog during the morning hours.
However, recently I stopped using it. Because the main cause of my insomnia turned out to be that I’m highly sensitive to even a small amount of light in my bedroom. The little light coming in through the slits of my Chinese roll-up blinds was enough to keep me awake for lengthy periods of time, and away from a deep and restful sleep. So I got some light-blocking curtains, and it completely solved my insomnia problem.
If you suffer from insomnia, have you eliminated all the factors that are causing your insomnia problem? E.g.:
– Parsley will typically give you nightmares, same for many other spices;
– Some street light making its way into your bedroom (light-blocking curtains are available on Amazon);
– Personal computer, tablet and iPhone’s blue light from their screen; check out the f.lux software (Google > f.lux);
– Sleep disturbing caffeine or products that contain caffeine precursors (e.g., chocolate), vitamin C taken after 12:00 hours; etc.
You may be interested in the following information: Google > Sleeping in rooms with even a little light can increase risk of depression.
The reason why some people experience depression if they sleep in a room with even a little light is likely due to the resulting partial insomnia (sleep, but not deep and restful sleep), which in turn causes them a significant loss of energy, which in turn causes them some depression.
SMiller –
Can’t chew this new product! Don’t like new flavor! Doesn’t dissolve!