Descrição do Produto: Melatonina 25mg, Extra Strength com L-Theanine
A Melatonina 25mg da Happi Mi Nutrition é um suplemento de alta qualidade, projetado para aqueles que buscam uma noite de sono reparador e revitalizante. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina Melatonina, L-Theanine e Vitamina B6, este produto se destaca por sua eficácia e acessibilidade. A melatonina é um hormônio naturalmente produzido pelo corpo humano, essencial para regular o ciclo do sono e promover um descanso profundo. A adição de L-Theanine, um aminoácido conhecido por suas propriedades relaxantes, potencializa ainda mais os efeitos da melatonina, ajudando a acalmar a mente e preparar o corpo para um sono tranquilo. A Vitamina B6, por sua vez, desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção de um sistema imunológico saudável e no suporte ao sistema nervoso, contribuindo para um bem-estar geral.
As pastilhas de dissolução rápida da Happi Mi Nutrition garantem uma absorção eficiente, permitindo que os ingredientes ativos entrem rapidamente na corrente sanguínea. A empresa se compromete a utilizar apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, garantindo que cada produto atenda aos rigorosos padrões de controle de qualidade. Fabricados nos Estados Unidos em instalações registradas pela FDA e seguindo as normas de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), os suplementos da Happi Mi Nutrition são testados quanto à pureza, assegurando que você receba um produto seguro e eficaz.
– Sono Reparador: A melatonina ajuda a regular o ciclo do sono, promovendo um descanso profundo e reparador.
– Relaxamento Aumentado: A L-Theanine proporciona um efeito calmante, reduzindo a ansiedade e o estresse antes de dormir.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: A Vitamina B6 contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter o corpo protegido.
– Absorção Rápida: As pastilhas de dissolução rápida garantem que os ingredientes sejam absorvidos de forma eficiente, proporcionando resultados mais rápidos.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado em instalações registradas pela FDA, com ingredientes testados quanto à pureza, assegurando um produto de alta qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma pastilha de Melatonina 25mg, Extra Strength com L-Theanine cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Coloque a pastilha na boca e deixe dissolver completamente para uma absorção rápida e eficaz. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
MC –
This comes in a high dose of Melatonin. Which don’t really need that high of an amount, but the good thing is that it comes perforated so you can break it in half. Which also means it will last twice as long. Or could even try breaking it down into 4ths which is about 6mg doses and last 4 times as long and get 480 possible tablets. which is almost 1 1/2 years supply worth!! So really up to you for how strong of a dose you want/need. For a very good price for the amount, you get. I use melatonin regularly as I work nights, and this helps greatly with being able to fall and stay asleep. The good thing about melatonin is its non-drowsy so even if you took it and had to stay up of do something you can. Without it leaving you felling groggy.
Susta –
I’ve been taking otc melatonin 10mg 4-5 tablets a night, but I take 2 of these and I’m good
Sai Huang –
Love, love, love this product. I usually have a hard time to fall asleep but with this melatonin, I literally sleep like a baby. Affordable and tatse pretty good to. I like it, Definitely will be buying again.
These were too strong for me and I was groggy the next day. I tried taking it the next night with the same results. I have been taking 5 mgs of melatonin and only sleeping about 3 or 4 hours a night. I had hoped this higher dose would help me sleep better but it has not increased the hours I have slept or the king of sleep.
Adam –
This is much higher dosage than i normally take. I wanted something stronger to use sparingly. I tried one the first night and it hits me pretty quickly. Unfortunately, the next morning i had to work and i felt a bit tired and groggy. This definitely works, but i suggest keeping in mind its strong and you will need more sleep than usual. Probably best to use if you plan on sleeping in the next morning or at least know you will get 10hrs of sleep. Otherwise you might end up waking up slow and tired. The taste of these is just ok, not good but not bad, i prefer gummy versions personally. So i would have some water ready if you are chewing it, so it can go down easier since it crumbles in your mouth. Ill keep this around to use when needed but wont be used daily. Plus you should be careful with Melatonin since taking too much or too often can make your body slow down its own production of melatonin.
Glerg –
I am an occasional Melatonin user – I do not use it daily, but only occasionally when needed. I usually use either a 3 mg dose, or if need, a 6 mg dose. These work for me – I guess I have not built up a tolerance to Melatonin, and that is always a good thing.
I got these with a bit of trepidation, as they are rather strong. Using a pill cutter, I cut one in half and just took a half tablet. It worked very very well, but left me feeling groggy and a bit discombobulated the next morning. The next time I took a dose of Melatonin – a few days later, I cut a pill into quarters, and took that. This dose was perfect – it worked equally well, and I felt like myself in the morning.
The pills are called fast dissolving, which usually means that they would go under the tongue to dissolve, but these are not that kind of tablet. The product does not explicitly state that they are chewable, but since they have a “natural berry flavor”, I assume that is what is meant to do. The taste was not terrible, but not tasty either. A bit chalky, but since the tablets are small (and I ended up only taking a 1/4 tab dose) it was not a game changer. I suppose that just swallowing the dose whole would also work, but then why claim it has a “natural berry flavor”?
A very very strong Melatonin tablet, that works very well. If you need this dose, take the whole thing, but if not, a half or quarter dose works well too. (Pill cutter can be found online or at your local drug store.)
I am happy with this product and am able to recommend it.
shmoop –
The Happi Mi Nutrition Melatonin 25 mg definitely works… perhaps a little too well. I rarely use melatonin, but when I do, I find that it helps me fall asleep but doesn’t do much to ensure I stay asleep. The few times I’ve used the Happi Mi Nutrition melatonin, it not only helped me fall asleep but seemed to keep me asleep better than other melatonin supplements. Perhaps it’s the higher dosage. I woke up the next morning both refreshed but also more groggy than usual. I don’t know if that’s because I got a deeper sleep or something else. My 13 year old son occasionally has trouble falling asleep, and I will sometime give him melatonin. I don’t think I’ll share these with him though. The weaker stuff works well on him, so I don’t want to risk a groggy, cranky teenager in the mornings.
Customer Review –
This particular melatonin has a bonus of l-theanine (to help with relaxation) and b-6 (immune+nervous system support) in addition to the melatonin. While I appreciate the amino acid and vitamins, this melatonin didn’t do it for me. I’m not sure if it was the dosage- too much or too little can impact how it works. I took a long time to fall asleep, and woke up multiple times. The tablet itself is small, and it dissolves pretty quick. It doesn’t taste the best, but I don’t expect any form of herb to be delicious. While this didn’t work for me, it might for someone else if this is a typical dose for you!
The company states that the tabs are gluten free, vegan, and also GMO free, so you have that comfort while taking them if those issues are important to you!