Descrição do Produto: Melatonin 6 mg Extra Strength Gummy – Suplemento para Sono Reparador – Sabor Frutas Vermelhas – 90 Gummies
Experimente uma noite de sono tranquila e reparadora com as Gummies de Melatonina 6 mg Extra Strength. Formuladas especialmente para adultos, essas deliciosas gomas de sabor frutas vermelhas são a solução ideal para quem busca melhorar a qualidade do sono e regular o ciclo circadiano. Cada goma contém 6 mg de melatonina, um hormônio natural que ajuda a induzir o sono e a combater a insônia, proporcionando um descanso profundo e revigorante. Com 90 gummies por embalagem, você terá um suprimento duradouro para suas noites de descanso. A textura macia e o sabor agradável tornam a experiência de tomar o suplemento ainda mais prazerosa, facilitando a adesão à sua rotina noturna.
1. Sono de Qualidade: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
2. Fácil de Consumir: As gummies são uma alternativa saborosa e prática aos comprimidos tradicionais, tornando o uso mais agradável.
3. Redução da Ansiedade: A melatonina pode ajudar a diminuir a ansiedade relacionada ao sono, facilitando a transição para um estado de relaxamento.
4. Sem Efeitos Colaterais Severos: Ao contrário de alguns medicamentos para dormir, as gummies de melatonina têm um perfil de segurança elevado e são bem toleradas.
5. Ideal para Viagens: Perfeito para quem viaja e precisa ajustar o relógio biológico, ajudando a minimizar os efeitos do jet lag.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 goma de Melatonina 6 mg Extra Strength cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e evitar o uso concomitante com álcool ou outros sedativos. Para garantir a eficácia do produto, mantenha uma rotina de sono regular e um ambiente propício ao descanso. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
mike –
I’ve taken melatonin often in the past, buy this is my first time trying gummies. The dosing really depends on your size, so I end up taking three of these before bed. I have to say that they have helped me get to sleep easier and stay asleep most of the night. That’s a pretty big thing for someone with a history of insomnia.
As for the gummies themselves, they’re about the texture of a fruit slice candy without the sugar dusting. So they’re easy to chew without having to gnaw at rubber. The taste is decent enough. It’s a pretty generic berry flavor, but it’s good. I’d say these are a good option to try if you know that melatonin helps you relax. More pricey than sublingual, but they taste way better.
Blanca –
Once it kicks in im am out like a light already feeling sleepy and I fall asleep fast. I did wake up a bit groggy but still functional, it is a higher dose. The taste was good, easy to chew, overall it is a really good option.
Michael –
I take melatonin gummies every night to help myself drift off to sleep. I usually take 10mg, but I’m trying to step myself down a bit, so these 6mg gummies are a good starting point.
The flavor of these is good, but there is a bit of a sugary grit to them. They are noticeably sweeter than any other melatonin gummy I’ve tried (and I’ve tried a lot!). Depending upon your tastes, these characteristics could be positive or negative.
For me, these are a good option for a reduced dosage of nightly melatonin. They still help me get to sleep and sleep better. If you don’t mind sugar or a sugary texture, these are very good. I hope this helps! Enjoy!
Tiffany –
I was hopeful but these do not work for me. They taste ok and are good as just gummies but they didn’t help me sleep any better.
SnowWyte –
This 6 mg dose melatonin gummy tastes very good, and it works as well and maybe better than my usual melatonin which is 5 mg and dissolvable. I fell asleep fast and easily once it kicked in; it kicks in by around 20 minutes at most. There is a light dusting of powder in the outside to keep these gummies from sticking together like some others do, which is really nice. I would recommend it to others.
My Two Cents –
None of us could stand the flavor of these.
They had a medicinal taste to them and it was not appealing at all.
Wouldn’t order again.
Would not recommend
Jessica S –
Nice flavor, good price compared to others on here.
Husband says it works well.
Michael –
This works wonders to help you get to sleep. One thing that people do not understand is melatonin doesn’t help keep you asleep but it helps you get to that sleeping point quickly. I popped one the delicious gummies in my mouth, head to bed, and I am out in just minutes. I wake up with no ill effects or grogginess either. This is great supplement especially if you have a lot of stress/anxiety and having issues getting to sleep. With over 90 in this bottle for this price it is a great deal that will last me for three months!